ER Editor: Guantanamo Bay is hitting the news in regards to Trump and immigration. Why this, why now? We offer some conventional reporting from RT, and something deeper from Forbidden News below, which links Gitmo to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) within a legal discussion.
Backchannel sources with NDA’s all confirm that military tribunals of deep staters have long been going on at Gitmo. Real Raw News is a site that especially covers this topic. Why on earth would there be a gerontology clinic there?
A reminder that credible, former CBS journalist Catherine Herridge has just gone down to Guantanamo (a tweet reminding us of some of her history) —
Seeing This Particular Journalist At This Specific Location, And The Timing Of This Announcement, One Can Only Conclude That The Final Showdown Is About To Commence. pic.twitter.com/B8liZGXwlm
— WarNuse (@WarNuse) January 22, 2025
The Pen, Catherine Herridge, is at GITMO… 👀
Drop a 🐸 if you know.
Nice timestamp 123 pic.twitter.com/kYw0vRvvSC
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) January 19, 2025
The Traitors Who Signed The FISA Warrants Allowing The Spying On Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, And Later President Donald J. Trump.
Dana J. Boente – Acting AG
Rod J. Rosenstein – Deputy AG
Sally Q. Yates – Deputy AG
James B. Comey – Director FBI
Andrew G. McCabe -… pic.twitter.com/s2WeCXOqKx— WarNuse (@WarNuse) November 19, 2023
‘Whoever, Owing Allegiance To The United States, Levies War Against Them Or Adheres To Their Enemies, Giving Them Aid And Comfort Within The United States Or Elsewhere, Is Guilty Of Treason And Shall Suffer Death.’
18 U.S.C. § 2381 – Treason
Mark Alexander Milley pic.twitter.com/xAltPMMogM
— WarNuse (@WarNuse) January 13, 2025
‘Whoever, Owing Allegiance To The United States, Levies War Against Them Or Adheres To Their Enemies, Giving Them Aid And Comfort Within The United States Or Elsewhere, Is Guilty Of Treason And Shall Suffer Death.’
18 U.S.C. § 2381 – Treason
Victoria Jane Nuland pic.twitter.com/xMVXBOgxYi
— WarNuse (@WarNuse) January 27, 2025
‘Whoever, Owing Allegiance To The United States, Levies War Against Them Or Adheres To Their Enemies, Giving Them Aid And Comfort Within The United States Or Elsewhere, Is Guilty Of Treason And Shall Suffer Death.’
18 U.S.C. § 2381 – Treason
Lloyd James Austin III pic.twitter.com/D5cnizfbFW
— WarNuse (@WarNuse) January 26, 2025
‘Whoever, Owing Allegiance To The United States, Levies War Against Them Or Adheres To Their Enemies, Giving Them Aid And Comfort Within The United States Or Elsewhere, Is Guilty Of Treason And Shall Suffer Death.’
18 U.S.C. § 2381 – Treason
Barry, Walker & William pic.twitter.com/KVH5Gf0DUW
— WarNuse (@WarNuse) January 17, 2025
Every Single One Of These U.S. Presidents Were ‘Handled’, From The Beginning Of Their Respective Presidencies Til The End, Even In The Years After.
George H.W. Bush, Barack H. Obama, George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, And James E. Carter.
This Is Treason, Punishable By Death.… pic.twitter.com/iT9yIvsNB2
— WarNuse (@WarNuse) January 26, 2024
We highly recommend following this Twitter account (note the spelling of NUSE, not nurse) —
Trump let everyone know about Guantanamo Bay!
“Most people don’t even know about it.”
The migrant facility at Guantanamo Bay is only one of the facilities there.
It has nothing to do with Camp Justice.
First Catherine reports from GITMO.
Now Trump talks about it.
NCSWIC pic.twitter.com/d1NMsUgWYL
— RealAF Patriot (@RealAF_Patriot) January 29, 2025
Question: How is Trump using the term ‘illegal alien’?
ER: There is a lot of, frankly, squawking about this topic on Twitter from left-leaning patrons, which we take to be a total misreading of the situation. At minimum, Trump is signalling something here. As he always does.
Trump to send deported migrants to Guantanamo
The notorious US military detention camp in Cuba will house up to 30,000 people, according to the president
President Donald Trump has announced plans to expand detention facilities at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to accommodate thousands of deported immigrants as part of his intensified efforts to remove illegal aliens from US soil.
