A Proposed Healthcare FREEDOM Rights Amendment To The U.S. Constitution: We Need It NOW; Work To Enact It
The current oppressive and progressively mandated healthcare issues, matters and disputes U.S. citizens are grappling and suffering with, i.e., denying, under penalty of law, the right to self-determination and individual sovereignty pertaining to personal health and one’s children’s healthcare choices, imposed by CDC/FDA ‘dictates’ actually result in a profoundly active “medical police state” prosecuted under individual 50 states’ statutes, could have been avoided if only the Founding Fathers would have taken seriously, plus inserted into the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights, the unbelievable prescient pleadings of Colonial physician Benjamin Rush, MD, who warned:
The Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom. To resist the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.
… Benjamin Rush, MD
Father of American Psychiatry
A signer of the Declaration of Independence
It profoundly confounds logical thinking as to why the drafters of the Federalist Papers, James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, rejected Dr. Rush’s most sensible of suggestions about human medical rights, which possibly could be denied at some point in time and, unfortunately, that time is NOW.
However, we must cut them some slack since the Corporatocracy form of government we now live with was nowhere on the political horizon back in the late 1700s.
Over the course of time, “out of the box thinkers” have expressed their concerns about medical freedoms, e.g., John Stewart Mills (1806-1873); American Jurist William O. Douglass (1898-1990); and humorist Mark Twain (1835-1910).
Fast forward to the mid-1980s when Rep. Claude Pepper of Florida introduced into the House of Representatives three bills that negatively would have impacted healthcare choices and practices in the United States, specifically to what was referred to as holistic healthcare then, now commonly called “integrative medicine.”
Catherine J Frompovich organized a nation-wide, effective protest campaign, prompting Rep. Pepper to withdraw support for those bills. That’s why we still have remnants of holistic healthcare along with vitamins, minerals and other important healthcare choices and natural supplements, something Big Pharma now wants to eliminate as their competition.
As a result of the above success, Frompovich was drafted to form and to operate, as President and a registered lobbyist with the U.S. Congress, a national coalition (CANAH) Coalition for Alternatives in Nutrition And Healthcare with the expressed purpose of working to enact a Healthcare Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution along with individual Healthcare Rights Amendments for every state in the Union.
CANAH was able to gather 100 thousand signatures [pre-Internet days] on an HRA petition, which we requested to present to the White House. That was in late 1990. Then-President George H.W. Bush made arrangements for a CANAH committee of 13 members, including a CANAH legal advisory board member and a U.S. Congressional aide, to present our signed petitions, along with an engraved plaque commemorating the event, to the Secretary of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC, which we did and have documented in photographs published in CANAH’s last quarterly newsletter of December 1990.
During CANAH’s working on the HRA, we formulated the following ‘mantra’:
You cannot be born, go to school, get married, get a job or die without a note from your doctor!
Unfortunately, the same criteria apply today but with additions like: If you refuse vaccines/vaccinations for yourself, but especially for your children, the following can happen:
Child Protective Services can show up at your door; take your kids and put them in foster care;
Your children will be vaccinated against your wishes and/or protests;
Refusers can be subject to legal harassment, heavy duty fines or even jail time;
Refusers’ children will not be permitted to attend public school and must be quarantined.
What’s going on now with consensus scientific FRAUD being disseminated by HHS/CDC/FDA, plus ‘universal’ police state tactics, there is a definite need more than ever for a Healthcare Freedom Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, including one for each of the 50 United States.
These current times are critical, ‘extra ripe’ and necessary to work to get healthcare rights ensconced in Constitutional law just like:
- Amendment XIX Ratified August 18, 1920, which gave women the right to vote
- Amendment XXIV Ratified January 23, 1964, which rescinded the poll tax or other tax in order to vote
- Amendment XXVI Ratified July 1, 1971, which gave eighteen year olds the right to vote
Only 27 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution have been ratified. Laraine Abbey-Katzev (RN, retired), a former CANAH Healthcare Advisory Board Member, and I hereby propose Amendment XXVIII, Healthcare Freedom Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Section 1. Congress, the U.S. President and Federal Agencies shall make no law, Presidential Executive Order or agency regulation that restricts or interferes with an individual’s God-given, natural and innate right to choose and to practice the type of healthcare they shall elect and receive for themselves or their children for the prevention and treatment of any disease, injury, illness or ailment of the body or the mind, including an individual’s rights to fully informed consent and / or the refusal of treatment(s) that infringe and violate an individual’s beliefs and / or the exercise of their choice(s) in healthcare modalities.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This amendment shall take effect immediately after the date of ratification.
This Healthcare Freedom Rights Amendment is my ‘gift’ to all who value healthcare FREEDOM rights.
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