ER Editor: This 19-minute video is worth listening to in its entirety, and Bosi is an engaging, eloquent speaker. He speaks for the first 14 minutes at this video taken at the Taree Freedom Rally on Dec. 13, 2021.
We’ve transcribed a fair bit of it below because it’s assertive and highly interesting for its informational content. We suspect he might be connected to what more and more people are now calling the ‘white hats’ or the good ‘shadow government’.
Topics raised:
- Govt has persuaded us to kill our kids – the ‘depth of depravity’. ‘It’s beyond the ken of decent people, which is why we have so much trouble waking them up.’
- The stats on vaccination are wrong. 60% of Australians have not taken the jab.
- Stop looking for saviours. Look in the mirror and see the solution to every problem. We must save ourselves, our families and our regions. “It’s going to happen sooner than you think. Enough of the bad guys have already been arrested …
“It’s going to happen sooner than you think because this has already come to its logical conclusion. They’ve run out of ideas. Enough of the bad guys have already been arrested. I don’t know if you’ve been noticing but apart from the Australian politicians and the police and the rest, they’re all falling off the perch. Good-for-nothing Gladys (Berejiklian, former NSW premier), Mick Fuller, Dan Andrews has lost 3 of his MPs. If these people were in charge, they’d still be there, but they’re not. Look internationally. The head of Twitter – gone. NBC, gone. CFOs, gone. They’re all disappearing one by one. The dominoes are falling. We’re now in the ascendancy. But your crooked media won’t tell you that. So turn’em off. And when you turn off the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp.) and the commercials, ‘cos they’re all the same – you don’t pay for all the commercials so just ignore them. But what you can do is you ring up Ita Buttrose at the ABC and give her a mouthful and tell her what you really think about the Australian Bolshevik Collective (ABC) that won’t tell the Australian people that they’re being poisoned by the politicians, that won’t tell Australian people that pedophiles are running the show, and the ABC has never once done an expose of pedophilia in this country. Now WHY IS THAT, I wonder? They’re all in on it (someone calls out from the audience). Bingo! (Heard: “They all work at the ABC”.) What have we gotta do? We’ve got to take the power that’s ours. Every one of you, and you guys get it, but too many don’t, but we’re getting there slowly.
Sovereignty is born with you. Each one of you is sovereign in this nation. I don’t care if you’ve been here 40,000 years or 40 minutes, you were born here, you’re an Australian, you have a right to this land, and you’ve the right to exercise that right. Every one of us. (applause) … (he talks about the different national flags representing different national groups of Australia’s legal immigrants you see at events in Australia) … I’m looking forward to the day we see one country, one people and one flag. That’ll be the day when we come together as one and we become undefeatable. Nothing and nobody will be able to touch us ever again because when every Australian realizes that sovereignty lies in your heart and your soul, and nobody has the right to tell you how to live your life, as long as you leave everyone else alone and don’t break the law, then you have the right to live the way you choose. More importantly, you have the right to determine how and by whom you are governed. And if they, to quote the American Declaration of Independence, become destructive to your needs, you have the right to alter or abolish that government. Now, how would you like the right now to sack any MP who wasn’t doing what he was told? Who’d like that? (applause) Well, that’s what we’re going to introduce to (the) Australian electoral system, recall elections. So instead of having this farce where some buffoon is presented by a party, you vote for this idiot, he ignores you for 3 years, and then comes back 3 years later and says ‘oh look, sorry, we couldn’t do anything, but vote for me again, we’ll try again next year’, how would you like this system? You vote this idiot in and the moment they displease you, you have a recall election. You get to sack them. Now, with that sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the MP, to whom do you think they’re going to be responsive – the party machine or the people that put’em in their place? That’s what power to the people actually means in a practical sense. That’s what we’re gonna be introducing to Australia – recall elections at all levels. So the elected representatives are response to you, 24/7, 365 for the duration of their time in parliament. That’s what power in your hands means. You get to sack them and they respond to your needs. This is what Australia should be. This is the promise we should have had, that has been taken from us, but we’re gonna take it back. (applause)
As I said, the next few weeks, some things will be happening. Watch international news if you can, and see who’s being arrested. And start to watch the dominoes – what we call in the military ‘combat indicators’ – watch the ebb and flow of the water to see who’s winning and losing. The first 3 months of next year’s gonna be a little tough. The easiest way I can say this is, that the poison that runs through this country is so pervasive. It’s not like a cancer you can cut out a section of skin or a section of muscle. The whole body is rancid, the whole Australian body politic, every aspect is rotten. The polity, the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the military, media, academia, business, unions, churches, synagogues, mosques, temples – you name it. There isn’t one organ of state, one institution in this country that hasn’t been penetrated by corruption. They get in at the leadership level, and then they pit us against each other at the base level. That’s how they work. And so it’s not just a matter of cutting out this group or cutting out that group ‘cos they’re all run by the same people.
