By TLB Staff Writer: Christopher Wyatt
Today April 4th, 2017 I will be on Truth Train Radio between 7pm-10pm EST discussing the upcoming anti vaccine / natural immunity documentary SPOTTING THE TRUTH. I hope people will not only tune in but will take a look at the following article that gives more information on the project. I am in need of interviews with the vaccine injured as well as families that embrace natural immunity. Exposure to the childhood illnesses is important for this project as well. The goal of this project is to end the vaccine lie once and for all! I can do this by getting to the root of the lie! Take a look at the project and if you can help in any way feel free to contact me. (CW)
For Immediate Media Release
I am a filmmaker in the process of creating a documentary titled “SPOTTING THE TRUTH!” We need to connect with non vaccinating individuals who are seeking natural immunity to the so called “childhood illnesses” of measles, mumps, chickenpox, and rubella for their families.
Interviews before, during, and after individuals or families have contracted any childhood illness are needed. The best possible scenario would be interviews directly after exposure and documenting progress through an illness. Interviews initiated during a childhood illness are, of course, also welcomed and vital for the continued success of this project.
All ages and family sizes are needed for the documentary. The public is waking up to vaccine dangers and the very real benefits of natural immunity. This is a very important project to help alleviate the fears of childhood illnesses once considered benign and necessary for proper immune development.
I am also seeking exposure to all childhood illnesses for myself, not only because I’ve never had a single childhood illness, but because I would never expect anyone to do anything I’m not willing to do myself.
I am keeping a video diary of any experience and using it as part of the documentary, as well as writing daily blog and posting periodic progress reports on social media.
My goal is to silence one of the biggest lies used to push vaccines: Childhood illnesses are to be feared.
We also need to speak with the countless families and individuals who have been vaccine injured. Vaccine injuries are far too common and in our opinion, happen 100% of the time following vaccination. While these injuries may not present themselves immediately they exist, as so many can attest to. These can include food allergies, physical and mental disability, chemical sensitivities, skin reactions, and the unthinkable–death!
We will also be talking to medical experts that are advisers and contributors to The Liberty Beacon Project who are against vaccines and or the current vaccine schedule, to get their expert opinions on the issue of vaccination as well for this documentary. The plan is to do this after every other aspect of the project is completed.
Both the CDC and pharmaceutical companies have a damning paper trail, which combined with other parts of my project could end the vaccine lie once and for all, but we cannot do it alone.
Lastly, we need to explain that this project is being shot on mobile phones and consumer grade video equipment. Shooting the documentary in this fashion makes it possible to reach more people worldwide to tell their stories, and we can easily use my blog for updates on a regular basis.
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in assisting with this documentary for the sake of Humanity… in any way… feel free to message me privately via …
Twitter: @forcedanarchy
Or email me directly at: [email protected]
Follow TLB on Twitter @thetlbproject
Visit Christopher Wyatt on both his FB page and personal blog to learn more about him and the anti vax / natural immunity documentary SPOTTING THE TRUTH
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