When the SHTF How Ready Are You … Lets Talk “Prepping”

TLB: Do you know what Prepping is, are you ready for a natural disaster of epic scale, or a societal breakdown of drastic proportions. With all we see going wrong in todays world … to not be prepared at least on some level is just plain irresponsible and a disservice to your family and loved-ones. But what constitutes being prepared? Is it just food? Is it food Medicine, protection, power, water, etc… Lets delve into this.

First we present a excerpt for the article:

By: Daisy Luther

As the situation in the United States devolves, how prepared are you really? If you had to go into lockdown mode and keep your family safely at home, how long would you last with the supplies you have on hand? If the answer is “a few days” or “a couple of weeks” you need to work on that. Immediately.

By planning ahead, we can avoid the fear, panic, and confusion that leads people to rush to the store and clear the shelves like a horde of hungry locusts.  We can stay away from the angry masses, the rioters who will use any excuse to steal, and the hungry people who are determined to feed their kids no matter who stands in their way.

Whether the next few weeks lead to pandemonium due to violent protests provoking some type of martial law, a prepared mindset, a defense plan, and a well-stocked home can help to keep you and your family out of harm’s way.

Keep in mind that the decision may not be entirely in your hands. In a martial law situation, it’s not unusual for the authorities to force people to stay in their homes. Remember in Boston when law enforcement was searching for the young man who, with his brother, was accused of setting off the bomb at the marathon?  Residents were not allowed to leave their homes due to a “shelter in place directive.”  The directive was presented as voluntary, but if you didn’t wish to have SWAT teams pointing guns in your face during this period of de facto martial law, staying home was the only option. Some people ran out of supplies the same day. Don’t be one of those people.

(Click HERE continue reading)

Next we present …

Interview With Jack Spirko About Prepping, Permaculture, And Entrepreneurship

By: Vin Armani

In this video, Vin Armani speaks with Jack Spirko, the host of the super popular Survival Podcast about how to become more self sufficient. Jack conceived and created his podcast because over the years he has come to realize how fragile the human condition and the United States economy really is. His 5-day-a-week show, The Survival Podcast, is about managing his homestead in Texas, practical prepping, permaculture and self-reliance. It receives a remarkable 150,000 downloads per day.

Visit Jack Spirko’s website: http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/
Online permaculture courses with top experts:

Watch the full broadcast here
See Vin speak and hang out in person

Vin Armani is the host of The Vin Armani Show on Activist Post, TV Star of Gigolos on Showtime and Agorist Entrepreneur. Follow Vin on Twitter and subscribe on YouTube. Get the weekly podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

TLB: Please take all you have read, watched and learned here and move forward. Continue to research, start a list, move towards the day when you know in your mind that you are truly prepared … prepared to protect your family and all that is rightfully yours.


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