What’s going to happen is a very slow removal, one by one, one by one we start to remove them. Now, to do this, there’s gonna be a series of lockdowns next year, but run by white hats, not by black hats. So [ inaudible ] March next year, just be aware. What you need to do is this: stock up on food and water. And make sure you can get through that period, just to stay off the streets ‘cos things’ll be going on that won’t be pleasant. And you won’t want to be there. And if you thought it was embarrassing watching them elbow each other for a roll of [toilet paper] in the aisles of Woollies, wait ’til people start killing each other over a tin of baked beans. So stock up food and water as best you can. Be smart, be a good samaritan. Put some aside for that idiot neighbour that doesn’t think for himself yet, ‘cos he’s gonna turn up with his wife and starving kids and you’ll do the right thing and look after him. You’ve gotta band together as a community and look after each other and your friends. It won’t last long but it will be unpleasant, unfortunately. But there’s nothing we can do about that. This is the way it has to be done. [‘What about cash?’] Hang onto cash as much as you can. What they do with it is beyond our understanding at this stage. Hang onto cash as much as you can. For those of you who are into metals, buy the metals. Silver, small denomination ingots. Don’t buy the certificates. The certificates aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. OK? But stock up on food and water.
The system is gonna be replaced, repaired, redesigned, and reliberated with as minimal disruption as possible. But you gotta get through that first 3 months. After that, there’s probably gonna be an election about April/May. My guess, closer to May. And by then we’ll have cleaned up the system enough to you get the chance to have the first clean election in probably 50, 60, 70 years. (applause)
Now, whether you join Australia One (his party) or not, that’s neither here nor there. What’s important is that you elect somebody that you know, like and trust. Now the way we organize ourselves is, if you want an Australia One candidate in your seat, you have to form the branches, you’ve gotta select your potential candidates, you have to run the presidential style primary, and then you select them. All we do at the head office is vet them to make sure they’re not crooks and spivs and pedophiles or whatever. But that’s of primary importance: You hire them, you fire them. And the sort of good, A1 candidate we’re looking for is that they know nothing about politics. That’s a real advantage. ‘Cos I get a lot of calls from people saying ‘I’ve been in politics for 30 years, and you need to know what I know.’ And I politely reply, ‘if you’ve been in politics for 30 years, you’re the problem, mate’, click. But what we’re looking for is decent people who have a history of service in the community. I don’t care if you’re the head chef of the local cafe or a cocky out on the land. Someone who has deep roots in the community, is known, liked and respected already. The sort of person who has a history of serving the community. They get involved, they’re down at Bunnings running the sausage sizzle to raise money for the cancer kids. Whatever it might be. It’s in their blood, it’s in their DNA to serve. That’s what you want as an MP. It’s a bit like jury duty – a pain in the arse, but somebody’s gotta do it. No more snouts in the trough. But if you want an A1 candidate, form a branch, select, and when the word goes out, pick the best candidate you can, and then get behind them, and we’ll help you. We’ll train you up, we’ll back you, we’ll do what’s gotta be done. Because, come the election, we want such an overwhelming result, it never even gets to preferences. The average electorate has about a 100,000 electors in it and we want the results, when the Australian Bolshevik Collective decides to call the election, they go ‘Oh my God, Australia One, Australian One!’ Damn right, Australia One. (applause)
Alright, Ladies and Gentleman. The news is mostly good. And there is a bit of bad news, but it’s bad news for Scott Morrison, for state premiers, the banks … (applause) … all those rotten sods that’ve been making our lives miserable. They’re gonna have a very very VERY BAD 2022. But we’re not. We’re gonna have a great 2022. This time next year, you won’t believe the difference in the country. You’ll be happy, freer, healthier, you’ll be in charge of your lives, and never ever ever again is someone going to come to your door and terrify you. They’re going to be very polite, and if you don’t like what they say, you just shut the door and send them on their way.
This is your country, this is your life, this is your land. We’re gonna make sure you get it back. Thank you very much.’
(applause, next speaker)
Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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