Smart Meters, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones – Sterility & Brain Cancers

Preface by: Roger Landry (TLB)

This is a topic that is massively under-reported (except by TLB and other independent media). We will present the known harmful affects of EM (electromagnetic) Radiation to the human body … especially to our much more vulnerable children! What we will show here are facts well known for several decades, yet hidden from us in favor of profit for corporate giants.

The government all but refuses to talk about the dangers presented by cell phones, WiFi and other EM Radiation producing mechanisms while quietly (under pressure) admitting that there may in fact be a problem. One recent exmple shows that the California Department of Public Health had hidden a document drafted many years ago, that contained concerns about cellphone emitted radiation from health officials (see: California Dept. Of Public Health Hid Warning On Cell Phone Radiation For Years).

When the human body (emphasis on the brain and reproductive organs) is exposed to an EM field over extended periods of time the most probable outcome is likely to be sterility and/or cancer (see: Cell Towers and Cellphones. Microwave Radiation, Electromagnetic Pollution, Impacts on Human Health).

Yet today we are surrounded and totally emersed in an ocean of EM radiation from Cellphone Towers, WiFi, Smartphones, Smart Meters, in our schools, our work enviornment, our neighborhoods and our homes, etc… and suffer an aware government that does nothing to make the general public aware! Cancer among our children, and sterility whithin the general population, are exploding in America today (FACT) … Do you think this is an accident? Do you think our supposed protectors are unaware or ignorant as to why?

Is all this subterfuge perpetrated and perpetuated in the name of profit … or maybe something much more sinister?

The following article was written in mid 2015, but does an outstanding job at accurately representing the facts. Please continue reading the attached article and consider taking the appropriate actions to protect yourself and your children …


Smart Meters, Wi-Fi And Cell Phones Can Cause Brain Cancers

By: Catherine J. Frompovich

Every pro-‘smart’ technology proponent – be it manufacturer, supplier, utility or Public Utility Commission – invariably likes to trot out ‘safety’ studies done 50 or more years ago on the then emerging radar technology that was considered ‘safe’. Why? Furthermore, what does that apparent ‘conspiracy’ say about keeping current and up to date on the very real science of how non-ionizing radiofrequencies (RFs) and electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) cause harm to humans – the brain, in particular – and especially, children’s brains and bodies?

Didn’t military studies in the 1950s and 1960s expose microwave radiation health hazards? You betcha!

Well, recently the citizens’ ad hoc committee PASMA put out a Press Release, which addresses that very issue: RF/EMF radiation. I have permission to cite it verbatim; it’s listed below. Certainly, the information imparted there should cause every parent to become concerned about those ‘smart’ technology devices and the harm they are causing their children, especially 24/7/365 “dirty electricity” from AMI Smart Meters for electricity, natural gas and water utilities.

A real and pressing concern should be about Wi-Fi in schools and the workplace, which increasingly is being implicated in migraine headaches and numerous other sorts of health anomalies. Young children are particularly vulnerable. I’ll let the PASMA Press Release speak for itself:


Pennsylvania’s children are being subjected to excessive electromagnetic frequencies in cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other “smart” gadgets that function by using radiofrequencies.

Dr. Mary Redmayne, of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, published the paper “International policy and advisory response regarding children’s exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)” in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2015; 1 DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1038832, in which she advises, “[U]sing and storing a device at least 20cm away from the body, and when using devices offline then to put them in flight mode, turn Wi-Fi off at night, and to avoid keeping devices in the bedroom.

PASMA wants to advise parents, legislators, and utility companies that certain devises cannot be turned off—at night or any time. We are referring to the AMI Smart Meters, which constantly gather and transmit information using microwave technology 24/7/365, plus send “dirty electricity” into homes.

Dirty electricity is a form of electromagnetic pollution or non-ionizing radiation. Some refer to it as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or electrical “noise.” It’s a powerful, high frequency electrical energy that travels along the wiring inside homes and buildings where only standard 60-Hertz AC electricity should be. Dirty electricity is a common effect produced by AMI Smart Meters.

Children’s bodies, because of their size and quick growth patterns, are more vulnerable to RF and EMF radiation, the brain in particular. What moral, or supposedly legal, rights do the PA PUC, PA state legislature, PA utility companies, and PECO, an Exelon Company, in particular, have to mandate and harass consumers into accepting RF-EMF emitting AMI Smart Meters or cut off their electric power?

According to the U.S. EPA, exposing people to toxins and cancer-producing substances is considered criminal activity. Furthermore, the EPA, as published in The Indiana Gazette of October 4, 1990, knew about the cancer-causing ability of EMFs when that newspaper stated, “But the EPA has stopped short of the probable carcinogen conclusion, which could have drastic implications for regulation of the American utility industry and in the workplace. Louis Slesin, power-industry watchdog and the editor of Microwave News, published in his journal’s most recent issue a paragraph from a rough draft of the EPA study recommending that low-frequency electromagnetic fields be classified as probable human carcinogens.” The Indiana Gazette article goes on to say, ‘The paragraph,’ Slesin said in a recent interview with The Morning Call, ‘has since been deleted from the report, which won’t be issued in official, final form until this month, according to the July 20 issue of TIME magazine.’” What did EPA know; did not want to admit; and why did the EPA delete “the paragraph” from the report?

However, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has declared electromagnetic fields a class 2b carcinogen, the same as lead, DDT, dioxins, PCBs, etc., based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use—the same RF/EMF technology Smart Meters use to surveil, transmit and receive information to and from homes retrofitted with those dangerous AMI meters.

