by Arthur Topham
Two Gulags: A second warning to the West
December 11, 2012
“I understand that you love freedom, but in our crowded world you have to pay a tax for freedom.
You cannot love freedom for yourselves alone and quietly agree to a situation where the majority
of humanity, spread over the greater part of the globe, is subjected to violence and oppression.
“The Communist ideology is to destroy your social order. This has been their aim for 125 years and
it has never changed; only the methods have changed a little….And what is ideological war? It is a
concentration of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to destroy the Western world.”
~Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, from a Speech given in New York City to the AFL-CIO on July 9, 1975
and contained in his book, Warning to the West.
Permit me to begin this essay by stating that in comparing the case of Arthur Topham and versus Regina (the ‘Crown’ aka B’nai Brith Canada) to that of the trials and sufferings of former Nobel Peace prize winner Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, I am fully aware that it will naturally be construed by some readers as little more than hyperbole on the part of the writer. Nonetheless there are a number of historic lay lines connecting the two situations which need identification in the hope that others will see and understand the systematic progression and transformation of this climacteric element of tyranny that’s been stalking the global landscape since the successful Bolshevik coup of 1917 in Russia.
First I would like to add to Solzhenitsyn’s words where he states that Communism’s ideology aim has not changed from the start, only the “methods” have. This simple statement, for those of my generation and later generations, is indispensable when attempting to comprehend how the ideology itself has managed to retain its essential character even after the downfall in 1989 of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Key to visualizing the doctrinal strands of the Communist ideology and their continual ability to unobtrusively weave themselves in and out of the ever-changing warp and woof of day to day history is the possession of a fundamental awareness that today’s political ideology, Zionism, is precisely the same ideology that first gave birth to its historic pedigree – Marxism in the mid-19th Century its founding and funding has, from day one, flowed from the same source.
Today, those who have been paying attention to the details in the Zionist script for the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship understand that there is a direct connection between the House of Rothschild, the political ideology known Zionism and the premeditated, deliberate, illegal creation of the state of Israel by the United Nations back in 1948. These ideas thrash about like a load of dirty underwear in an automatic washer on most alternative blogs dealing with political issues as well as in a myriad number of posts on Facebook and other internet forums and venues. So many viewers have peered through that revolving window that now (as compared to even a decade ago when the Internet was in its nascent beginnings) the Rothschild = Zionism = Israel connection is a done deal and recognized as fact. But what is not fully understood yet by this vast number of viewers is the underlying, direct relationship between Communism and Zionism, without which the world will continue to disconnect the two apparently differing ideologies and fail to grasp the crucial historic continuity of this longstanding conspiracy; one meant to destroy the West and bring to fruition the ultimate goal of the Communist creed – world slavery under an all powerful Rothschild oligarchy.
The genius that was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn knew his enemy well enough that he was able, upon finally having his eleven year sentence in the Soviet gulag annulled in April of 1956, to actually have his first novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, published in Krushchev’s soviet union in 1962. His earlier works that included The First Circle and Cancer Ward were first published in English in 1968 and by 1970 had earned him the Nobel Prize for literature. It wasn’t until 1974 though that Solzhenitsyn was finally arrested again and expelled from the Soviet Union after a copy of his Gulag was seized by the KGB in December of 1973. He first moved to West Germany and then to Vermont in the USA where he remained until returning permanently to Russia in 1994.
Solzhenitsyn’s classic work The Gulag Archipelago was first published in English and French in June of 1974 and remains the literary lynchpin holding together the ultimate hidden knowledge regarding the cogent connection between Marxism, the supposed “Russian” Revolution, Communism, Bolshevism and Zionism and their direct tie to the Rothschild oligarchy alluded to earlier.
Solzhenitsyn was able to accomplish this monumental feat of delivering to the West the evidence merely by omission. His trilogy of terror (the Gulag), which outlines the subsequent premeditated, calculated mass genocide of approximately 66 million Russians, mostly of Christian denomination, from the coup of 1917 up until Krushchev was deposed in 1964, will stand forever as the single most important work ever written on the actualizing and unfolding of Zionism’s essential tenets in a real life situation where a vast nation fell under the full control and domination of its ideological proponents.
He was able to have it published and promoted in the West by simply omitting to identify the vast majority of all the key players in his epic drama of demonic destruction as being of Ashkenazi Jewish origins. In this way he avoided the West’s Zionist press that controls all the major publishing houses throughout Europe and North America who, had he pin-pointed the true ethnic identity of the rogues and criminals and sadistic, psychopathic killers who were directly responsible for this mass murder of the Russian people (including all of Tzar Nicholas II’s family and even the family dog!), would have outright shunned him and his work and in all likelihood initiated a smear campaign against him that would have included all the same tactics now being employed by the Zionist controlled media here in Canada to attack my own person and my website
Upon his return to the Russian republic in the mid 1990′s Solzhenitsyn resumed work on another two volume set of books entitled Two Hundred Years Together, the history of the Jews in Russia. The first volume was called Russian Jewish History 1795-1916 and when published created such a stink within Zionist circles that when volume two, The Jews in the Soviet Union came out in Russia the West was then on to him and the book was never published in the English language and still remains censored by the Jewish media to this day, a prime example of the power of the Zionist media to cover up their endless crimes against humanity.
