![RICO'S VERITAS - Destroying the Bonds of Slavery - FI 01 19 21-min](https://i0.wp.com/www.thelibertybeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/RICOS-VERITAS-Destroying-the-Bonds-of-Slavery-FI-01-19-21-min.jpg?fit=620%2C280&ssl=1)
RICO’S VERITAS: Destroying the Bonds of Slavery
By TLB Contributing Author: Rico S. Giron
When in the course of social interactions between men and women of flesh and blood, and a fictional corporate “government” of elected representatives, that “government” decays morally and spiritually, that “government” betrays the constraints of consent and authority agreed upon, that “government” commits egregious and violent crimes against the very men and women of flesh and blood that ordained and instituted it by mutual consent, that “government” has blatantly deceived and betrayed, then that “government” no longer has the moral or spiritual authority to govern. That “government” is no longer a “government of, by and for the people”, but rather has debauched into a “government of, by and for the corpor-nation.” A power-mongering “government” benefiting the few.
Such a “government” is no longer bound by social mores, or social bonds that benefit all, no longer bound by the “rule of law”, but has debauched into an “invisible anarchy” and a tyranny of Power to benefit the few. It then becomes the moral and spiritual duty of the descendants of these men and women of flesh and blood that originally ordained and established it, to overthrow and destroy this form of “government”, to smash to the ground that very corrupted “government.” To perform FUBAR on that corrupted “government.” That “government” no longer has the moral or spiritual consent of the men and women of flesh and blood. “A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the State, am the people.” Every thing the “government” has, it has stolen. Everything the “government” says, it is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life. Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them. Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against laws and customs.” Nietzsche.
Consent and authority are given voluntarily by groups of men and women to elected representatives as a form of extending mutual benefits and cooperation, of establishing principles of fair play, of establishing the “Rule of Law” and ensuring the abolition of the “Rule of Men” amongst themselves. In contrast, Power is grabbed violently by men that suffer from libido dominante, the greedy, the unscrupulous, and the vain. In order to disguise and protect itself, Power must always create the most wonderful facades to protect itself from discovery by the men and women of flesh and blood. Power must create a Matrix of Deception to create the facade of “upholding the Law, while breaking the Law.”
All governments, no matter what the original intent or original form, whether a Monarchy, a Kingship, a democracy, a Republic, or a Constitutional Republic, decay and debauch themselves with the passage of time. That is due to the Dark Corruptibility of the Human Ego that seeks to aggrandize and exalt itself at the expense of all others. The Human Ego is a creature of Darkness and of Satan. Power serves to inflate the Human Ego to the point of insanity. Power is evil and will corrupt all that it touches. Power is the opposite of the Midas Touch, which supposedly turned everything it touched into gold. Power, especially, secret and unbridled Power, destroys and corrupts all that it touches. Power corrupts the Soul.
All ancient cultures functioned in a manner much more closely related to Mother Nature, a Matriarchal worldview. The Heart Brain is our connecting link to the Universe. The Heart Chakra links the Finite to the Infinite. The Ego/Cognitive Brain is what I term the Ego Driven Brain and is of the “world”. The Heart Brain is of the Cosmos, a bridge between the micro (man) and the macro (Prime Creator). The Heart Brain is transcendent. It transcends all worldly religions, all political ideologies, all nationalities, wherein these all melt away into what they truly are, sheer absurdities of the Ego Brain. Please read my chapter titled, “The Heart Brain.”
All men and women seeking “office” start with good intentions. However, along the “Road of Political Service”, temptations become so prolific and magnificent that these temptations cannot be resisted. The American sheeple suffer from an infantile and misplaced “trust” of elected officials as if by the mere fact of getting elected, that confers an incorruptible moral center. In fact, the opposite is true. Getting elected and being sent to the Best Little Whorehouse in the nation, provides the elected official with ample opportunities for whoring around with no restraints. Plus the opportunity for “pork” from the Pigs Trough is overpowering to the average elected official. Elected officials become like pedophile priests, with a fresh meat market at their disposal. Ohhh, is that a little too much TRUTH for your Ego? Suck it up and quit your whining, beeeeatch!! It is precisely this infantile trust that has led us down the Road to Perdition.
Government by and among men and women can only succeed if there is a Moral and Spiritual Quality and restraint exercised interally by all equally. That ideal will not realized on Planet Earth until Humanity ascends to the next level of Spiritual Consciousness. Only at that point will we realize Self-Government. Thus this nation was founded on a lie, a false predicate. Before that level can be reached, our Hearts must be awakened and tuned to the Music of the Spheres. We must understand that we are all one Single Human Family experiencing a very brief moment of time on this Planet. We must understand that in fact, “We are our Brother’s Keeper.” Therein lies the problem with the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution for America. They were written as ideals for a moral society, not a Mammon worshiping society. The White European Society that landed on the east coast immediately betrayed those principles and ideals by engaging in a white hot greed of rapaciously displacing the Native Populations of their land and resources. The White European Society conveniently called this “Manifest Destiny”, but for whites only and sanctified by their “White God.”
Freedom and Sovereignty are etched into the Heart of Humans by the very finger of God. No man can serve two masters. Either we are Free and Sovereign or we are Slaves and on the path to Hell. However, Freedom and Sovereignty require responsibility for our entirety as Sentient Beings on this Planet. That is where the American Sheeple have failed. The have embraced Freedom but neglected personal responsibility. Instead of responsibility, they have embraced wantonness and spiritual corruption. The American sheeple have embraced Mammon and the Great Harlot. Thru Self-Deception and Self-Corruption, the American Steeple have engaged in Self-Destruction. In the end, Mother Nature simply re-balances all accounts. Mother Nature will bring America down to the necessary level in whatever manner is required to learn the lessons that need to be learned. Mother Nature has no concern whatsoever with the personal egos of humanity.
However, based on the current course humanity is on, I fear there will be much suffering, much devastation, much hunger and much loss of life, before the remaining population grasps and intuits this reality. If indeed, we are to progess onto the Path of Authentic Spirituality, we must be reborn of the Spirit and atone for all of our sins, individually and collectively as a Society. To the individualistic mind of the American Sheeple, the idea of collectively atoning for our forefathers sins, seems an impossibility. Yet it must be done before we as a people can move forward. Forgiveness and Spiritual Rebirth are synonymous. These are a necessary tandem, for neither can be granted without the other. In order to receive forgiveness, we must first grieve for our losses and our pain that we suffer from secretly. But beyond that, we must grieve for the pain we as a people have caused around the world thru the endless wars, invasions and overthrow of regimes duly elected. In order to do that, we must look deep inside ourselves and make a conscious decision to confront our Dragon. It is this Dragon in our Sub-Consciousness that enslaves us to the memory of fear and hatred. Only the most courageous will be able to confront their Dragon. And in doing so, we will recognize ourselves as part of the Dragon and will embrace this Dragon, for I am He, and He is I. Neither the Light nor the Dark can exist by themselves. From the beginning, they have co-existed.
If America fails to confront its own Dark Past, it will suffer its own destruction.
My Voice is the Cry from the Wilderness.
Parting Shot …
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Any and all copyright restrictions are hereby lifted by the original author. This article (all parts) may be copied, cited, and reproduced in part or in whole with no restrictions on copyright. Rico S. Giron
About the Author, Rico S. Giron: I have been writing and journaling non-professionally for 43 years. My ongoing adventures into personal literature began when I was 18 years old. My life has been an exploration and adventure in consciousness and philosophical meanderings … To find out more please visit Rico on facebook
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Many matriarchies through history sacrificed children and castrated men. We need a culture where men protect women again, and women care about the hearth.