By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges
Millions of children under five die every year due to toxic germ-infested unsafe drinking water. This means that almost four babies a minute die from a lack of water according to UN-Water’s estimations. In the 2014 World Water Report released on the eve of World Water Day, the UN said that 768 million people do not have adequate access to water, 2.5 billion do not have access to improved sanitation. Among the deprived are a significant number of people in Detroit. It would seem that the problems of the third world are being visited upon Detroit and soon the rest of the country.
Obama Refuses to Bail Out the People of Detroit
Obama has taken American taxpayer funds to bail out the privately owned General Motors. Obama has helped himself to the same pot of money and has devastated this country by bailing out key Wall Street businesses (e.g. Goldman Sachs). However, when it comes to helping 700,000 residents of Detroit, they are not worthy of an Obama bailout, even when their health and their very lives are being put in danger by severe third world economic conditions that are currently present in Detroit.
Detroit is trying to come to grips with its newly founded Chapter 9 Bankruptcy plan that includes a significant loss of pension benefits for retired city employees. However, the most devastating part of the Detroit financial crisis may not be the loss of pension benefits, it is the access to clean drinking water. Today, Detroit is a city in which nearly 50% of the residents will soon have no access to clean drinking water. Yes, that is correct, nearly half of the residents in Detroit, cannot obtain clean water and this has become a serious life crisis. Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) announced it would send shut-off notices to customers with balances more than $150 past due or who are more than 60 days behind in their water payments. The department, has stated that nearly 50% of Detroit’s 324,000 water bills are overdue. Already, 4,500 accounts have had their water shut off by DWSD. This is a looming health crisis of epic proportions!
Obama’s refusal to involve himself in helping the people of Detroit in such a stark contradiction of his constitutionally mandated priorities, is yet another example of Obama’s Treason Quotient.
Both history and current events demonstrate that the more debt a country acquires, the more at risk that country has with regard to losing control over its infrastructure and in particular, its water supplies to private interests.
Beware of the UN Trojan Horse
Remember, the UN is the purveyor of Agenda 21. Control of all water is an essential element of Agenda 21.
In Detroit, it has not taken long for the unholy reach of CPS to involve themselves into the business of child-snatching when the water is shut off. CPS has immediately moved to take children from their parents for the crime of being poor. The U.N. Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Leilana Farha, has even expressed concern over the involvement of CPS. However, beware of the UN Trojan Horse, as the UN’s solution to this crisis is a case of the cure being worse than the illness.
After reading this section of the report on the Detroit water crisis, it will be apparent why Obama has refused to bail out the people of Detroit, even as the people face an extreme crisis. It should also be pointed out DWSD is not threatening similar water shut-offs against its corporate clients such as Detroit Public Safety, the Palmer Golf Club, the Joe Louis Arena/Red Wings Hockey and Ford Field.
Clearly, Obama was waiting for the United Nations to interject themselves into Detroit and recently, this is exactly what has happened.
Not to worry, the United Nations has promised to intervene in the Detroit water crisis. The U.N. High Commission on Human Rights special rapporteur on safe water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque, is in possession of a mandate which dictates that she must directly intervene with the U.S. government, first in a confidential manner and then in a public manner.
What do countries do when they are being strangled by debt? The answer is simple, the United Nations asserts its authority to intervene, in the name of human rights and then they bring in their corporate partners for fun and profit. On the UN’s website they fully admit to resorting to facilitating corporate involvement when there is a water crisis.
As America’s aging infrastructure falls further into disrepair, the various levels of government will be forced to borrow more money in order to keep its water supplies safe. This has been done before and the results were devastating to the country borrowing money.
Examples of UN NGO Involvement In Previous Water Crises
Bolivia, in 2000, is the poster child for what happens to a country when it lets the UN and its partner, the World Bank, has when it can convince governmental leaders to borrow money to fix its water issues. The Bolivian case in point is exemplified by the fact that the country borrowed money from the predatory World Bank in order to fix its water issues. The World Bank brought in Bechtel Corporation to fix Bolivia’s water issues, however, Bolivia predictably defaulted on its World Bank loan obligations and their water supplies went into receivership as prices skyrocketed by 400%. Further the Bolivians lost the right to trap rainwater and reuse irrigation water.
The exact scheme is also underway in Lima, Peru, where the typical poor family pays private vendors up to $3 per cubic meter to collect contaminated water in buckets while the elite pay 30 cents per cubic meter for treated water that pours out of taps in their homes. Also, in India, some families spend a quarter of their income on water. Debt manipulation, for the ultimate purpose of controlling water, is not just in play in the third world. Very soon, America’s crushing debt load combined with a quickly declining water infrastructure will lead officials in the US.
The derivative debt has paralyzed the economies of Europe and the United States. Debt default, followed by the banker bailouts will lead to private entities controlling our essential resources.
How long will it be until the globalists have to bail out the American economy while we continue on our trek towards unsustainable debt? When America’s economy falters, the bankers, armed with their central bank printing presses, will come to the rescue. The price for their intervention, judging by what happened in Bolivia, will be the total control over our infrastructure. Collecting rainwater and purifying stream water to drink, have already become illegal acts. As the UN has recently called for, all water will eventually be obtained through the public private partnership corporations and you can bet, as history has set the precedent, the price of water will get very expensive.
Draconian Water Policies Are Present In the US
States like Colorado, Utah and Washington have already made it illegal to trap rain water and use these resources for such purposes as drinking and irrigation.
In Douglas County, Colorado, just south of metropolitan Denver, engineers conducted a study on how rainwater collection affects aquifer function and health as well as groundwater supplies. The study revealed that when private parties collect rainwater on their properties, this serves to reduce the demand on local water facilities and improves conservation efforts. Based upon this research, trapping rainwater should be encouraged. However, conservation is not the goal of modern day water management, political and personal control of the citizenry is the final objective.
The Bolivian water experience is already underway in the United States. Did we really think that this was only going to happen in Bolivia? Similar projects are underway in Manila, Pakistan and San Francisco. Yes, this is correct; Bechtel now has a contract with San Francisco’s city government to upgrade the city’s water system. Bechtel employees are working side by side with city workers in a privatization move that people-in-the-know fear will lead to an eventual take-over of San Francisco ’s water system and create a fiasco similar to the one in Bolivia.
The wolf is at the door as massive debt will soon cause the US to lose control over our water. This is all part of an Agenda 21 plot to control the water of the United States in order to subjugate the people and to make a lot of money in the process.
It is not just Detroit that is in trouble. St. Louis, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are just a few of the several aging communities that are in severe financial stress. Soon, these water practices are going to be visited on many American cities.
“A recent paper by US-based NGO Corporate Accountability International asks: “what is the ulterior motive, or at least the commonality of interests between these corporations in financing WHI’s expansion? At least three strategic outcomes can be observed: (1) self-dealing (profiteering), (2) political and cultural commodification of water, and (3) advancement of a self-proclaimed ‘new global architecture’ for corporate control of water.” This quote is not only accurate, it is prophetic. It has been announced that Nestle (the thieves robbing the Great Lakes), Coke and Veolia are participating in what is being called the 2030 Water Resources Group Phase 2. The groups announced strategy is to insert “private management” of all water resources on the planet.
How will the Agenda 21 sources get people into the “stack and pack” urban centers of the future? Simple, they will use water to accomplish this goal. And will this serve a higher political goal? You already know the answer to that question.
About the Author:
Dave is the host of the popular radio talk show, which airs from 9 PM to Midnight (Central). The show can be heard by clicking the following icon in the upper right hand corner of The Common Sense Show.
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