Desperate FakeNews Media in Overdrive
By: Brian C. Joondeph
Desperate times call for desperate measures, as the saying goes. As the presidential election nears, Democrats, the media, and NeverTrumpers realize that President Trump is still popular, incredibly at 40 percent approval among likely black voters according to Rasmussen. Their chosen candidate, Joe Biden, belongs in a memory-care center rather than the White House, as this video from Joe’s recent appearance on The View demonstrates. One only needs to look at the faces of the harpies on the show as Joe struggles to utter a coherent sentence.
The Senate has finally awoken to its oversight responsibility and is beginning to hold hearings over the ObamaGate sedition conspiracy, which the media is dutifully refusing to cover as they are too busy chasing and fact-checking Trump’s latest tweets.
Several media stories, presented as gospel, are now crumbling as fast as the Russian collusion fable which we heard about non-stop for four years from the DNC cable news networks. It will be interesting to see now what the media chooses to cover, and what they conveniently ignore about the Chinese virus and now the peaceful protests riots.
Start with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug that’s been around for 60 years and is one of the safer drugs currently on the market. Ever since President Trump spoke of its potential benefits against the Wuhan virus, the medical establishment and fake news media have been in overdrive to discredit it.
If only Barack Obama had mentioned it early on as a potential treatment, then it would be in widespread use by now and Obama would be booking a trip to Sweden to collect the Nobel Prize in medicine. But since the Orange Man promoted it, the predominantly left-wing medical establishment have been on a jihad against the drug.
The Lancet, a once prestigious medical journal, recently retracted a study they published, supposedly debunking any benefits of HCQ. The study was performed by a sketchy data analytics company with only five employees, four of whom joined the company only recently after Trump began mentioning hydroxy.
It appears that The Lancet was so eager to publish the paper that, “They were unable to complete an independent audit of the data underpinning their analysis.” This sounds like Rod Rosenstein’s excuse to the Senate that he was too busy to review the FISA warrant applications that he signed, authorizing the FBI to spy on a presidential campaign.
The media was quick to promote the original, but now bogus, Lancet study. Fox News NeverTrumper Neil Cavuto warned, “I cannot stress this enough, this will kill you.” Yet the Lancet’s retraction is relegated to the back pages and nary a mention by cable news. Their priority is anti-Trump propaganda, not actual journalism. A potential treatment or cure exists, yet the media and medical establishment would rather people die over their Orange Man Bad derangement then use a potentially lifesaving drug.
Then there is the social distancing deemed so important by the basketball player and scarf queen. In fairness, at one time it served a purpose, to flatten the curve, preventing a potential overwhelming of medical facilities, ICU beds, and ventilators, but then became a never-ending excuse to keep the economy shut down, negating the Trump economic boom ahead of the election. From “15 days to flatten the curve” back in March to “Keep the economy shut down until November 4” to get Trump out of the White House.
A few weeks ago, at Lake of the Ozarks, cooped-up and fed-up Americans held a Memorial Day pool party. The St. Louis mayor was quick to criticize: “It’s irresponsible and dangerous to engage in such high risk behavior just to have some fun.”
Yet the St. Louis police chief seemed to have no problem with what she described as “mostly peaceful protests” with a distinct absence of social distancing, on a much larger scale than the pool party. Interestingly, two weeks after the deadly pool party, there are no new Chinese coronavirus cases reported from the Ozarks gathering.
Suddenly in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, social distancing is but a distant memory, the fake news media no longer concerned about how close people are to each other.
Over 1,000 health professionals signed a letter: “Don’t shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse.” I’ll bet these same professionals told us Americans would die on a mass scale when state governors began reopening their states. I wonder how many of these “health professionals” rendered a psychiatric diagnosis of Trump’s unfitness for office without ever examining him?
In my home city of Denver: “Governor Jared Polis gave Colorado businesses the authority Thursday to refuse service to customers not wearing masks.” Yet downtown Denver protests, entering their second week, has no such mask mandate with many protesters not wearing masks, except those who want to conceal their identities as they stole a new phone or a flat screen television.
Remember the nurses posing for Instagram photos or Tik Tok videos with the message, “We stay at home for you, please stay at home for us”? Now those same nurses are applauding demonstrators, not staying at home, not socially distancing, not wearing masks, possibly paving the way for a surge of COVID cases in their hospitals. What a difference a political opportunity makes, in this case George Floyd’s death.
Why is there no concern over the potential surge in COVID cases due to the protests and mass gatherings in many major U.S. cities? Fake News superstar New York Times warned a few weeks ago: “Governors face intensifying pressure to reopen their economies, but experts warn it could mean thousands of new deaths.” A few weeks later, we have mass gatherings that don’t seem to faze the NY Times. Why is that?
The same mayors that threatened to arrest anyone walking on an empty beach or giving a haircut are happy to have thousands gather in their cities, defying distancing rules by orders of magnitude.
Were they lying then or are they lying now? Schools reopened in the European Union with no rise in COVID cases, despite dire warnings to the contrary. Were the media and medical establishment lying to us all along in a deliberate to destroy the economy ahead of a presidential election? Or are they lying now about the dangers of the protests since the protests can be used for political advantage?
Speaking of George Floyd, how will the media and prosecutors handle this wrinkle? Floyd’s autopsy report says he tested positive for COVID-19. Floyd also, “had drugs in his system and severe heart disease when a Minneapolis police officer put a knee to his neck.”
And then this, applicable to Colorado, but valid in many places: “the discrepancy over people dying with COVID-19 versus of COVID-19 is due to federal reporting guidelines requiring the health department to report any COVID-positive death to the CDC, even if COVID-19 wasn’t thought to cause the death.”
Anyone watching the video has a pretty good idea why Floyd died, but ironically the medical deep state’s efforts to inflate the Chinese virus death counts may be problematic in the upcoming murder trials of the four Minneapolis police officers. Following guidelines of the vaunted CDC, defense lawyers could make a case that Floyd died of COVID as he had respiratory distress (“I can’t breathe”) and tested positive for the virus. As absurd as it sounds, the exaggerated COVID death count criteria chickens may come home to roost, in an unintended way.
As continued efforts to thwart Trump’s reelection ramp up, expect to see fake news blossom like spring flowers. From blatant falsehoods about tear gas in Lafayette Park to the White House going dark, the media will continue to lie rather than report the news, all in effort to interfere in an election. Funny I thought that was grounds for impeachment a few months ago. Remember as Q says, the news is fake, but the war is real.
About the articles Author: Brian C. Joondeph, MD, is a Denver based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, Rasmussen Reports, and other publications. You can follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and QuodVerum.
The above article (Media in Panic Mode over Latest Presidential Polls) was created and published by American Thinker and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below) with attribution to the articles author Brian C. Joondeph and
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Well written, well said… and B I N G O was his name-O!