Big Pharma Corruption & the Myth of Safe & Effective Drugs
Lets open this up with a few vital questions …
FDA Approved pharmaceutical drugs are the third biggest killer in America at well over one hundred thousand deaths yearly … but you never hear much stated about that in the mainstream media … WHY?
Why are pharmaceutical companies with a proven tainted track record, permitted by our (so called) health protection agencies such as the FDA and CDC, to conduct their own safety studies … studies never properly verified by said agencies who’s mandate is to protect you, me, and our much more vulnerable children?
Why are so many Pharmaceutical drugs approved as safe for our use by these very agencies, only to cause massive harm, and be recalled … but only after said companies have raked in huge profits?
When the insignificant penalties levied against these companies in the name of poor science or study results, are merely considered the cost of doing business and even factored into the manufacturing and profit equation … hasn’t corruption been taken to an entirely new level?
Why is the (obvious) revolving door between government health agencies such as the FDA, CDC, and the pharmaceutical industry even allowed to exist with its proven track record of favoritism and inner agency corruption, to the benefit of said industry, and detriment of the general public?
Be it the FDA or the CDC (Who’s motto is “Protecting Your health 24/7”) etc…, there is unequivocal proof that it is no longer (and has not been for a very long time) their mission to look out for the health of We The People, and anyone with half a brain can see this!
But that IS the issue isn’t it, because through the severe Drugging, Dumbing Down and Poisoning of America as it exists today … most can no longer lay claim to a functioning “half a brain!”
“Modern medicines, with specific emphasis on pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, are responsible for more suffering and death over the last century plus of their massive proliferation, than any war in human history!”
This is not a guess or an exaggeration, it is a statistical fact. In this article we will focus on the pharmaceutical drug aspect of this issue.
What follows is a three part look at the massive pharmaceutical drug problem in America,
The Drugging of our Children
Generation Rx (massive addictions)
Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs (Harvard Study)
Fasten your seat-belts for a mind blowing ride …
The Drugging Of Our Children
In the absence of any objective medical tests to determine who has ADD or ADHD, doctors rely in part on standardized assessments and the impressions of teachers and guardians, while the treatments they administer leave little room for other causes or aggravating factors, such as diet, or environment. Hence, diagnosing a child or adolescent with ADD or ADHD is often the outcome, although no organic basis for either disease has yet to be clinically proven.
Psychiatrists may then prescribe psychotropic drugs for the children without first making it clear to parents that these medications can have severe side-effects including insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, psychotic symptoms and even potentially fatal adverse reactions, such as cardiac arrhythmia. And yet, despite these dangers, many school systems actually work with government agencies to force parents to drug their children, threatening those who refuse with the prospect of having their children taken from the home unless they cooperate.
Generation Rx – Documentary
Next we take a look at addiction, overuse and abuse of far to easy to acquire addictive and harmful pharmaceutical drugs that an unscrupulous pharmaceutical industry is only too happy to flood society with … The film presented here is from 2008 but the situation is no different today. This is still one of the best videos we have come across to represent this point …
Would you really like to know why there is a huge opioid crisis in America today …
What we present below is a Harvard paper released in 2013, detailing a very comprehensive breakdown of the health tyranny being forced down the throats of the people, either through ongoing and constant massive cover-ups, deception, corruption, or via laws that benefit only the massive pharmaceutical companies that exercise almost total control over our health agencies and government.
Why didn’t this paper make front page news six years ago? Could it be the complicity of the Mainstream Media with said pharmaceutical (HUGE revenue source) and government entities? But if you think that either the situation, or the scenario, have changed/improved in the few years past, you could not be more wrong because if anything, it has accelerated … this should make you VERY angry … or you may well qualify as one of those described above with “half a brain” !!!
Also see this: Supreme Court Legislation Exempts Pharmaceutical Companies From Disclosing Risks Associated With Products
Please read on …
Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs
Harvard University Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics Vol. 14, No. 3
Donald W. Light (fellow Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University), Joel Lexchin (York University in Toronto, ON), and Jonathan J. Darrow (research fellow at Harvard Medical School).
Institutional corruption is a normative concept of growing importance that embodies the systemic dependencies and informal practices that distort an institution’s societal mission. An extensive range of studies and lawsuits already documents strategies by which pharmaceutical companies hide, ignore, or misrepresent evidence about new drugs; distort the medical literature; and misrepresent products to prescribing physicians.[1] We focus on the consequences for patients: millions of adverse reactions. After defining institutional corruption, we focus on evidence that it lies behind the epidemic of harms and the paucity of benefits.
It is our thesis that institutional corruption has occurred at three levels. First, through large-scale lobbying and political contributions, the pharmaceutical industry has influenced Congress to pass legislation that has compromised the mission of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Second, largely as a result of industry pressure, Congress has underfunded FDA enforcement capacities since 1906, and turning to industry-paid “user fees” since 1992 has biased funding to limit the FDA’s ability to protect the public from serious adverse reactions to drugs that have few offsetting advantages. Finally, industry has commercialized the role of physicians and undermined their position as independent, trusted advisers to patients.
TLB Note: Continue reading the full paper including the following topics:
Institutional Integrity: The Baseline of Corruption
Flooding the Market with Drugs of Little Benefit
An Epidemic of Harmful Side Effects
Contributors to More Harm and Less Benefit
Distorting, Limiting, and Circumventing Safety Regulations
PDUFA: Conflict-of-Interest Payments
Post-Marketing Surveillance
Restoring Institutional Integrity for Safer Drugs
See full paper and references HERE
Related articles by TLB:
Mandatory/Forced Vaccinations a Blatant Violation of the Nuremberg Code
Infant Vaccinations – A Deadly “Training Program” For Parents
America’s Collapsing Health – Failing Our Vulnerable Children
CDC, Polio Vaccine, Cancer Risk & Millions of Dead Baby-Boomers
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than ten short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website
Stay tuned to …
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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