by Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer
Here are three videos that everyone should watch with their families, discuss, and share. Vaccine injury is common, it happens with every vaccine and unless we educate every man, woman, and child about vaccine dangers and natural immunity they are going to become the victim of one of the greatest human rights violations that has ever occurred.
The first video is an interview with Dr Toni Bark who tells the whole unvarnished truth about vaccines and natural immunity, plus Jimmy Kimmel gets shredded for his malicious pro vaccine pandering. The second video is Hannah Robinson and her family discuss Hannah being vaccine injured after being injected with Gardisil and other vaccines. The third video is a classic video from Dr Russell Blaylock MD the everyone should see, share and know.
Vaccines cause health issues far worse than the minor diseases of childhood. We are trading a week home with a rash or a sore jaw for learning disabilities, crippling physical illnesses, and emotional illnesses that ruin lives. This is unfair to the parents being lied to and even more unfair to the victim of the vaccine. Natural immunity is the only way to be immune to the childhood illnesses and it is the only way to have a fully built immune system. The CDC and the pharmaceutical industry know this!!!! None of what they do is about promoting wellness, it is about creating customers. Seek out the childhood illnesses, eat real food, and educate others. This is the true road to health. (CW)
Jimmy Kimmel VS Robert De Niro on The Vaccine Movement
VAXXED Stories: Hannah Robinson
Dr Russell Blaylock MD Dangers of Vaccines
Do the research. There is more than enough places to search out Dr. Blaylock and his remarks. ie: Google his name and do Youtube research… There for the looking. Good luck on your article Pam. And you are right, people do need to know!
I would like to have proof of what Dr. Blaylock said about China manufacturing our vaccines so I can write an article in the paper about it. People need to know this!
I sure would like to invite one of these doctors who are so well educated on the dangers of vaccines to come to Fairbanks Alaska.