What if the Polio Vaccine Did Nothing to Reduce Cases of Polio?

a024254_620x452[1]By: Janine Roberts

The following article is a reprint from the blog, Fear of the Invisible and an excerpt from the Book “Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts.”

You may have thought, as I did that the Polio Virus had been eradicated many years ago. While doing some research online, I uncovered a statistic that each year 9 Billion people are vaccinated for Polio. Being confused that the number referring to “people” vaccinated might have actually been “dollars spent”, I investigated further and came across the following article. Here’s the short story.

  • The Government hypes an astounding achievement, the Polio Vaccine.
  • Even the President gives his thumbs-up in PSAs shown in theaters nation-wide.
  • Unfortunately, the shot gives more people Polio than recent stats show in the months prior. You see, Polio was on the swift decline based on many factors.
  • So, since the government can’t admit to such a screw-up and to cover up the screw-up it’s decided to simply change the diagnostic protocol.
  • Doctors were then instructed to diagnose all symptoms previously known to be signs of Polio as one of a few other and less controversial ailments…ailments such as Catatonic Meningitis.
  • After this intentional misdiagnosis becomes standard procedure, some creative practitioners later invent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a convenient label for the, now rare Polio.
  • No more Polio, the Government is our hero and everyone’s happy. Except for the thousands of people with Polio who now can’t even trust that their doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

I strongly encourage you to read this very interesting and eye-opening article.

How a Continuing Polio Epidemic is being Hidden

Written by Janine Roberts Wednesday, 27 August 2008 13:34 excerpt from a chapter of “Fear of the Invisible

I have been told again and again by health authorities that the polio vaccine is a marvelous lifesaver – and I had accepted this on trust. As no one I knew doubted this, I had no reason to question it. I knew however that it is easy to invent history. If a false history is repeated often enough, the chances are that people will believe it. It is simply a matter of most of us not having time to check all the facts for ourselves.

But – now I knew of the possibility that pesticides might cause polio, I had a very clear question to answer.  There were no great American polio epidemics after 1956. What stopped them: the withdrawal of the pesticides – or the introduction of the vaccine?

Most modern histories of the polio vaccine say its launch went smoothly – although many mention a brief hiccup early on called the ‘Cutter Incident,’ describing this as a simple error that was quickly rectified. But what I learnt from reading contemporary newspapers and medical reports was very different.

I found the triumph and relief accompanying the launch of the Salk vaccine was extremely short-lived.  A medical historian of the time, Dr. M. Beddow Baily, reported: ‘Only 13 days after the vaccine had been acclaimed by the whole of the US press and radio as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the century, and 2 days after the British ministry of health had announced it would go right ahead with the manufacture of the vaccine, came the first news of disaster. Children inoculated with one brand of the vaccine [the Cutter] had developed poliomyelitis. In the following days more and more cases were reported, some of them after inoculation with other brands.’

Within two weeks nearly 200 vaccinated children had gone down with polio. This produced near panic in the White House. It was not yet summer. Polio normally did not strike at this time. President Eisenhower had publicly endorsed this vaccine – and did not want any failures on his watch. US Health Secretary Oveta Hobby thus went to see the Surgeon General to sternly say the president needed to be spared further embarrassment!

Within days, on 8 May 1955, the Surgeon General suspended the entire US production of the vaccine and called for emergency meetings with Salk and the manufacturers. They then agreed that these cases were caused by polioviruses surviving the formaldehyde poisoning by being inside ‘lumps in the vaccine’.  The manufacturers agreed to stir their vaccine better, the public were told they had no further need to worry, and the distribution of the vaccine resumed after only a five-day break.

However this was not the end of the trouble. It was now reported by the media that the vaccine still seemed to be causing a polio epidemic  rather than preventing it.

