Eradicating Programmed Ignorance – Humanities Propensity for Violence, With Special Guest – Researcher Author and (Nonviolent) Activist – Robert J. Burrowes
By Show Host and TLB Founder: Roger Landry
Human history is littered with tales of conquest, war, massacre, invasion, etc… In many cases this is accepted and idealized (especially by the victor). Thus on the flip-side in many cases these actions set up a long term bias (prejudice) that perpetuates hatred for years, decades, generations and even centuries into the future between individuals, communities and nations.
We as a species kill more of our own than any other species inhabiting this planet … WHY?
Lets start this off by saying that violence against our inter-species brothers and sisters is a learned response, a response to the stimuli we are constantly bombarded with by the Mainstream Media, our schools, our entertainment, our government, and most of all, our formative years growing up in a controlled family environment. Today we delve into this topic with conviction with the assistance of an individual who has made it his mission to discover the why as well as the solution to human on human violence … Robert J. Burrowes
But first …
I am joined every week by my OH SO intelligent Co-Host Rebecca Mahan. Rebecca is the Liberty Beacon Project’s Media Director as well as the host of the TLBTV show Rebecca Sounds Reveille. Rebecca served in the United States Marine Corp and is also a retired peace officer. With her education and service, her contributions to TLB and Eradicating Programmed Ignorance are incalculable.
About our Guest Robert J. Burrowes: Robert is a fairly recent addition to the TLB Project family as a contributing author with a growing number of great articles archived mainly on our flagship website The Liberty Beacon.
Robert has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’. Robert is a kind, respectful and intelligent individual with a mission and the motivation to pursue the answers … for as long as it takes. Robert’s first real foray into this subject occurred in 1966, and this set him on a path that he still follows today.
When you spend your life researching why we (humanity) think and react the way we do, complicated by the myriad of psychological issues humanity has fostered upon itself and … well lets open this discussion with a thought provoking quote from our guest …
A wonderful thing about observing and analyzing the human mind is that there is a seemingly infinite variety of phenomena to observe and analyze. I sometimes wonder if it is even remotely possible to master this subject (human violence) but, even if it is not, at least it provides an unending source of ‘entertainment’.
Watch this engaging discussion …
Read more articles by Robert here
Another of Robert’s accomplishments (click on image for more book info)
Robert has been a member of the Australian Nonviolence Network since 1981 and has been involved in many nonviolent action campaigns. He is best known for his war tax resistance, his involvement in the campaign of the Melbourne Rainforest Action Group, and his membership in the Gulf Peace Team. He now devotes all of his time to nonviolent activism, education, and research.
What is the Global Nonviolence Network
Robert J. Burrowes
The Global Nonviolence Network (GNN) is a list of organizations and individuals (many of whom act as official contacts for networks like IFOR, SERPAJ or WRI) that promote and/or teach nonviolence. The GNN is published here to assist those individuals seeking information and support from nonviolence organizations and to facilitate networking among people committed to nonviolence.
The list does not include the many action groups that use nonviolence.
The list has been compiled from many sources but is not complete: it contains 159 contacts in just 56 countries. You may find other nonviolence organisations among the affiliates of the international networks listed below (by checking their websites) but sometimes these affiliates are issue-based and, while committed to nonviolence, may not be in a position to provide the type of support you require.
This list will be updated whenever I am advised of a change. If you know of additions, deletions or alterations, please send them to me at one of the following addresses or use the ‘comment’ facility above.
Contact information for Robert:
Robert J. Burrowes – P.O. Box 68 Daylesford Victoria 3460 – Australia
Email: [email protected]
Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth
Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy
If you would like to write for TLB, host a TLBTV show for The Liberty Beacon Project, or be a guest on Eradicating Programmed Ignorance or another show on TLBTV, click the email link on this page or email Rebecca Mahan (TLB Media Director) directly at: [email protected]
About the Author and Show Host: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than seven short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of many proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
Click on the image below to visit TLB Project on twitter …
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