The Changing Of The Guard II
by Steve Candidus (Steve C), via The Burning Platform
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about their answers— Thomas Pynchon American novelist
In my earlier essay on the changing of the guard (08-Nov-2017) which I wrote in August of 2017 and updated slightly before Jim allowed me to post it here on TBP that November, I postulated that war between the US and North Korea would probably be avoided, but war with Iran had probably already been decided in the affirmative.
The question then arises, decided by whom?
And even more to the point, why?
If you follow world events as I do with the thought always present that everything that we see, everything that we hear, everything that we are told is merely a scripted performance acted out by players, most of whom have no idea that they are merely actors on a stage, it gives you an opportunity to sit back and see more of the whole picture that is unfolding before our otherwise blinded eyes and senses.
This is not about politics, nationalism, oil, humanitarianism, or any other issue that is used to hit our hotspots and play on our emotions These things are all distractions and are used as tools that a behind-the-scenes group or cabal is utilizing to an end.
It’s about control.
As I wrote in that earlier essay, the deep state has used the US as its front man while controlling from behind the curtain like the wizard of Oz just as it did with the UK government before it. As each season passes to another, the controlling oligarchs have now exhausted all of our wealth and resources leaving us bankrupt morally and financially and like a swarm of locusts that have devoured everything in their path is simply moving on to their next field of plenty.
Catherin Austin Fitts has done an exemplary job of detailing the transfer of our nation’s wealth to unknown entities abroad. In case you haven’t seen it, the US is bankrupt and no one knows where the money went. At least no one that will talk or has lived to tell the tale.
I still expect that the US will be sucked into a war with Iran on some blown-up phony pretext, but the important thing to me is that it is a war that we will lose. We will lose it because we are supposed to lose it. It is the necessary procedure for the transfer of power from the US to Russia and China. The changing of the guard.
Nothing will really change for the ruling oligarchs of course. They will simply control from behind-the-scenes in those two countries rather than the US.
A lot will change for us here in what will be left of the US though. This second half of the fourth turning will likely be a rough one for us.
Our wealth has been stolen. Our industry destroyed. Our infrastructure is and has been crumbling for decades. Our moral compass has been turned upside down and we are at each others throats in a way not seen since the War Between the States. Transgender is now the norm. What does that tell you?
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. – Friedrich Nietzsche
The ratcheting up of gun control is a good measure of how close we are to the completion of their plans. Disarming the peasantry is an important task they must complete before the final stages in order to keep the unwashed masses from being able to form any kind of an uprising against what will become an ever increasingly intrusive and oppressive government.
A good rule of thumb might be that when the issue of gun control becomes almost hysteria, the shoe’s about to drop. Just ask the people in Venezuela about how they feel about having given up their firearms a few years before the whole shithouse burned down.
Here’s another guy that understood its importance.
This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!… — Adolf Hitler
Actually, he was right. We likely will follow their lead to our own destruction.
It’s a changing of the guard, and America will not be the same afterwards.
The logical path forward for those of us that want to preserve our nation and our freedom is to resist the temptations to be lied into those things that undermine who we are (or were) and into a war that will be the final nail in our own coffins.
Stay alert. Question everything. Resist being led by the bad actors that do not have our best interests at heart be they Democrats, Republicans, or any of the talking heads on TV.
We are in the middle of the fourth turning. How we come out of it depends on each of us.
…The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself… — Archibald MacLeish
(TLB) published this article by Steve Candidus from where it appeared at The Burning Platform, with our appreciation for the availability.
Steve Candidus is a writer and history buff that works as a product and application specialist of large AC electric motors in Spring, Texas.
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