Fortunately the German Revisionist Udo Walendy was able to procure copies and translate the book into German and from there an English translation of segments of the overall work made it to the West and were published by the Barnes Review in their September-October 2008 edition of their magazine. While not a complete version of the text the edition in question covers the issue of the major players in the gulag drama and identifies all those who were of Jewish origin, more than sufficient to firmly establish that the ‘Russian Revolution’ was in truth little more than an incredible take-over of a nation by Zionist forces funded in full measure by the Rothschild banking cartel.
When Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was travelling around the United States back in 1975 speaking to different groups about his experiences in the Soviet concentrations camps during the late 40′s and early 50′s he kept emphasizing the perennial problem of trying to convey to people the imminent danger that Communism (aka Zionism) posed to the Western democracies. During one such talk he asked, “Is it possible or impossible to transmit the experience of those who have suffered to those who have yet to suffer? Can one part of humanity learn from the bitter experience of another or can it not? Is it possible or impossible to warn someone of danger?” He then capped off his questings by firmly stating, “It can happen. It is possible. As a Russian proverb says: ‘When it happens to you, you’ll know it’s true.’
Speaking for myself as a writer and publisher here in Canada I too can say that when you attempt to expose the true identity of those who continually strive to remain hidden behind the outer show curtain of unfolding political events while at the same time are controlling the actions of politicians and the mainstream media and all levels of the legal system via their influential lobby groups and advisers and sayanim who have infiltrated every stratum of Canada’s cultural, social, legal, economic, governmental and corporate levels, then you will undoubtedly be attacked in their media and accused by their pressure groups such as B’nai Brith Canada of being an “anti-Semite” and a “hate monger” and “racist” and then, based upon said accusations, arrested by their complicit police agents working for the “Crown” (but another name for the representative of the City of London in England owned by the same Rothschild oligarchy that owns everything else of importance in the world today) and thrown into jail and your constitutional rights taken away from you before you even begin to approach a courtroom in order to challenge their illegal, immoral actions.
Such is the current state of affairs in Canada today whether those in denial of this fact and the complacent and lazy and otherwise too busy to notice portions of society are willing to admit this or not.
Solzhenitsyn once remarked that the very essence of Communism/Zionism was quite beyond the scope of human understanding and that for so many average, normal, moral, decent people living in the West it was just too much of a stretch of their imagination to picture the real and dreadful, vile and disgusting actions committed by these ideologically and spiritually crippled people who have plundered and pillaged and raped and destroyed untold millions of souls in their quest to gain total control of the world.
I could go on with quote after quote from Solzhenitsyn warning to those in the West of the subtle dangers that are working ceaselessly everywhere to drag down unsuspecting nations into the mire of atheistic perversions and immoral mental and spiritual torpor and confusion thus making them incapable of realizing that their rights and freedoms are being terminated until it is too late. Ultimately he says it becomes incumbent upon the individual to reject the Zionist ideology in favour of simply being a human being. In his words, “Such a rejection is more than a political act. It is a protest of our souls against those who would have us forget the concepts of good and evil.”
Thirty seven years have now passed since Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn travelled throughout the USA warning the nation of the impending dangers of Communism/Zionism and imploring the people to wake up and take heed of what he was telling them based upon his own first hand experience. Did the American people hear his words and did they understand? Did they do anything to forestall what was then the beginning of the shift from Communism to what we now call Zionism? Judging from all appearances Solzhenitsyn’s words fell on deaf ears or at least ears already stopped up by the din and blare of the Zionist media that had, for decades, already been pumping their minds full of Zionist propaganda.
Today that same danger has grown even more powerful and openly threatening. It was first openly declared by Douglas Reed back in 1956 in his monumental classic The Controversy of Zion and then enunciated with greater emphasis and detail in 1975 by gulag survivor Solzhenitsyn in his equally eloquent 3-volume trilogy The Gulag Archipelago and still the mass of citizenry continue to think and act as if this threat to their very existence doesn’t exist other than in the imaginations and fantasies of “conspiracy theorists” and Internet fringe dwellers.
And so this very question arises once again with respect to my own trials and tribulations. For years now I have been researching and publishing information that corroborates all that these great forerunners like Reed and Solzhenitsyn have revealed to the world about the supreme danger that lies hidden within the Zionist ideology. Five years ago my website came up on the Zionist’s radar screen and they decided to do whatever it would take to demonize me and have my website removed from the Internet. That is why they created the so-called “HATE CRIME” laws which were insinuated over time into Canada’s legal system via their lobbyist influence, their infiltration of the Supreme Court of Canada (four out of nine SCC Justices are now Zionist Jews) and their behind the scenes control of all of Canada’s active political parties and their leaders via non-elected ‘advisers’.
Will my warning to Canada and the rest of the world also go unheeded like those before me who had the foresight and courage to risk their very lives to bring to light this dark and menacing evil that is slowly overshadowing the lives of people around the globe as well as the very planet upon which we all must live? Will Canadians listen and begin to stand up and speak out without fear? Will they lend their support to my struggle to defeat this sec. 319(2) “Hate” law and protest over the manner in which I am being treated as a Canadian citizen? Or will they stand by in silence, apathy and paranoia watching while the Zionist forces within their nation force yet another writer and researcher to take down his website and cease from telling the truth about what is happening to his country?
It is not just Arthur Topham who will be on trial in the days ahead but every Canadian who values their right to freedom of speech.
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