In Boston during the next 4 months, more than 2,000 of the vaccinated went down with polio – yet in the previous year there were only 273 cases. The number of cases doubled in vaccinated New York State and Connecticut, and tripled in Vermont. There was a five-fold increase in polio in vaccinated Rhode Island and Wisconsin.  Many children were paralyzed in the vaccine-injected arm.

In June 1955 the British doctors’ union, the Medical Practitioners’ Union reported: ‘These misfortunes would be almost endurable if a whole new generation were to be rendered permanently immune to the disease. In fact, there is no evidence that any lasting immunity is achieved [by vaccination].’ The following month Canada suspended its distribution of Salk’s vaccine. By November all European countries had suspended their distribution plans, all that is apart from Denmark

As I learnt of this, I remembered what went into this vaccine. I could not presume these cases were caused by the poliovirus in the vaccine. These children were having a host of potential toxins and viruses injected into their arms, for anything smaller than a virus could not be filtered out. Did this explain why many were paralyzed in the arm vaccinated?

The New York Times of May 11, 1956 reported the ‘Supplement No. 15 of the Poliomyelitis Surveillance Report’ for that year revealed there was 12% more paralysis in 1956 than in 1955. By January 1957 seventeen US states had stopped distributing the polio vaccine. The New York Times reported that nearly half of all polio cases reported were in vaccinated children.

Polio cases rose from 300 to 400% in the five states or cities that made the Salk vaccine compulsory by law. The following table gives their results.

State/Region Year – 1958 Year – 1959
North Carolina 78 313
Connecticut 45 123
Tennessee 119 386
Ohio 17 52
Los Angeles 89 190


From contemporary reports there were nine times more polio cases in 1957 than in 1956, and that they were more serious than ever before. In the first 8 months of 1957 the Public Health Service reported, out of a total of 3,212 polio cases, there were 1,055 cases of paralysis, or 33.5% of the total. From January 1st to August 1958 there was a total of 1,638 cases of polio, with 801 of them paralytic, or 49% of the total. This was, as far as I can discover, a far higher proportion of serious cases than had ever been recorded.

These contemporary accounts were utterly unlike what I had expected, for today the polio vaccine is said to work extremely effectively.

It is perhaps also relevant to note that the immediate profits made from the vaccine were very considerable. Wyeth’s profits went up 50% between 1955 and 1956, all on the back of the Salk vaccine.  Merck’s profits went up from $16 million to $20 million. Eli Lilly nearly doubled its profits from $16 million to $30 million.

But by 1964 very few cases of polio were being reported.  So, what happened after 1959 to make the polio vaccine effective?

I do not know how to express convincingly what I found when I looked into this. I avoid conspiracy theory as too many chance events are thus explained  – but this does not mean that some conspiracies have not happened.

I found firm evidence that the regulatory authorities had employed from 1960 another weapon from their armoury to bring down the numbers of reported polio cases. They promulgated new regulations that rewrote the rules for polio diagnosis, effectively wiping polio nearly out of existence by simply changing the rules for polio diagnosis!

In 1956, the health authorities instructed doctors that they were in future only to diagnose polio if a patient has paralytic symptoms for 60 days or more. As polio was diagnosed previously if there were just 24 hours of paralytic symptoms, and as the disease in milder cases frequently lasted less than 60 days, this automatically meant vastly fewer cases of polio would be reported.

Furthermore, it was now decreed that all cases of polio occurring within 30 days of vaccination were to be recorded, not as possibly caused by the vaccine, but as ‘pre-existing’. This regulatory change also ensured that far fewer cases of vaccine failure would be recorded.

Another regulatory change had an even greater impact. Most polio diagnoses during the epidemics had not involved paralysis but muscular weakness and widespread pain. In many cases this was produced by inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neuron cells. The CDC described such cases as ‘serious but rarely fatal’. But doctors were now instructed that all such cases must no longer be diagnosed as polio but as viral or aseptic meningitis! The Los Angeles County health authority explained: ‘Most cases reported prior to July 1 1958 of non-paralytic poliomyelitis are now reported as viral or aseptic meningitis’ in accordance with instructions from Washington.’

