Fighting a Corrupt Legal System
(See Archived show below intro article)
By TLBTV Host: Roger Landry (TLB)
On this episode of Eradicating Programmed Ignorance we will be discussing a topic that affects all our lives at some point. For the lucky among us it is something seldom encountered … for the unlucky these experiences come far too often. We will be discussing the American Legal System. We at TLB pride ourselves on not only keeping you well informed of the problems and issues we all face today in a dynamic and fast paced world, but in providing you with viable solutions whenever possible. What we present you here is just such a scenario. Our two special guests today are co-authors of a book designed and written to educate you about the American legal system.
I am joined in this discussion by my outstanding co-host Rebecca Mahan who coincidentally has a background as a peace officer. This allows Rebecca a unique perspective of a legal system that most of us are not privy to (and in many cases hope we never are). Add to this her sterling personality and intellect and you must realize this is an episode that she is eminently qualified to help us present to you!
Together we welcome our newest TLB partners, Contributors and Celebrated Authors …
Sara has represented clients in real estate, immigration, employment, and business-related matters. She has practiced law in both the federal and state systems in California and was one of several attorneys who defended individuals and business entities in an $80 million federal RICO lawsuit in Los Angeles that was eventually settled through mediation.
She worked as in-house counsel for a property management company that she represented in numerous small claims lawsuits. Litigating small claims cases was a major influence on her view of the law as it affects ordinary Americans.
She understands the frustrations that most people experience when faced with the complexities and inefficiencies of the American judicial system and holds the view that it is often preferable to mediate rather than litigate. Sara has been practicing law since 2009. She received her Juris Doctor from Chapman University.
Tom has withstood approximately two dozen duels with the legal system—some voluntary, most not. Being a novice initially, he wasn’t very adept, but quickly learned how to turn the tables on the system and beat it at its own game.
He shares with readers what has worked and what has not worked for him when battling in courts in various states. As is mentioned in the book, he has defeated those who are supposed to uphold the law and has never lost to a lawyer when fighting him or her one-on-one within the courts.
Tom is the world’s former top-rated fitness model and is a former college and semi-pro athlete. He is also an accomplished commercial model and actor, has an engineering degree, holds a U.S. patent, sponsors two children in foreign countries, is a certified personal trainer, and is coauthoring the health and wellness sequel, Stack the Health Odds in Your Favor, with fellow fitness pro, Susan Baxter, of New Zealand.
We live in a world today where the bias and corruption continuously displayed by the American legal system is so ingrained it is almost accepted, and surely expected by a society kept in fear and ignorance of its true purpose and mission. Our legal system is the harbinger of Justice … or at least it is supposed to be. The truth be told … when those with money and power are treated in one fashion, while those who are working class or poor are treated in another, the last word we can associate with our current system is … JUSTICE! With this in mind we proudly present Sara and Tom’s book …
This highly acclaimed legal self-help book is the hybrid product of a lawyer and a non-lawyer author. The unique collaboration between them is not found in any other legal resource, nor is a significant portion of the material they cover. The book is packed with unbiased information about the current state of the legal system, why it is the way it is, where it is headed, and, most importantly, how to beat it at its own game!
* Reveals secretive rules, discusses atypical strategies, and furnishes new information
* Contains the broad insight of authors internal and external to the U.S. legal system
* Provides ways to counteract the corrupt legal system so crucial for the average person to successfully fight a legal battle
Sara and Tom have 30+ years of combined legal experience that they share in a practical, easy-to-read format. Learn about the wildly corrupt legal system now before it strikes. It is not a question of if, but when it will happen. Having this knowledge will arm you best to fight a speeding ticket, and other vehicular citations and to handle, small claims, landlord tenant, issues, debt collection, criminal defense, divorce, probate, wills, and much more.
Sara and Tom will be producing their own TLBTV weekly show to launch in the very near future. This is a unique show detailing the Legal System and its strengths and its flaws. This is an aspect of The Liberty Beacon Project that has been sorely missing in our stated mission to Eradicate Programmed Ignorance. Because when you have a legal system that works mainly in favor of the wealthy and powerful … Knowing the system is something those who inherently benefit from it … truly wish to keep you ignorant of … !!!
To find out more about Sara and Tom, their mission and goals, and to order their book click here to visit their website, or click on the book image above.
Please watch and listen as Eradicating Programmed Ignorance discusses The Corrupt American Legal System with the authors of this outstanding self help book …
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than seven short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of over a dozen proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website
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