Russian MoD: At Least 30 Biolabs Were Set Up by US in Ukraine

ER Editor: We’re running three short pieces on this, one by FreeWest Media, one by RT, and a tiny piece by Republished through The Saker‘s site, here is the link to an English account (machine translation) of the Russian MoD report made by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov yesterday:

Statement by the Chief of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection troops of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov (March 7, 2022): biological programs

This report shows a photograph of documentation which purports to show paperwork recovered by the Russian MoD.

This report would indicate that race-specific testing is being done, as well as research that has put the people of Ukraine specifically at risk for contracting several diseases. Further, the dangerous work on pathogens is being done not just in Ukraine but also in Georgia. (Another report quoted below suggests that Kazakhstan is also another country that has housed this type of lab.) When Russia entered Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, rapid work to destroy samples was begun:

▪️The analysis of the acts of destruction shows that work was carried out with pathogens of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lvov biological laboratory, pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in laboratories in Kharkov and Poltava. Here are some of them: only in Lvov 232 containers with the casuative agent of leptospirosis, 30 containers with tularemia, 10 with containers brucellosis, 5 containers with plague were destroyed. In total more than 320 containers. The nomenclature and excessive number of bio-pathogens indicate that the work was carried out within the framework of military biological programs.

Telegram link to the report:

See also:

Why Did the US Embassy Official Website Just REMOVE All Evidence of Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs?


See this report we ran from May 2020, two months after the crazy lockdowns began. Note the question posed on the meme:

Has The Pentagon Been Sending “Biological Bombs” Against Europe?

Of note:

In the town of Izmail (the Odessa region) in the summer of 2016an outbreak of a mysterious intestinal infection hit the children of that city especially hard. Over 400 kids were hospitalized, literally within a single 24-hour period.  The cause of the outbreak has not been identified. That same year, Ukraine was “struck” by a bizarre epidemic of swine flu, leading to SARS. In late 2016 the European Union instituted a six-month ban on chicken imports from anywhere in Ukraine, after avian-flu infections were documented in the Kherson region. And an inexplicable epidemic of botulism (from eating contaminated fish, leading to muscle spasms, suffocation, and death) has been ongoing this year (ER: 2017). Medical institutions had no antitoxin available, and so several dozen Ukrainian citizens died in agonizing pain.

It doesn’t look like anyone in either Ukraine or Europe is investigating the sources of these infections. Today we will try to figure out why this is happening.


For a chuckle, search ‘US biolabs’ on Google, and Snopes &co. will come up in spades debunking the latest finding.


Russian Defense Ministry confirms biological military activity in Ukraine

Commander of the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Protection (RCB) Troops of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Armed Forces, Igor Kirillov, gave a press conference in Moscow about US military laboratories in Ukraine.

Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva had published Pentagon documents in January attesting to the dangerousness of these experiments: Georgian and Ukrainian human guinea pigs who were inoculated with these products were likely to die quickly  [ 1 ] .

About fifteen laboratories of this type exist in Ukraine (ER: The latest Russian MoD report has doubled this figure). They are not all operational. Those in Lviv, Kharkov and Poltava worked on pathogens of plague, anthrax and brucellosis, but also diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery. The Russian army carefully destroyed 320 containers.

The United States is a signatory to the United Nations Biological Weapons Convention. In principle, they do not develop biological weapons. However, the Pentagon subsidizes research in third countries which themselves are not signatories to the Convention or are blithely violating it. This is notably the case of Ukraine and Georgia.

In 2018, a pathogen grown in a Georgian lab for the Pentagon was transported by Belgian soldiers and caused an outbreak of swine fever in Belgium  [ 2 ] .


Russian MoD: At least 30 biolabs were erected by US in Ukraine

At least 30 biological laboratories was erected by the US in Ukraine, commissioned by the US Ministry of Defense, according to Russia’s defense ministry.


Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, head of Russian Armed Forces’ Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops, in a press briefing on Monday noted that the activities of these biowarfare laboratories, as well as the “so called reform program of Ukraine’s healthcare system executed by the US” have led to an increase in cases of “highly dangerous and economically significant infections”.

According to Kirillov, biolabs were conducting experiments with the plague, anthrax, brucellosis, diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery.

Thousands of patient’s serum samples were sent to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the United States under the pretext of “testing Covid-19 treatment methods”.

In total, more than 320 containers containing very dangerous pathogens were found. The sheer amount of biopathogens testify to the work carried out within the framework of military biological programmes run by the Pentagon in Ukraine. Moscow had previously expressed concerns about the “uncontrolled and unrestricted expansion” of these facilities.

