“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views… which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.”~The Doctor (Tom Baker)
By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer
In the first part of my ongoing series I gave a repost from my personal blog that offered information proving the benefits of the childhood illnesses. This is information that every parent should have on hand to share and discuss with others. This information shoots down the idea of the childhood illnesses being dangerous. All illnesses will be dangerous if not properly treated or if the person has an underlying health condition. CHILDREN IN THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES DO NOT DIE FROM MEASLES!!!! They DIE from complications of underlying health conditions which in third world countries would most likely be malnutrition combined with poor sanitation.
You can not recover from or prevent illness without proper nutrition and clean drinkable water. Think about this and let it sink in that WHO reports of deaths from measles or most other illnesses are not accurate. They are deliberately using tactics that will elicit an emotional response. They are lying but in a sense they are telling the truth because the person did have measles and they did die. They will even say the person died of complications of measles or whatever but will never explain the real cause of the complications.
Similar tactics are used when showing images of people who have the childhood illnesses. The pictures they use are really harsh and scary looking and since the pictures are of a person who actually has the illness they are not really lying. Look at the following pictures and I will explain how the methods they use are designed to foster an irrational fear of the childhood illnesses.
The first two images are of a teen who is sick in bed with the big bad MEASLES but somehow feels well enough to do a photo shoot… I am sure he feels unwell but how sick can he really be?
NOW… Take a look at the same pictures of the MEASLES that have been EDITED in photoshop, all I did was do an auto white balance, auto normalize, then auto colour enhance. Afterwards I added the default unsharp mask. This took less than ten minutes to transform this teen with a normal childhood illness into something that looks absolutely terrifying. A few more minutes and I could have easily removed noise and color corrected the image to the point of it looking like a much harsher version of the original. Anyone who had not seen the original would have been oblivious to the alterations. Few people understand just how easily the truth can be manipulated by altering or omitting a few key facts. Almost all of the CDC pictures of the childhood illnesses have been altered in some way and the same is true for the pictures you would find in a google search. This should worry people a great deal!

The vaccine industry would crumble if they did not manipulate the truth to convince people that vaccination is necessary. They work overtime to invent new ways to scare the public and force those who do question vaccines into submission. During Tom Baker’s run as The Doctor on DOCTOR WHO he said something very profound that has stuck with me “The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views… which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.” The vaccine industry is very powerful and have taken control of politicians worldwide and have convinced the masses that they will die without being injected with their products. Those of us who are standing up against vaccines are the facts that they are trying to alter and they will do this by any means necessary. This is why we have to be unwavering with the truth and not stop until we awaken the masses and replace the very powerful who are trying to destroy humanity.
Next in the series you will hear a real life account of one of the most common childhood illnesses… STAY TUNED! (CW)
Visit Christopher Wyatt on both his FB page and personal blog
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