TLB editors note: The video below could just as well have been made in the 40’s at a 3rd Reich rally. (See any Brown Boots?)
At a “rally” for Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas [Wednesday] a protester holding a sign and speaking the truth about Bill Clinton was attacked by a violent mob.
It didn’t matter to these people that Bill Clinton has sexually assaulted women and that Hillary Clinton threatened them to stay silent.
Violence is the answer to truth these days.
Exposing the evil of the Clinton Crime family comes at a cost for many– including this protester. [TLB: Note comment from Hillary at the end of the Video where she can be heard saying… “We care about bringing people together.”]
Protester with “Rape” sign is tackled at #Clinton rally in #Las Vegas
— John Treanor (@NewsTreanor) October 13, 2016
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