Listen to recorded vaccine discussion below preface.
Preface by TLB staff Writer & Talk Show Host: Christina England
It is always exciting to be given the opportunity to speak to a fellow advocate who writes about the dangers of vaccination, and this week was no exception.
Ingibjörg Gunnlaugsdóttir, a Craniosacral Balancing Therapist and music teacher working in Iceland, first became interested in the dangers of vaccinations after her eldest son suffered an adverse reaction. Over the years, her work has been read worldwide and she now regularly writes on the dangers of vaccination for several Icelandic blogs and newspapers including this site, which she owns, and the Icelandic Newspaper
Ms. Gunnlaugsdóttir is a very outspoken woman and believes in telling it as it is. In her article titled Denial and Intentional or Unintentional Misstatements Doctoral Anna (title translated), she wrote:
“Bóluefni eru einu lyfin þar sem ekki fylgir með fylgiseðill á íslensku. Þær upplýsingar ættu allir sem bólusetja á að fá, eins og þegar um önnur lyfjaform er að ræða. Það er ekki landlæknir sem ákveður hvað á að þýða um lyf, heldur Lyfjastofnun Íslands!
Þeirri stofnun finnst engin ástæða til að láta almenningi í té upplýsingar á fylgiseðli um bóluefni sem þeir gera þó með öllum öðrum lyfjum. Það segir á síðu þeirra að bóluefni séu lyf!
Here words, when translated, read:
“Vaccines are one of the drugs which are not accompanied by a leaflet in Icelandic. The information should any vaccinations to get, as for other pharmaceutical case. It is not a surgeon general who decides what to translate the medications, but Medicines Iceland!
The organization found no reason to make public the information leaflet about the vaccine they do, however, with all other drugs. It says on their page that vaccines are drugs!”
In fact, her words can be so strong, that due to the content of her recent article on the dangers of HPV vaccinations, the editor of the newspaper refused to publish the article several times before finally allowing publication. This, according to Ms. Gunnlaugsdóttir, was due to the strict Icelandic vaccination rules and regulations.
Ms. Gunnlaugsdóttir has been a guest on radio shows worldwide and is passionate about exposing the truth on a range of topics including the dangers of chemtrails, geo-engineering, psychiatric drugs and vaccination.
Tonight, Ms. Gunnlaugsdóttir joins founder of The Liberty Beacon Project Mr. Roger Landry and his co-host, journalist and author Christina England, on a TLB vaccination special.
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