As a result, the number of cases of meningitis diagnosed went from near zero to many thousands while polio came down equivalently. Between 1951 and 1960 in the United States 70,083 cases of non-paralytic polio were diagnosed – and zero cases of aseptic meningitis. But under the new diagnostic rules this was reversed. Over the next twenty years over 100,000 cases of aseptic meningitis were diagnosed and only 589 cases of ‘non-paralytic polio’.

Extraordinarily, non-paralytic cases were now to be renamed as meningitis even if the poliovirus were present!  In future, the reported figures for polio were officially to exclude ‘cases of aseptic meningitis due to poliovirus or other enteroviruses.’

These changes did not go entirely unnoticed. Dr Bernard Greenberg, then head of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, testified at a 1962 Congressional hearing that infantile paralysis cases had increased after the introduction of the vaccine by 50% from 1957 to 1958, and by 80% from 1958 to 1959. He concluded that US health officials had manipulated the statistics to give entirely the opposite impression.

This change was not only in the US.  In Canada, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics issued in June 1959 an official bulletin entitled Poliomyelitis Trends, 1958. This noted; ‘data shown in this report are confined to paralytic poliomyelitis only. It may be noted that the Dominion Council of Health at its 74th meeting in October 1958 recommended that for the purposes of national reporting and statistics the term non-paralytic poliomyelitis be replaced by ‘meningitis, viral or aseptic,’‘ They also now allowed for other viruses to be found in polio cases, saying that these ‘ specific viruses [should be] shown where known.’ When they were found, these cases also were said not to be polio.

Other cases previously diagnosed as polio would in future be classified as ‘cerebral palsy’, as ‘Guillain-Barre syndrome’ and even as ‘muscular dystrophy.’ Some were now called ‘Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease’, which can also cause paralysis. (And recently the Coxsackie virus was found in cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), which also can result in very polio-like symptoms of paralytic muscle damage.)

But this reclassification of polio cases seemingly did not satisfy the regulatory authorities. Apparently there were still too many cases of the worst kind of polio, ‘paralytic polio’ – so it was finally decided that these cases must also be removed from the polio case registry, thus eliminating nearly all the remaining cases of polio in the world – giving the vaccine a stunning and utterly fraudulent victory.

This was achieved by announcing that in future all patients with the classic polio paralytic symptoms were to be diagnosed initially as having ‘Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)’ and thus reported to the regulatory authorities. Samples of two turds from the patient must also be sent in to them. These turds would be inspected to see if the poliovirus was in them.  If not, then these cases are to be declared not polio – no matter that the children have all the classic symptoms, the distress and pain found in the worst polio cases during the great US polio epidemics.

This astonishingly revealed that the ‘poliovirus’ is rarely to be found in these paralysed children. Logically, one would think that this would force the health authorities to conclude that the virus could not be the cause of polio – but it seems they were more interested in fabricating a victory.

Thus they triumphantly declare large parts of the world polio free, even where AFP is common, and give the credit for this solely to the vaccine and its manufacturers, as well as to Sabin and Salk. I did not know how to characterize this  except as an incredible act of medical fraud. I struggle to find any excuses for those involved. It begun in the 1950s but, I am afraid to say, it is still continuing.

This has had the most serious of consequences. One of these is that the power to diagnose polio has been completely taken away from ordinary doctors. Before 1958 they were taught to diagnose ‘paralytic polio’ as they did other diseases – by observing specific symptoms, particularly acute paralysis and great pain. But doctors are now instructed not to look for the poliovirus itself, as ‘the virus is very hard to find.’   Instead this task is to be left to WHO and the other governmental agencies that inspect turds. This would be comical if it were not so tragically deceptive.

Under these new rules, patients previously diagnosed with paralytic polio were re-diagnosed.  When patients in Detroit, diagnosed as having paralytic polio during a 1958 epidemic, were re-tested as required by the new rule, 49% of them were found not to have poliovirus and therefore told they did not have polio.

