TLBTV – Eradicating Programmed Ignorance: The NEED for Alternative Media Sources

TLB TV Show Episode 6c

This week The Liberty Beacon Project’s TLBTV show is dedicated to all who strive to eradicate programmed ignorance via the mechanism of alternative media!

Show intro by: Roger Landry (TLB), Show Host

If there is no Freedom of the Press … there is no Freedom! If there is no Truth in the Press … Tyranny is not a Possibility … it is a Guarantee. Today the Mainstream Media facilitates programmed ignorance, and the true alternative media encourages knowledge and understanding, thus allowing for the Eradication of Programmed Ignorance. These are two diametrically opposing forces! One owned and controlled by the elitist caste hell bent on controlling the world and all of humanity … and the other one owned and controlled by the people bent on freeing the world and all of humanity.

Today I have as my special guest Mel Ve, who with her husband Biggi are the founders, co-creators and facilitators of Conscious Consumer Network (CCN). Yes the network bringing you this and so many other great shows on a daily and weekly basis. So lets find out a little more about her life and the birth of CCN

So let the discussion about “The DIRE NEED for Alternative Media Sources” begin …

MelThe individual commonly referenced as Mel Ve, is a South African born Artist, Author, Film Maker and Freedom Activist.

Mel left her homeland in 1999 at the age of 23, and headed for London where she worked in the world of Main Stream Media for 10 years, after being scouted as a Model. Mel’s career lead her on to work in almost every area of media, including working as a producer, fashion stylist and TV presenter, having been employed by some of the most recognizable brands in the world, including as Art Director for Coca Cola Trade Press.

After an awakening of consciousness, Mel and her husband Biggi moved to Holland, and began Freedom Central, which became a multi media platform, featuring interviews with some of the most cutting edge people of our time.  Mel is also the maker of several documentaries, including the Award Winning documentary THE MESSAGE, and the controversial documentary THE LAST OF THE BOERS, which details the white genocide going on in South Africa.

Mel’s first book THE SOUTH AFRICAN GUIDE TO THE GLOBAL CONSPIRACY book I LIGHT & DARK, was banned in South Africa for being the first book in publication to openly expose Nelson Mandela as a clandestine agenda focused agent of the Vatican, amongst exposing the dangerous mind controlling cults that are pervasive within Southern Africa.

Mel describes herself as somewhat obsessed with mythology and the occult, and has released a series called CHASING THE DRAGONS, which chases down dragon symbolism, etymology and mythology, through all different cultures across time.

Mel has also been involved in a number of global initiatives, and continues to work tirelessly towards the pursuit of a FREE, FAIR, SUSTAINABLE world.

Through many years of research and focusing on solutions orientated projects, Mel went on to found Conscious Consumer Network, the first channel to bring live streaming to the Alternative Media, bringing together some of the most inspiring people of our time, all focused on bringing on a new paradigm of global freedom.

Mel says “ The true beauty of humanity, no matter how different we may all be from each other, is that we actually all want the same thing. We all want to be free.
It is time to unite on our common ground.”

For more pertinent information please visit:

Freedom Central & Conscious Consumer Network

Visit The Liberty Beacon Project Main Website


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