You have a magnificent cause that you are dedicated to because it motivates you in ways that no other topic does. Maybe this cause represents change you want to see in the world or perhaps you couldn’t imagine being in the shoes of someone who this cause represents. Another possibility is that a loved one is involved and you just want to support him or her. You have the heart, which means you have the potential to reach out to thousands of others with similar interests to provoke a positive change in the world. All it takes is one person to make a difference.
1. Join Online Groups Or An In-Person Organization
If you are passionate about a subject, chances are that many others share your interest. When you meet people who dedicate their time to a cause, you may notice you have more in common with them than the very idea you are joined by.
2. Activism, Slacktivism!
When you see your comrades create a campaign, support it! While many people don’t believe in the effectiveness of online activism, loosely dubbed as “slacktivism,” awareness of your cause can reach out to others who may be interested (or who may share out recognition that it is an issue that should be known).
3. Share Your Story
Depending on what your passion is, it may take awhile to open up about why you are dedicated to the cause, but once you feel like you are in a safe surrounding, let other group members know why this topic is dear to you. Not only does it tell people why you chose to spend time on this cause, it can create a bond with those around you who hold your similar position.
4. You’ve Got Answers… Or Opinions, Anyway!
When people have questions relating to the group’s cause, don’t feel shy about chiming in. While your answers may not be reflective of years researching the matter, your opinions and experiences may just be the knowledge that others are seeking out.
5. Believe In “The Power Of One”
Remember hearing about the Six Degrees of Separation? How we are connected globally to everyone by “a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend”? This means that you alone have the potential to reach out to anyone in the world you want with the right help and connections. Technology, along with social media, has given us a firestorm of opportunities to get our messages out there!
6. Tweet, Share, Invite, Tumble
Whatever your preference is for social media websites, pass on your reputable groups’ online requests and information. There is strength in numbers, and every great movement was started by one person who stood up, stood out, and declared a need for change and awareness.
7. Empowerment
It may be as simple as sending someone in your inner circle a “great job!” note, but encouraging your fellow connoisseur or celebrating with him/her through a brief message can make all of the difference in the world! For that person, it reinforces the good that s/he is doing and motivates them to continue to fight for what’s right!
It’s not just about the money (not to understate the importance of the mighty dollar), it’s also about volunteering your time to help out your like-minded group of new friends. You can also offer up skills and resources to a group that represents the cause in order to help boost the efficacy of the organization.
9. Become A Blogger
This is your chance to share your exact thoughts on the subject at hand with others like yourself! Writing down your position on the matter is not only cathartic, it’s validating to your followers. From your own computer, you have 100% say on the message and how you represent yourself; it is up to you what you wish to divulge, but know that you are making a difference with the very unique makeup that led you to your opinions.
10. Never Give Up!
You’ve done all of the above, created posters and called around, and you just don’t think your enlightening message is coming across to your potential audience. The truth is, in some shape or form, it really is. You may not be able to rally more than 5 new people to your cause or commitment, but in the future, if your message has gotten to someone else, when that person meets someone else with your passion, they will remember you! They may not know how to contact you or where you live, but you will still become a reference point which will make a difference in someone else’s life.
About the Author: is the author of FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary and star of the first documentary about Dermatillomania, Scars of Shame. Learn more about Angela’s recovery and advocacy at
TLB recommends you visit collective EVOLUTION for more pertinent articles and information.
I’m retired and for decades I have tried to inform and friends have also. I have spent time on blogs commenting and giving out info. Most of us have given up because no results are ever seen. Things spiral downhill. Younger people won’t take up the slack that older ones no longer do. America is without hope and without a future. No one does anything about corrupt politicians and judges. It has gone to far to turn back. A country with no borders is no longer a country.