The initiative was revealed on Wednesday during the signing of the bipartisan Laken Riley Act, which mandates the detention and potential deportation of undocumented individuals accused of theft and violent crimes, even before conviction. Justifying the use of Guantanamo Bay, Trump argued that some individuals are “so bad, we don’t even trust the countries to hold them, because we don’t want them coming back.” (ER: To whom is Trump REALLY referring to here?)

“So we’re going to send them out to Guantanamo,” Trump added, calling the facility “a tough place to get out of.”
Guantanamo Bay, best known for holding terrorism suspects, also hosts a separate migrant processing center. Trump said he would sign an executive order directing the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to expand and prepare the facilities for new arrivals. (ER: Gitmo was significantly expanded during Trump’s first term.)
“Most people don’t even know that we have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people,” Trump stated. He added that the move would “bring us one step closer to eradicating the scourge of migrant crime in our communities once and for all.”
Since his first day back in office, President Trump has enacted a series of executive orders aimed at overhauling the US immigration system. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have been carrying out raids across the country, detaining hundreds of people daily. Targeted cities include Boston, New York, Newark, and San Francisco, with agents focusing on arresting immigrants who had committed crimes after entering the US illegally, according to the agency.
The Trump administration has also escalated deportation efforts, using military planes for removal flights and threatening tariffs and other repercussions for countries that refuse to accept deportees.
Guantanamo Bay has been a US naval base since 1903 and was transformed into a detention center in 2002 under President George W. Bush to house suspected terrorists following the September 11 attacks. The facility has long been criticized for torture and indefinite detentions without charge or trial. As of January 2025, 15 detainees remain at the site, many of whom have been imprisoned for over two decades without formal charges.
The Cuban government has consistently denounced the presence of the US military base at Guantanamo Bay, calling it a violation of Cuban sovereignty and raising concerns over human rights abuses at the detention facility. On his first day in office, Trump reinstated Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism, reversing an executive order issued by former President Joe Biden just a week prior.
In 2018, there was a massive construction project o expand the base during Trump’s first term – including a gerontology clinic at Camp Delta for all the octogenarian traitors

In this video, Common Law Expert, Robert Craft explains what is about to unfold, presumably, once all of Trump’s Cabinet appointees are sworn-in.
I am not a legal expert, so I’m having a hard time verifying some things that Robert Craft says and I invite people who are smarter than me to weight in:
1. I don’t see that GITMO aka the Guantanamo Military Commission is, in any way related to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague. Since 9/11, only Federal and Military prosecutions have occurred at GITMO, no ICJ cases have ever been prosecuted there.
Craft seems to be suggesting that GITMO will soon be designated as a venue for the ICJ for North America, in order to return Common Law – upon which the US Constitution is based – to the United States. He says that Common Law Barristers will be required to prosecute these cases.
2. I don’t see that the Marines have anything more to do, specifically, with GITMO than the other US military branches in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, as Craft suggests – outside of the one part of the Marine Corps’ Mission that distinguishes them from all the other military branches, as outlined in 10 U.S.C. § 5063, which puts the Marines under the direction of the President: “Such other duties as the President or Department of Defense may direct.”
3. I don’t see that civilians can be prosecuted at GITMO. Although the Judicial and Executive Branches are Civilian, these Branches can include military officers; however, members of the Legislative Branch must be Civilians. Legislators cannot be Active Duty military members. Nancy Pelosi is not in the military.
The legal way to prosecute civilian members of the Federal Government at GITMO, would be first, to declare either these individuals – or these “Individual Organized Cartels” – as “Unlawful Combatants” or “Mercenaries”.
Designated Cartels could be tried as “Individuals”, per President Trump’s January 20th Executive Order, “Designating Cartels and Other Organizations as Foreign Terrorist Organizations and Specially Designated Global Terrorists” – which, interestingly, I don’t see on the Federal Register.
4. GITMO has a terrible record. Since Camp Justice was established in the wake of 9/11 by George W Bush in 2001, several of the JAG officers there have resigned from their posts, due to concerns about defendants not receiving due process rights or their evidence being acquired through torture (aka Waterboarding), etc.
To date, there have been a total of only eight convictions in the military commissions, six through plea agreements – and several of these convictions have been overturned, in whole or in part on appeal by US Federal Courts.
