By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges
At times, I find myself trying to evaluate the seriousness of Donald Trump’s announced intention to secure the Republican nomination for President. In a recent poll, Trump had the support of 24% of the polled would-be voters. As a result, Trump had an 11% lead on the rest of the Republican field.
Forbidden Topics
In the short time he has been running for President, Trump is talking about forbidden topics such as national sovereignty and the unwise free trade agreements which have cost millions of Americans their jobs. He is talking about the value of protecting the honor and integrity of an American citizenship. There is not one other candidate who is openly discussing these values. We live in an open border society where the middle class has become an endangered species. Trump makes one want to fly the American flag outside one’s home.
At times, I find myself laughing hysterically as the other presidential candidates, the minions for the bankers that have hijacked our country, and how they are trying to align in order to counter this new 800 pound guerrilla in the room. If it were not for Trump, everyone of these bought and paid for politicians look, sound and smell alike. Trump has added passion to the early days of the Presidential race. He has people genuinely excited about politics. Trump has put these politicians and the corporate controlled media in a state of panic and this has become the most entertaining comedy act that I have seen in a long time.
Is Trump for Real?
Donald Trump is on the verge of building a cult like following. Most, not all, of his statements are a breath of fresh air as he has called out the special interests. Can he win? Is is too early to tell. I cannot promise you that Trump will not withdraw in order to save his life or the lives of his family members. I cannot promise that he will not be assassinated if he fails to acquiesce to the establishment.
The Ross Perot Parallel
The last time the American people had a candidate that appeared to represent middle class interests, was nearly 24 years ago, that would be 6 elections ago.
To effectively evaluate Trump’s candidacy from an historical perspective, one has to be old enough to remember Ross Perot. I remember the 1992 campaign clearly. The nation was locked in a three way battle for the Presidency. Pappy Bush was running for re-election, Bill Clinton was still lifting up skirts as had secured the Democratic nomination. And then there was Ross Perot, a man who looked more like a caricature, or some cartoon character, rather than a legitimate Presidential candidate. Yet, five months before the election, Ross Perot had a seemingly insurmountable lead in the Presidential race.
NAFTA and the Giant Sucking Sound

NAFTA was the first step towards a one-world economic system and fulfilling the globalist goal of destroying the United States. Perot was at the point in opposing NAFTA. This would prove to be his undoing.
The message was clear to the American voters, if you wanted to save your job, you voted for Ross Perot. Perot’s campaign received a push because the Bush campaign was all too happy to have Perot involved in the national debate because he was drawing votes away from Bill Clinton and it gave Bush a small bump in the polls. And Bush needed all the help he could get after his 1988 campaign promise of “no new taxes” only to raise taxes immediately after his election. Bush, in relation to the first Iraq War, had uttered the words “building a New World Order”. The former CIA director was not a popular or likable candidate.
By opposing NAFTA, Perot was playing with his life.
Disaster Strikes the Ross Perot Campaign
While on his way to the White House, political disaster struck for Ross Perot. On May 17, 1992, national polls showed independent candidate Ross Perot leading President George H. W. Bush and Governor Bill Clinton. If Perot could only hang on for six more months, America would have a real man in the White House as opposed to a bought and paid for puppet.
Perot allegedly withdrew from the race because of some very vague threats that had been made with regard to his daughter’s upcoming wedding in June of 1992. The story never made sense. The reason given for Perot’s withdrawal did not warrant derailing a successful Presidential campaign.
Perot was an intelligent man. He knew the fate of men who has seriously challenged the globalists. At the end of the day, there are three reasons why reformer, Ross Perot, withdrew from the 1992 election and those three reasons were JFK, RFK and MLK. Somebody got to Ross Perot.
Men With Diaries Await Modern Day Reformers
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was attempting to dismantle the Federal Reserve’s stranglehold over the nation’s economy through the introduction an alternative interest free “C-notes” as they were called. JFK was determined to prevent the next cash cow for the military industrial complex, the Vietnam War. Kennedy was cutting the unwarranted tax break to the oil companies called the oil depletion allowance. He was having back channel talks with Russia about banning above ground nuclear testing by secretly using Norman Cousins as an emissary. Kennedy slapped the CIA and the mafia in the face by not allowing air cover in the infamous Bay of Pig invasion which could have risked World War III with the Soviets. JFK was a three-year, one man wrecking crew who was becoming an obstacle for the New World Order. On November 22, 1963, JFK was murdered in order to erase any possibility of reelection. According to the Warren Report, JFK was murdered by a man with a diary who said what he was going to do in that diary. If you doubt the veracity of these statements, Google “JFK’s Secret Societies Speech” and follow that up with his “American University speech” in May of 1963.
In 1968, and against all odds, Robert, former Attorney General, “Bobby” Kennedy, was compiling upset victory after upset victory on his was to the 1968 Democratic nomination for the Presidential race. RFK was murdered by a man with a diary, who stated what he was going to do. And the man with the diary made good on that promise just following Bobby’s win in the California Democratic Primary. Why did Bobby have to murdered by a man with a diary? Because he was vehemently opposed to the Vietnam War and would have ended it. He was opposed to the unlimited spending of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower had warned the American people about in his 196o Farewell Address. RFK had to murdered by a man with a diary because the 1960’s version of the globalists could not tolerate another Kennedy in the White House who was opposed to their policies.
Also in 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was very much against the Vietnam War, was making serious headway with much of the American public. The globalists could not tolerate a serious change in the landscape of American politics. Through King’s efforts, a new voting block was being created made up of previously disenfranchised black people. This was a threat to a political system which was already locked up by the globalists. King was murdered, one day after having his FBI protection removed by J. Edgar Hoover. And he was murdered by a man with a diary stating what he was going to do.
My Fear For Donald Trump
Trump may become nothing more than a fad. However, the early returns do not indicate that. And the establishment is allocating huge resources to derail his campaign. Trump is being taken seriously by the globalists. If Trump gains steam, he may be faced with a choice. Go the way of Ross Perot and buckle to the will of the globalists or risk assassination by the same mentality that has previously killed three prominent politicians. In modern America, reformers have a very short shelf-life. Donald Trump should fear men with diaries.
TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.
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So true. If you annoy the powers-that-be, you’re toast.