The seriousness of Smart Meter electromagnetic radiation pollution increases because of “dirty electricity” Smart Meters send into homes through electrical wiring. Furthermore, those Smart Meter EMFs are constant 24/7/365 with no escaping from them, and no turning them off!

PASMA suggests that a class action lawsuit needs to be instituted against Pennsylvania utility companies that install mandatory Smart Meters, and the PA PUC, for enabling and supplying, under duress for many customers, a cancer-producing – class 2b carcinogen – technology that subjects Pennsylvania children to constant exposures to brain-cancer-producing EMFs and RFs.

The Pennsylvania state legislature must come to grips about RFs/EMFs/Smart Meters and become involved to correct this horrendous and ever-present health hazard for Pennsylvania’s children.

Smart Meter RF/EMF and dirty electricity exposures are 24/7/365, plus more serious than school funding or any aspects that affect children—the future of humanity – and their brains and lives. That RF/EMF radiation constant exposure probably is the ultimate in child abuse, should be a no-brainer. Why is that permitted, especially in Pennsylvania?


My research into cell phones, which use the same radiofrequencies as Smart Meters do to collect, transmit and send back instructions to smart appliances on the Smart Grid, found the April 2013 Briefing Paper, “Campaign for Safe Cell Phone Use” [CSCPU] [1] in which some pretty interesting facts are supplied that everyone in today’s tech world needs to know, especially if you are having memory problems.

The CSCPU reports this:

Epidemiologist and found (sic) of Environmental Health Trust, Dr. Devra Davis, says FCC’s announcement may be a critical turning point in public health policymaking.

It’s gratifying that FCC is considering revamping mobile radiation standards and testing methods, as the same methodology has been in place for more than 15 years,” Davis said. “In a world where there are more mobile phones than people, and where cell phones are increasingly used by young people and children, it is essential that any new standards for cell phones or other wireless devices be based on protecting the youngest and most vulnerable populations.” [CJF emphasis added]

This was cited from the President’s Cancer Panel voicing its concern:

The 2009 U.S. President’s Cancer Panel pointed to cell phones and other wireless technologies as potential causes of cancer. In its recommendations, the panel stated:

Methods for long-term monitoring and quantification of electromagnetic energy exposures related to cell phones and wireless technologies are urgently needed given the escalating use of these devices by larger and younger segments of the population and the higher radiofrequencies newer devices produce.

Panel chairman, Professor Lasalle Lefall noted, “The increasing number of known or suspected environmental carcinogens compels us to action, even though we may currently lack irrefutable proof of harm.” [CJF emphasis added]

Then, there’s this cited from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, “Telecommunications: Exposure and Testing Requirements for Mobile Phones Should be Reassessed”:

The July 2012 GAO report found that:

By not formally reassessing its current limit, FCC cannot ensure it is using a limit that reflects the latest research on RF energy exposure. FCC has also not reassessed its testing requirements to ensure that they identify the maximum RF energy exposure a user could experience. Some consumers may use mobile phones against the body, which FCC does not currently test, and could result in RF energy exposure higher than the FCC limit. [CJF emphasis added]

Consider this in the CSCPU report:

The image below demonstrates the increased absorption of cell phone radiation within the brains of children. Studies show that those who begin using cell phones as children develop brain tumors at a faster rate. [CJF emphasis added]

With Permission, Prof. Om P. Gandhi

Furthermore, CSCPU says this:

The published study, “Exposure Limits: The underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children,” (Gandhi et al, 2011), notes that the industry-designed process for evaluating microwave radiation from phones results in children absorbing twice the cell phone radiation to their heads, up to triple in their brain’s hippocampus and hypothalamus, greater absorption in their eyes, and as much as 10 times more in their bone marrow when compared to adults.

A major study found an eight-fold increase in brain tumors in 20-29-year-olds after only five years of cell phone use (Hardell et al, 2004). Children and teens will have a lifetime of exposure; a 2011 Pew Research Study found that eight out of 10 teens sleep with their phones under their pillows. [CJF emphasis added]

The ironic part about all those pushers and enforcers of electronic communication and/or gadgets – be they Smart Meters, cell phones, Wi-Fi, etc. – is they ALL use radiofrequencies that emit non-ionizing radiation to send and receive signals, voice, photos, etc.

Additionally, Dr Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and CNN medical consultant, is on record as saying,

The data showed people who used a cell phone 10 years or more doubled the risk of developing a glioma, a type of brain tumor. [1]

May I direct readers to page 8 of the CSCPU report to understand what really goes on when you carry a ‘live’ cell phone on your body! Page 9 tells about the deceptive consumer radiation exposure warnings. Page 11 cites “myths cooked up by the cell phone industry.”

Several pages at the end of the CSCPU report contain a “gold mine” of scientific reports and media information regarding the serious electromagnetic frequencies harms from ‘smart’ and cell phone technologies. Many thanks to the producers of the CSCPU report for an excellent job.

Equipped with this information, what will you do to protect your children’s brains, especially from Smart Meter RFs/EMFs “dirty electricity” coming into the house 24/7/365, plus their constant Wi-Fi exposure in just about every U.S. classroom?



About the Author: Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

This article (Smart Meters, Wi-Fi And Cell Phones Can Cause Brain Cancers) was originally created and published by ACTIVIST POST and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below) with attribution to author Catherine J Frompovich and ACTIVIST POST.


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