by Anna von Reitz
The Fifty States Claim Update
Yesterday, September 2, in the Three Days of Grace following September 1— the “Time of Resurrection” in the Year of Golden Jubilee— the actual States recorded Non-UCC liens against the bankrupt “State of_______________” organizations.
Those of you who have read “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” already know that a mostly foreign-owned corporate entity was formed under the agreements (treaties) ending the Revolutionary War and setting up the original “Constitution”.
The first company formed to “provide essential government services” under this arrangement was The United States (Trading Company) formed by a consortium of old colonial investment companies under the leadership of The Virginia Company. These mostly-British companies continued to provide the nineteen enumerated services stipulated in The Constitution for the united States of America until 1863 when this first version of “United States” was bankrupted by Lincoln.
The next corporate actor on the stage was The United States of America, born 1868. It took over as the service provider at the federal level in that year and published its corporate charter as the look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” called The Constitution of the United States of America.
This corporation was bankrupted and bought out by creditors in 1907 by a consortium of mostly-European banks calling itself “the Federal Reserve” which operated under the name “the United States of America” and the Constitution of the United States of America.
In 1933, FDR bankrupted the United States of America (Inc.) and all the “State of__________” franchisees “pledged” the “good faith and credit of their states and citizens thereof”. Millions upon millions of Americans were falsely presumed to be acting as “United States citizens” and were “attached” as sureties responsible for paying off the debts of this private, mostly foreign-owned corporation from 1933-1999.
Meantime, other service providers were named as successors to the service contract, and in 1944, the UNITED STATES (INC.) fronted by the International Monetary Fund, a French-chartered international banking cartel, began operations on our shores and opened up fifty STATE franchises.
These “STATE OF_____” franchises have created a multitude of Cestui Que Vie trusts named after living Americans and also “International Organizations” named after living Americans and used these as a means to attach and seize upon our assets—- our names, our patents, our copyrights, our land, our homes, our businesses, our very bodies— have been mischaracterized and our identities have been stolen so as to promote fraud and false claims in commerce against us.
In comments made July 4, 2016, President Obama expressed the hope that the Republic would finally prove to be “dead”.
Yesterday we proved that rumors of the Republic’s death have been greatly exaggerated.
With the UNITED STATES, INC. under liquidation and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. under Chapter 11, the federal side of the original equity contract was “vacated” last year, leaving international trustees — the United Nations— in charge. We protested and made new arrangements for new federal service providers, establishing new Sovereign Letters Patent and issuing a new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty, naming the Native American Nations our international agents for the American States.
This countered any claim that we were not internationally represented and also kept the original Constitution in full force and effect.
The entire aim of the IMF and the FEDERAL RESERVE and numerous other banking interests has been first to defraud and mischaracterize Americans as “United States Citizens” and/or “citizens of the United States” which most of us have never been, tax us and coerce us and charge us under false pretenses, and finally, at the end of the day, mount a “claim on abandonment”—– say that our States of the Union no longer exist, that we all agreed to give them everything in sight, voluntarily, in exchange for “benefits” that we also agreed to pay for.
Sideshow Shinola. Malarkey. Fraud. Attempted Identity Theft of our entire nation.
You may use the attached list of States and file reference numbers to look up the Non-UCC Lien filed for your State of the Union.
You will notice that I am named as the Executor. This is because each Constitution is a Will and it requires an Executor to execute and enforce it. As Priority Creditors, we are claiming the land jurisdiction and assets we are owed and which are insured and must be held harmless from any bankruptcy or liquidation of the “federal” service providers. The Remainder-man States on the land which were released from bankruptcy in 1999 have been re-populated by the grandsons of men who were in turn “grandfathered” into the protections of the original Constitution.
Each one of these men has formally expatriated from any presumption of “United States Citizenship” or being a “citizen of the United States”.
Check. Checkmate.
We are not going to endure another round of fraudulent involvement in foreign corporate bankruptcies. We are not going to put up with having foreign commercial mercenary armies operating under color of law on our soil. We are not assuming any debts or paying for any services beyond those which our states actually ordered. And no, we don’t care what happens to the “Federal Reserve” or the “IMF” or the “World Bank” or the “IBRD” or any of these other criminal banking cartels. We and our States of the Union are not their sureties, not their “citizens” and not their chattel.
We are their erstwhile employers, who have been grossly misrepresented, mischaracterized, and defrauded by our own employees.
It is time for this whole con job to end, the odious debts to be discharged, and all Americans to seize back their true identities.
The banking cartels were formed as corporations in order to avoid accountability for their actions. They have breached their charters and breached the public trust and operated as criminal cartels involved in inland piracy, racketeering, unlawful conversion, enslavement, human trafficking, gross fraud based on semantic deceit and more. These institutions deserve to go down in infamy, to be routed out, exposed, and liquidated for the benefit of humanity.
The media and education monopolies which have played footsie with these false “governments” need to be broken up and their assets sold off to American —not foreign interests. Only fools or traitors let foreigners establish monopolies and issue private scripts instead of public money. Only fools or traitors allow foreign corporations to dominate the American airwaves and buy up all the American newspapers, television and radio outlets. Only fools or traitors allow foreign corporations to control public education in America and dominate our universities. Only fools or traitors allow our public courts to be replaced with private courts operating as bill collectors for these same banks and corporations.
What all this adds up to is an attempt by certain parties to return to the days of Feudalism, supported by a virulent form of Commercial Colonialism and criminality that has pillaged humanity since before the Flood.
Now you finally have the chance to recognize it for what it is and put an end to it.
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How does Anna intend to enforce the estate? I mean it sounds good, but words with out the abilility of force to enforce her claims are meaningless. Good luck, you’ll need it!