The Corona Tyranny and the Quarantine of Truth
Kickl’s video has not yet been deleted by the censors of Big Tech. The censors of Big Tech have been particularly busy these days deleting videos made by doctors and virologists all over the world who are critical of the way in which the mainstream media have reported on the so-called pandemic.
There are at least 100 doctors in Germany who have spoken out, many publishing urgent letters of protest to the German government, denouncing the misinformation and unnecessary panic being spread about the virus. Most of them have never been heard of before in dissident circles. They were, until quite recently, respectable authorities with top positions in academia and government.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg used to be promoted and respected by the establishment when he a member of the European Parliamentary Committee on Health and advisor to the German government. But Wodarg was one of those rare doctors who had moral integrity. In 2019, he demanded an investigation into the World Health Organisation, after it was revealed they had been lobbied by Big Pharma to exaggerate the dangers of the H1N1 pandemic.
Wodarg was pilloried by the media after he denounced the lies and pseudoscience being used to justify the panic over the coronavirus. Coronaviruses have been identified and classified since the 1960s. In most cases, they are associated with flu and colds and are hardly ever a threat to healthy individuals.
Now Wodarg has a new title: conspiracy theorist.
How could he possibly suggest that the infallible World Health Organisation could be under the influence of pharmaceutical lobbies pushing for mandatory global vaccines! Wodarg was not the only scientist to be demoted in social status. Dr Sucharit Bhakti (pictured left), a Thai microbiologist based in Germany, said in an interview that we are now living under a global totalitarian dictatorship. He said he had lived under military dictatorships in Thailand in the past and had always believed that would never happen in an educated country such as Germany. He said he cannot believe that the public could be so ignorant as to believe the sensationalist nonsense being spewed by the media. Dr Bhakti ought to shut up if he wants to continue in academia because the people who run the European Union don’t like those kinds of scientists.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit (pictured right), a French leader of the group European Greens in the EU Parliament laid down the new rules in public intellectual discourse. “Qu’il ferme sa gueule – He should shut his gob” he fulminated on French television against France’s top epidemiologist Didier Raoult, who proposed the inexpensive and highly effective hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus. New diseases call for new forms of discourse. And who could argue with the authority of someone like Cohn-Bendit? He was the leader of the 1968 student uprising where he got considerable help from the CIA. In his 1975 book Le Grand Bazar he boasted about sexually abusing children in “alternative” creches he ran.
You can see a video of him online talking about having sex with children as he fondles a child in front of the camera. But of course, only “fascists” are shocked and outraged by these things. Don’t expect any respectable leftist to ever mention it.
This, too, is the “new normal.” You are supposed to admire and look up to people like him. After all, the World Health Organisation is on his side. They recommend teaching children under 5 to masturbate. It turns out Mr Cohn-Bendit was before his time. So, how could you not trust what they say about the global pandemic? You need to get real! The organization which promotes child molestation wants to come for your children next. The executive director of the WHO Dr. Mike Ryan said, “We may have to enter homes and remove family members and isolate them.” The principle donor to the WHO is billionaire Bill Gates. Gates was also an associate of the Jeffrey Epstein gang. Epstein’s home contained photos of children being tied up and tortured. Is that what Ryan means when he talks about isolating members of our families “in a dignified manner”?
This crisis has had some positive outcomes. Millions of people are waking up to the reality I have just described. Old methods of defending tyranny no longer work. Mediapart, a French fake news website, tried its best to discredit Dr Raoult’s work with an utterly asinine video. The comments on the video were overwhelmingly negative, which shows that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. A far more intelligent and genuinely critical review of Dr Raoult (pictured) was done by the YouTube channel Contagion et Liberté where it was shown that Dr Raoult may, in fact, be controlled opposition.
In a report he wrote for the French government, Dr Raoult lamented the fact that the state did not have the legislative means to impose vaccines and quarantines on the population:
“We don’t have the possibility of imposing treatment on those suspected of the disease. This could cause a problem given the fact that many of them might be doctors, and they are not the most docile in terms of the prevention of contagion.”
It seems attacking Dr.Raoult is now the job of the fake left and defending him the job of the fake right. But no one is talking about the fact that we now live under a regime which wants to quarantine and “treat” us at will. No one seems to be bothered by the elephant in the room in this crisis, namely that the PCR tests are not designed to test for viruses, according to their inventor Dr. Kary Mullis. Dr. Jeno Ebert confirmed this on Swiss television.
That means that we will all have to go through meaningless tests, and if we get a false positive, will have our liberty taken away, perhaps indefinitely. Tyranny would not be a sufficiently strong term to describe what I’m trying to explain here.
There have been many casualties in this media war. Many writers on the left wrote good analyses of the Syrian war and other conflicts but proved to be idiots and cowards when it really counted – when the war really came home. Their analyses will join the bins of plastic gloves.
Former colonel of Russia’s Military Intelligence Service (GRU) Vladimir Kvachov said the coronavirus scam is about population reduction. “They think there’s too many of us ordinary people in the world. There should be around 100 million of their own kind and a maximum of one billion people in the world to serve them.”
In his book “The Zero Marginal Cost Society: the Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons and the Collapse of Capitalism,” Jeremy Rifkin argues that in the near future, there will be two classes, the global elites who own everything and a global serf class. The 5G masts are going up for the internet of things while the masses gaze at their TV screens, overeat and applaud their slavery every night at their windows like trained circus animals. Meanwhile, hundreds of videos are being made by nurses in hospitals all over the world dancing in empty hospitals.
Ultra-leftist sloganeering about how capitalists will lose from this crisis will not change the fact that stocks are up and the richest few in the world continue to get richer. To be sure, there will be some casualties, some millionaires who will fall. For example, Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair is not happy. He may lose everything. But so will all the working-class people who enjoyed the possibility of cheap travel for the first time ever. Travel in future will only be for the elites. They will fly in their private jets to fancy resorts to preach about “global warming,” while the rest of us are told we have to stay at home to “save the planet” and protect ourselves from the virus.
This crisis has turned billions of the world’s people into zombies.
Zombies are dangerous beings. We will need to social distance from them before they turn us in for not believing the government propaganda. For the new norm is if you disagree with anything the global pedo-criminal regime says, you will be told to shut your gob and put on your mask or be put into isolation “in a dignified manner.”
Original article
Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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