There are five cases currently ongoing in the commissions and another two pending appeal, including United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al., the prosecution of the detainees alleged to be most responsible for the September 11, 2001, attacks. None of those five cases has yet gone to trial.
The continued existence of GITMO is quite mysterious, despite several Presidents’ promises to shut it down – except for Trump, who expanded it.
Here’s where it gets interesting: Hundreds of prisoners have been held at GITMO and most have since been released, some to Switzerland. According to WikiLeaks, this was due to a deal struck with Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). My late colleague, Army Lieutenant Scott Bennett , a former Terrorist Financing Officer at US Central Command with a Top Secret SCI Clearance discovered UBS had been financing terrorism.

More recently, Scott discovered that UBS was directly involved in the theft of the 2020 Election, when the CCP partnered with them to purchase Dominion Voting Systems to overthrow Trump.
As Scott explained:
“Eric Holder [President Obama’s Attorney General] and Lanny Breuer worked for the law firm that represented Union Bank of Switzerland and Union. Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer and their law firm, Covington & Burling and Hillary Clinton and the State Department and Joe Biden and Barack Obama and John Brennan – and many others that I list in my book [‘SHELL GAME: A Military Whistleblowing Report to the U.S. Congress Exposing the Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection to Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command’] – all conspired and collaborated to set up what we see here, today. The UBS-Chinese Communist Party technological manipulation of software – and they tried to do it in 2016 and it failed – but they fixed their loopholes and they were able to get it across now [in 2020].
“The Chinese Communist Party and Union Bank of Switzerland have created a joint organization, UBS Securities, LLC. This is a front organization used to purchase election vote-counting technology, Dominion and others for the purpose of overthrowing the Trump presidency…
“The Chinese Communist Party used Union Bank of Switzerland to create an entity called UBS Securities to then buy Dominion Software, Dominion Voting and other machines and companies, so that they could monopolize and corner the market of the electronic voting processes and systems. And then, they corrupted it with zip drives, flash drives, electronic means to manipulate the algorithms and then come up with the end result that they wanted.
“This was set up by two very important people to remember: the Mayor of Beijing, Wang Qishan…and the Premier of China, Wen Jiabao. These two individuals established this UBS Securities and gave $400 million – they originally gave $200 million to create this in 2014, and they didn’t put any money into it again until October 8th of this year [2020], in which they put in $400 million into Dominion and then, the rest is history. This has been revealed as part of the apparatus, part of the instrumentality that they used to undermine the election.
“In 2006, under the personal arrangement of Wang Qishan, the Mayor of Beijing, UBS Securities was transformed into UBS Securities, Ltd and acquired by other Chinese assets…one of the other companies that was bought was ES&S. It’s the largest voting machine manufacturer in the United States. So ES&S was acquired by the Chinese. It also acquired Premier and it essentially monopolized this whole voting technology.
“There are people associated with the Soros Foundation, Soros Canada Foundation that were part of this; Dana Simpson is one of the names that has popped up. This is the big working group: Union Bank of Switzerland, Chinese Communist Party, utilizing software for manipulating the efforts. That’s what we see happening right now. This is what Sidney Powell and Lin Wood and others are going to be prosecuting and investigating…”
Running Time: 2 mins

For years, the rumors about justice finally being served at GITMO suggested that Traitors would be tried under Military Justice but Robert Craft, here is suggesting that civilian Traitors will be tried under Constitutional, Common Law, which is derived from English Common Law.
I know! – you’re thinking England, the same evil entity that’s been trying to overthrow the US since 1776 – but, no. English Common Law is distinct from the United Kingdom and British Crown and the British Commonwealth.
England was overthrown centuries ago by the Black Nobility but it still maintains much of the English Common Law that helped to make the British Empire, the United States and Commonwealth countries so successful.
William Keyte is an expert on Common Law, who has been appearing on The Neil Oliver Show on GBNews, talking about the concepts within English Common Law that provide for self-governance and sovereignty and how these mechanisms have been deeply-concealed from the Citizens of the United Kingdom.
The UK, itself does not have a Constitution. The Acts of Union 1707 politically joined the Kingdoms of England and of Scotland, which each have their own Constitutions, each with different legal systems. The English Constitution is based on English Common Law and the Scottish Constitution is based on Roman Law, which also forms the basis for the legal systems of most European and Latin American countries.
