Contributed to TLB by: VACCINE IMPACT
By Brian Shilhavy
Are Americans’ freedom to choose what is injected into their body at risk in the United States today? Is it possible that the day is not far off when if you refuse a mandated vaccine at your place of employment, or refuse a mandated vaccine for your child, that you could come home one day to find your residence quarantined, restricting you from leaving your home or having visitors simply for exercising your right to refuse a medical treatment?
There is compelling evidence that this is not some conspiracy prediction of a future Orwellian society, but something that is already in process in the United States of America. Many fear that a person’s choice of accepting or refusing mandatory vaccines could restrict one’s ability to travel in or out of the United States, one’s ability to send their children to school, one’s ability to continue working at their place of employment, or even one’s ability to leave one’s own privately owned home.
The Media Blackout: Vaccine News in Mainstream Media is One-sided
While anyone with a computer and Internet access can easily retrieve documents from U.S. Government websites showing that vaccines are dangerous causing serious injuries and deaths, this information is blacked out of the mainstream media, which willingly complies with the pharmaceutical companies’ sales pitches that vaccines are both safe and effective. We publish the Department of Justice’s quarterly reports on government payouts to vaccine victims for injuries and deaths here at Health Impact News, but you will never see it reported in the mainstream media. For the latest report published in December 2014, see: Government Pays Compensation to 80 Flu Vaccine Injuries and Deaths.
Since U.S. pharmaceutical companies enjoy a privilege in the United States that no other country in the world allows, which is total legal immunity from any damages caused by vaccines, we often have to find news regarding vaccine injuries from countries outside of the United States, where lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers abound, particularly against the HPV vaccines that are causing young girls to become sterile. (See: Study: HPV Vaccine Linked to Premature Menopause in Young Girls.)
Even though one cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for faulty vaccines that cause death or injuries, these drug companies are routinely fined and convicted for fraud and other criminal charges: Vaccine Scandals and Criminal Cases Increase in 2014.
The media blackout on anything negative regarding vaccines is so extensive, that when a senior CDC vaccine researcher decided to become a whistleblower earlier this year and expose some of the government cover-ups hiding vaccine dangers, the mainstream media simply ignored it. Watch the admission from Dr. William Thompson yourself:
Loss of Employment for Refusing Vaccines

We have reported many cases of healthcare professionals losing their employment due to refusing the annual flu shot. Even with the CDC announcing that this year’s flu shot was not a good match for current influenza strains, medical facilities are continuing to push forward with mandatory flu vaccines for all employees. For those refusing, their HIPPA right to medical privacy is violated by being required to wear a mask the entire time they are on the job. More about mandatory flu vaccines.
Medical professionals are NOT united in endorsing mandatory vaccines however, and some are daring to push back, even though this too is blacked out of the mainstream media. (See: The Flu Vaccine War: Healthcare Workers Fight Back.)
For one doctor’s view on vaccines that will never be published in the mainstream media, watch this extremely informative interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries:
Dr. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccine Safety: “They Don’t Want You to Hear the Other Side”
Mandatory Vaccines for Employment Outside of Healthcare
Recent reports published by the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggest that mandatory vaccines are on the way for workplaces other than healthcare. A report issued by the CDC stated that mandatory flu vaccines should be extended beyond healthcare to food service, education, community and social services, personal care, cleaning and maintenance, and even real estate. (Report here.)
Augustina Ursino reported at VacTruth.com earlier this week that daycare teachers in Texas are now being required to have seasonal flu vaccines as a condition of employment. (See: Teachers Are Being Mandated To Get the Flu Vaccine or Wear a Mask and Gloves.)
Exemptions for Mandatory Vaccines for Children Threatened at State Level
The United States currently injects more vaccines into children before the age of one than any other country in the world. We are also #1 in infant mortality rates.
Currently, every state in the United States allows exemptions for school-mandated childhood vaccines. Those exemptions can include medical exemptions, philosophical exemptions, and religious exemptions. Only two states do not allow either a philosophical or religious exemption: West Virginia and Mississippi.
However, there are health authorities at the state level in almost all of these states seeking to eliminate these exemptions.
This is currently happening in the State of Michigan. According to the Detroit Free Press, the Michigan Department of Community Health is attempting to bypass state laws that allow for vaccine exemptions:
Parents who refuse vaccinations for their children because of philosophical or religious reasons will have to take another step now under a new policy by the Michigan Department of Community Health. Starting Jan. 1, they must have their waivers certified by the local health department. (Source.)