Should it find a case in which the poliovirus is present, the vaccine will be administered on a national scale. This has happened now so many times that in populous countries like India many cases of ‘provocation’ polio occur in the arm vaccinated. ‘Unnecessary injections were associated with paralysis in the outbreak reported by Kohler et al. The WHO estimates that over 12 billion injections are given every year, and most are unnecessary. Multiple injections can increase the risk of paralysis from OPV as well as wild-type viruses.’ These cases of paralysis are caused by many types of repeated injections so are rarely called ‘poliomyelitis’

This is all extraordinary. The Detroit patients, the children with AFP today, are all ill with the same symptoms and pain as in the earlier cases of paralytic polio.  Wasn’t the polio vaccine devised to prevent such cases?  The new rules for polio diagnosis have thus proved to be the perfect way to hide total vaccine failure -and have thus apparently served the intentions of both the Public Health Authorities and vaccine manufacturers well. This deceit has protected them from being sued for producing a useless vaccine. The poliovirus is scientifically classified as a human virus that naturally replicates only in the human gut, so the WHO excrement inspection is surely meaningless? Its presence in excrement is natural – and finding it there does not prove that it causes paralysis in the motor neuron cells of the backbone.

When I went to look at the statistics provided by the World Health Organization, I found that Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is now a raging, but little mentioned, epidemic in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high. Its figures for the East Asian/Pacific region reveal the number of cases of AFP between 1994 and 1998 went up by 50% in China, 400% in Malaysia, and 1,500% in the Pacific islands.

…continued in book.

  • Medical World Newsletter; June 1955
  • M Beddow Bayly; ‘The story of the Salk anti-poliomyelitis vaccine’; www.whale.to/vaccine/bayly.html These press reports contradict part of the otherwise excellent information presented on the Jim West’s ‘Images of Poliomyelitis’ website. He presented graphs that showed polio had been practically eliminated in the US by 1956.
  • http://americandaily.com/article/15680
  • The diagnostic guidelines also specified that the patient must have, ‘No history of immunisation’ if they are to be diagnosed with the illness they were vaccinated against. (‘Textbook of Infectious Diseases.’ – University of Colorado School of Medicine. 1982). In other words, if they are vaccinated against an illness, it is presumed they cannot have already had it.
  • http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/revb/enterovirus/viral_meningitis.htm
  • EIS Officer, Division of Immunization, Center for Disease Control, Dept of Health and Human Services, USA (personal communication to Dr Isaac Golden dated 26 August 1988).
  • Walene James; http://www.vaccinetruth.org/polio_vaccines.htm
  • http://www.who.int/vaccines/casecount/case_count.cfm
  • Kohler KA, Hlady WG, Banerjee K, Sutter RW. Outbreak of poliomyelitis due to type 3 poliovirus, northern India, 1999-2000: injections a major contributing factor. Int J Epidemiol 2003;32:272-77
  • The International Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 32, 2. Pp 278-9
  • http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/32/2/278


TLB recommends tou visit: www.tyrannynews.com for more great articles and information.

See original here: http://tyrannynews.com/2012/02/what-if-the-polio-vaccine-did-nothing-to-reduce-cases-of-polio/

3 Comments on What if the Polio Vaccine Did Nothing to Reduce Cases of Polio?

  1. This is the perfect website for everyone who hopes to find out about this topic. You know a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally will need to…HaHa). You certainly put a new spin on a subject that’s been written about for many years. Excellent stuff, just great!

  2. The polio vaccine was an attenuated vaccine; which means that it is a live virus and it will give a person a milder version of poliomyelitis to trigger an immune response. ( When activated the immune system will fight off the pathogen, during which it collects data on that particular pathogen and stores it for later use, when the pathogen attacks again)

  3. This is horrific & disgusting. The US is run by such corrupt criminals that MANY are considering abandoning it. Sickening.

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