The political “UK Union” State, with the Parliament of Great Britain based at the Palace of Westminster is supposed to uphold and to enforce the Constitutions of both nations.
William Keyte reveals how a mass awakening to English Common Law could change the destiny of the Globalists’ bid to destroy all of the nations of the British Isles – and indeed, to destroy every nation on this Earth.
Keyte explains how, according to Common Law, that stretches back to even before the Magna Carta, back to Ancient Athens, “The real meaning of ‘democracy’ is, specifically, the emplacement of a mechanism into your Constitution that allows the People, through the Jury, to be the Final Arbiter of Law.” In US Law, this mechanism is known as “Jury Nullification”. There’s obviously a bit more to it, but you can see more, here.
Running Time: 5 mins

Will we soon see justice?
Robert Craft: Morning, everybody…the video about the Return of the Marines [during the Inauguration Ceremony] and the one video got a bunch of views but people asked 100 questions. So here’s what I’m going to tell you, OK:
I have an International Bar Association License membership, which makes me an international lawyer.
Technically, it’s called a “barrister”, with a Bachelor of Laws through the University of London, in Common Law, right?
Because, when we say “Common Law”…we don’t realize that stuff’s real, like you have to go get the credentials, so you can be recognized.
And I didn’t just spent the last five years, reading almost 500 books and building a whole international organization not to know what I’m saying; what I’m saying and why I’m saying it.
So, to have Law in the Nation, you have to have a Court. International Law is Human Rights Law, in arbitration. That court is the Guantanamo Bay Court of Justice, because it’s the International Court of Justice, out of the Hague, OK?
As I said before, when I said the War of 1812, the Marines are back and that one got a bunch of views. Marines are back because the Redcoats that invaded in 1812 was not the Marines.
According to the Supreme Court of the United States Ruling in 1930, they classified them and named that cartel organization “The Union of the United States”. That Union of the United States consisted of the House of Representatives or members, senators, rogue British officers, naval officers, OK and financial cartels or financial organizations, all together, alright? That was called the Union of the United States.
When they burned the White House down, they destroyed all the land records and all the land patents; when they tried to invade Baltimore, they were trying to get to the birth records at the Basilica.
They never got in, because they were held at Fort McHenry where the “Star Spangled Banner” was written. Then they decided to appoint infiltrators into our system and they left. That’s why we assumed that we won the War of 1812. We didn’t win the War of 1812. They left operators, agents.
Those agents have subsequently become the financial organizations or the power organizations, subsequently called, now the “Federal Government” – or key parts of the Federal Government – the elite or their operators. Lincoln called them “agents”, OK? Basically, an insurgency that’s been here since 1812, alright?’
So, the International Court of Justice prosecutes for Crimes Against Humanity, but you got to have the International Court of Justice in the North American territory, before you can return Law.
That’s how it works. You got to have the Court. That court is run by the United States Marine Corps. That’s why it’s at Guantanamo Bay, alright?
Trump signed an Executive Order, saying that it was “against cartels”. Everybody assumes it is the drug cartels. Everybody assumes it’s the drug cartels. It’s not the drug cartels – not just the drug cartels, OK – which, they’ll probably be given a chance to redeem themselves, alright?
But here’s what it is: If someone blows the whistle or exercises their rights and you put together, let’s say, 19 people in an organization, when one of the workmen inside that organization blew the whistle on you and you tortured them and you violated all their rights and you ignored them and you did whatever you wanted, “you”, as an organization – all 19 people, right here – will be classified as an “Individual Organized Cartel”, that is operating outside of treaties and the International Court of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention.
If you did it to somebody who is disabled, that is a Crime Against the Human Species. Your organization – your 19 people, because there’s 19 people that, probably should watch this – that are all together, as that Organized Crime Cartel inside, as public officers and agents; inside the government or inside the public organization: that’s the Cartel.
And all 19 will be prosecuted as one individual. And all 19 or their affiliated will be treated all the same, under the International Court of Justice in Guantanamo Bay. And they’re going to need veteran prosecutors or International Bar Association members.
And if it was reported to you, and you were law enforcement, and you ignored it and tried to investigate the individual that reported it – or, because it came to your notice and you did nothing, as law enforcement – you are part of that Organized Cartel, because your job is Fraud, Waste, and Abuse. And you failed to do that. So you’re now a “Member” [of the Cartel].
That’s how it works…
Running Time: 7 mins

Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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