When the Unthinkable Becomes Commonplace
By: Roger Landry (TLB)
This show was originally aired live on May 11, 2016 … I figured it was time for a replay because the message is powerful, and even more germane today. Please watch and read with the understanding that only We The people can change the direction of this society now … and we don’t have forever to accomplish this !!!
We present the archived show “Eradicating Programmed Ignorance” we have a special surprise for you … anything but Normal. We have combined our one hour segment with an hour of Randy Maugans Off Planet TV show to bring you a two hour special entitled …
When the Unthinkable Becomes Commonplace! America & the World are Upside Down.
Watch the complete show here:
My good friend Randy is no stranger to media having been around the game for well over a decade. Besides being the founder and facilitator of Off Planet Radio & TV, Randy is also the special projects facilitator for The Liberty Beacon Project, a great friend and someone I can have an intelligent conversation with without expecting a freak-out or two due to my general propensity for political incorrectness !!!
From the Massive Political and economic Shenanigans being perpetrated at an ever increasing pace, to the constantly expanding deficit of moral character we as a society display more daily … America and as a result pretty much the world, are upside down, inside out, Topsy-turvy,and basically ass backwards etc… and much of what we used to consider unthinkable, is now acceptable and in-fact commonplace !
Growing up in the late 1950’s and early 60’s was a different experience. It required a different mindset. Different rules and scruples that today seem as foreign as their lack would have seemed a short three generations ago.
If you truly look at the transformation of America over the past several generations, then you have no choice but to see one pillar of that society after another torn asunder without so much as a weekend protest march to highlight its destruction.
War and overreaching government was protested (commonplace) by millions for participation in one war (Police Action). Protesters were jailed and maybe even killed, but continued to turn out in vast numbers to bend an overreaching government to their will … The Will of the people … and succeeded.
That was the normal reaction or action then … and now the game is totally different … so drastically changed in venue and goal that one would have to be told this is the same game to understand at all.
Today there is an American military presence (overt or covert) in about 170 out of 196 nations on this planet, while tens of millions of Americans walk the streets homeless or hungry … and too big a portion of that number today, is our vulnerable children.
The military aspect is only one of the major changes we will be tearing into in this 2 hour special. The Political, Moral, Economic, Medical, legal, Technological, Ecological, Biological, Educational, etc… pillars are all in as bad a shape or worse, and suffer from the same lack of attention or involvement.
Today a majority of Americans represent a society that is so successfully dumbed down, that they can no longer even recognize the same moral failings that had us enraged and active not so long ago … when what used to be Normal or Commonplace … is now all Upside Down !!!
The outstanding organization that will be bringing you our show live each week is Conscious Consumer Network TV (CCN)
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