There is a high degree of probability that these constitute a violation by Ukraine and the United States of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons as they may have been carrying out work to enhance the pathogenic properties of microorganisms.

US biological warfare laboratories in Ukraine. From the briefing of the Russian MoD. Telegram

Only this can explain the haste with which Russia decided to launch its operation in Ukraine. (ER: We’re not of that opinion.)

The Kiev regime has sought to scrub evidence of its Pentagon-backed biowarfare programme, the Russian MoD revealed. The US Defence Threat Reduction Agency has since 2005 been involved in the construction or modernization of at least eight biolabs suitable for storing and working with pathogens, including those used in bioweapons in Ukraine.

Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said earlier that employees of Ukrainian biolabs had provided Russia with documents on the 24 February destruction of dangerous pathogens.

“The documents confirm that the development of biological weapons components were carried out in Ukrainian biolaboratories in close proximity to Russian territory,” Konashenkov said on Sunday.

“In the course of the [Russian] special military operation [in Ukraine,” facts of the emergency scrubbing of traces of a military biological programme being implemented in Ukraine by Kiev regime with funding from the US Department of Defence were uncovered,” the officer added.

Biowarfare labs in Kazakhstan were allegedly also redesigned by the US for use against countries such as Russia and China according to other sources. Kazakhstan was also fingered as the source of the novel Coronavirus pandemic by hosting US military labs, according to, a privately owned Kazakh website.

The Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) in Almaty opened a lab in Otrar in 2016, and the Biological Security Research Institute in southern Zhambyl region were part of “a number of large US military biological facilities” involved in US Department of Defense projects.

Ulugbek Babakulov, a political analyst, told, “The Americans have long been working in Kazakhstan on collecting dangerous viruses.” In the secret and powerful CRL, they have been developing new strains of biological weapons since 2016.

“Besides, the labs in Almaty and Otar are geographically closer to the Chinese and Russian borders—Washington’s potential enemies,” Babakulov said.

Another analyst, Tagir Bairov, said in the report that the Kazakh Government should “correct its policy regarding such US operations in our territory.”

In Georgia, pathogens and human blood were transported as “diplomatic cargo” by the US:

“The US Embassy to Tbilisi transported frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret US military programme. Internal documents, implicating US diplomats in the transportation of and experimenting on pathogens under diplomatic cover were leaked to me by Georgian insiders,” explained Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a Bulgarian journalist.



Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in Ukraine

The US has “covered” Ukraine with a network of biolaboratories linked to the Pentagon, the Russian Defense Ministry says

RT | March 7, 2022

The Ukrainian authorities have been urgently destroying pathogens studied at its laboratories linked to the US Department of Defense, the Russian military claimed on Monday, adding that such activities hint at the military purposes of these studies.

As many as 30 biological laboratories have been established in Ukraine that are actively cooperating with the US military, the commander of the Russian radiological, chemical and biological defense force, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, said at a news briefing on Monday.

The list of these laboratories’ partners includes the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) – the largest biomedical research facility administered by the US military, the general added.

Many of these laboratories have been active since the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine, and their emergence in the country has coincided with a spike in infectious diseases in the region, including German measles, diphtheria and tuberculosis, the Russian military said.

After the Russian forces launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, these laboratories started hastily destroying the materials they had been working on, including the highly pathogenic bacterial and viral agents, Kirillov has said, adding that Moscow has obtained documents related to that process.

Analysis of the documents shows that the laboratories had been working with dangerous infections such as anthrax and the plague. “Assortment and the excessive quantity of the biological agents suggest that the work done in these laboratories had been part of some military biological programs,” the general has said, adding that just one such laboratory in the western Ukrainian city of Lvov had destroyed as many as 320 containers with pathogens causing plague, swamp fever and Malta fever among others.

“If these collections fall into the hands of the Russian experts, they will highly likely prove Ukraine and the US have been in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention,” Kirillov has said, adding that “this is the only reason that can explain the hasty destruction” of those materials.

The general has also expressed his concerns that all the biological materials needed for the alleged military biological program to continue had been already transported to the US.

Kiev has denied developing bioweapons, and Washington has not commented on the Russian military statements so far.

Moscow has been raising alarm about the activities of the US-financed biological laboratories located in the former Soviet states for quite some time. Earlier, it pointed to the Lugar Research Center – a US-funded laboratory in Georgia – as a place where some dangerous experiments are being conducted.

The Pentagon brushed off such accusations as a “Russian disinformation campaign” at that time.



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