The Citizens Forum: Talking Palestine


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The  Citizens Forum: Show #3: Talking Palestine

Presented by Steve Cook, the Editor of The Liberty Beacon UK.

Steve says:

Each week the Citizens Forum will give YOU a chance to have your say and tell listeners about your group, project or beliefs.

I’m interested in people and groups who are fighting one aspect or another of tyranny and making a stand for humanity and a better world.

Through my show I would like to help you get your message out there and contribute to the Freedom and Unity project that aims to bring betterment groups together in a united front and shoulder to shoulder effort against tyranny.

Tyranny – the effort to oppress and control humanity – can take many forms, including media disinformation, the denial of basic human rights and the breaking of man’s natural affinity with man: the Divide and Rule caper of pitting people against one another in unending conflict that ultimately exhausts, oppresses and degrades both sides.

In this episode, we take our first look at the military occupation of Palestine as an example of that Divide and Rule operation. From the outset, the entire manner of the occupation of Palestine has been guaranteed to spawn spiraling hatreds, to degrade and ultimately exhaust both the victim and the aggressor and keep the Middle East in perpetual turmoil.

Ultimately, the route to peace lies in both sides in this and other conflicts uniting against their common enemy: the hidden influences who, for their own purposes, have cynically used and abused them.

But first, calm must be restored and entire peoples turned from the psychosis of apartheid, institutionalized murder and unconscionable systemic cruelties and restored to reason. In the end our salvation will be not our capacity to wage war but our capacity to reason.

On this week’s show, I am very pleased to talk with Ariyana Love, journalist, passionate campaigner for human rights and senior Editor of The Liberty Beacon Network’s website Middle East Rising.

Ariyana gives some fascinating and moving insights into the almost unimaginable misery visited daily upon the Palestinian people and the mindset of the Zionist faction that has fostered and engineered both it and the fake narrative that justifies it.

She also presents an alert about yet another attack on the Palestinians being planned for the next few weeks and how YOU can help prevent it.

Ariyana states:

With secret information leaked to Middle East Rising by a journalist in Ramallah, revealing that Israel is presently gathering approval from the USA and EU to launch another “war” on Gaza in the next few weeks, it is imperative that we take action now. Read more here:

Breaking: Israel Planning New War On Gaza In The Next Few Weeks


Citizens Forum is on every Monday night at9 PM EST (you will receive a “No Results Found” message if you click on the show link prior to air time) at the Liberty Beacon Radio Network and can be heard in full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).

Click on the TLB Logo to hear the show

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