TLB Editors note: We don’t know about you… but it gets a little tiring seeing negative story after story from MSMedia about anything President Trump does. So when we ran across the story below we just had to share it with you. Plus, you will never see this (Positive) story in MSM.
MSMedia and the Liberals appear to be laboring under the false assumption that just because they don’t support the Trump Presidency they can just “hound him” out of the oval office or cause him to be an Illegitimate President.
Poor Liberals! They just can’t get past being guided by Ideology, while the world around them is guided by Facts. (TLB)
TRUMP HAS DONE IT NOW! Democrats Are Going NUTS After Seeing Who He Just Gave His First Paycheck To!
By Danny Gold
If nothing else, President Donald Trump is a man of his word. He said he was gonna Drain the Swamp and he IS and he said he was gonna donate his first check and, by George, he’s done it.
Today President Trump officially donated his first $78,333 paycheck to the US Parks Department!
The donation was very public after Sean Spicer brought out the new Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke and had him present the check live on camera.
Source of this “Positive News” with gratitude from TLB is Liberty
I think that Trump should donate that money to making a news station with real news.