By Zen Gardner April 23, 2015
“Once a profound truth has been seen, it cannot be ‘unseen’.” – David Sim
Jeff interviews anarchist mystic Zen Gardner, topics include: a psychedelic awakening, the importance of travel and new experience, very serious times ahead especially in the US, an urgent situation, only 5-7% of US citizens have a passport, be prepared to move out, living in Uruguay, great info to be found on expat blogs, TDV groups an invaluable resource and can help with expatriation, FEMA camps, micro-chipping, mandatory vaccination, bringing about revelations with spiritual technology, spiritual awakening, Gnosticism, Archons.
See article here: http://www.zengardner.com/anarchast-zen-gardner-seeing-beyond-veil-2/
TLB recommends that you read other great/pertinent articles at Zen’s website: ZenGardner.com
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