According to the National Vaccine Information Center, this was a totally unannounced and unexpected move right at the end of a lame duck legislative session, which caught everyone by surprise and could be poised to be implemented with no debate or opposition.
The National Vaccine Information Center has a “portal” where one can register and keep up to date on any attempts to change vaccine laws in your state:
The NVIC Advocacy portal posts information that no other media outlets are picking up on.
It is a free service and you can sign up for alerts from your state here:
NVIC Advocacy Portal
The National Vaccine Information Center is a nonprofit organization supported by donations. There are few organizations more worthy of contributions now at the end of 2014. Please consider supporting their work:
Mandatory Vaccines Required to Leave your Home?
Few people realize how easy it is for the federal government to announce a “public health crisis” that would give them broad powers to bypass Constitutional rights and implement measures such as home quarantines based on what they define as a “national health crisis.”
Have we already seen the beginning of this with the recently created public fear over Ebola?
Is Ebola truly a public health crisis in the United States? To date, there have only been a handful of cases and a couple of deaths. There are probably more than a dozen other viruses in the U.S. causing far more illnesses and deaths. (e.g. see: As Enterovirus D68 Deaths Increase, Are Vaccine Contaminants to Blame?)
Could the fear in the public largely being created through the mainstream media (and even a few in the alternative media) be setting the stage for mass vaccination programs for Ebola? Could such a vaccination program become mandatory with threats of home quarantines?
Health Impact News public health writer John Thomas recently analyzed the risk to Ebola in the United States, and compared it to the 1976 Swine Flu hoax which brought about a mass vaccination program in which the vaccine killed more people than the virus did.

Health Impact News recently reported how US Department of Health and Human Services provided “a gift to manufacturers of prospective vaccines meant to protect patients against the Ebola virus: Protection from legal liability.” (See: US Government Gives Future Manufacturers of Ebola Vaccines Free Pass from Legal Liability.)
Wayne Rhode, author of The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, commented:
My concerns, and there are many, that the Sec’y of HHS now has power to declare any vaccine manufacturer IMMEDIATELY indemnified for their products. The normal course is to submit for approval process thru legislative, executive, and public review.
The Sec’y of HHS actions on the coattails of the PREP Act of 2005 (Bush) and modifications in 2013 (Obama) clearly allow the narrative of terrorism to be used as the rationale for these decisions. The original scope was the concern over weaponizing anthrax by our enemies. And that is a legit concern.
Now, the circle has drawn complete. Ebola vaccine now, then any type of flu vaccine in the future.
With the PREP Act and modifications, vaccine exemptions and personal liberty are now thrown out of the window if an emergency is declared by the Executive Branch for a pandemic and NOW, a terrorist attack.
Those who do not accept the vaccine, will be quarantined. For those who are vaccinated with the Ebola vaccine and are injured, the path for compensation is NOT through the NVICP or Vaccine Court. It is through the super secret CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program. No attorneys allowed, just you against the Sec’y of HHS. And we will not know how many people or the injuries.
Nurse Returning from Ebola Country Locked up in Quarantine Against her Will
To understand if the government truly does have the authority to quarantine a U.S. citizen against their will, we only need to look at the recent example of nurse Kaci Hickox who returned from West Africa where she had been treating Ebola patients. Kaci Hickox did NOT have Ebola. She was quarantined and confined to a tent with no running water or flushing toilet, against her will, simply because of the fear that she might have Ebola – a fear quite probably fostered by the mainstream media and the medical community.
After a huge public outcry, she was eventually released from confinement and allowed to go to her home, where she was quarantined for several weeks.
Could this same scenario be repeated in the future due to a compliant public who have been convinced that only vaccines can save them from some deadly pestilence or disease, and that those who are not vaccinated against that possible disease are a potential threat to public health, and therefore need to be confined and quarantined?
Not only is this a possibility, it is a probability, unless the public wakes up and understands that they are only getting one side of the vaccine story; and that soon the religious-like belief in vaccines could take away many of the Constitutional freedoms citizens of this country have enjoyed for more than 200 years.
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
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Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
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TLB Recommends you visit VACCINE IMPACT FOR for more pertinent articles and information.
See featured article and read comments here: http://vaccineimpact.com/2014/are-government-health-authorities-taking-away-your-choice-to-refuse-vaccines/
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