Infant Vaccinations – A Deadly “Training Program” For Parents
By: Roger Landry (TLB)
WARNING – What follows is a lesson in callous disregard of human life … your infant child’s life … for the sake of profit …, by your trusted doctor, pharma company, and complicit govt/health agencies!
This information has been published several times (updated over time) on TLB and other concerned organizations and websites. What is presented here cannot be dismissed as conspiracy theory or fake news. The reason this (updated) information is being reinforced is because of the massive implications it has on the health, up-to and including the mortality, of our most vulnerable infant children! How does this relate to the numerous vaccinations administered to our infants (about 26 by age one)? What you are about to find out should shock the hell out of you … and make you angry!
The Questions:
What nation in the industrialized world has just about the worst case of infant mortality (#33)?
What nation administers the most vaccinations to infant children (age one or younger) in the world?
What nation spends the most per-capita on healthcare in the world?
What nation is working on legislation to mandate (force) all Big Pharma Recommended vaccines on its infants?
Answers: America, America, and … Yup … America !!!
Hell even Cuba and Slovenia have a lower infant mortality rate than the (supposedly) most advanced and best cared for nation on the planet … WHY?
Would you believe me if I told you that all of this can be statistically tied to the number and timely administration of vaccinations? Well it can … and has been known, and statistically proven, for quite some time … FACT! So let’s start with what should have thrown up red flags across this nation in a huge fashion … but was simply buried from the eyes of those who critically needed it (over 7 years ago)… Us!
The Lie:
In 2014 A PhD immunologist and vaccine proponent stated during a conference for health professionals that babies are vaccinated from birth to age one, in order to ‘train the parents’ to introduce their children into the medical system, and that the vaccines administered at this point in their developing immune system … are all but worthless!
But what wasn’t stated is the inherent danger in ALL vaccines ‘especially for infants’ with a non existing or underdeveloped immune system and blood to brain barrier… In other words, The infant has virtually no protection against the disastrous effects of the vaccines live viruses, Thimerosal (mercury), aluminum (these metals being massively toxic), etc…! WHERE IS THE SANITY IN THIS ??
The immunologist, who has declined to be identified (after having made her comments), responded to a question about the rationale of giving infants vaccines in the first year of their life when they have no real effectiveness.
Q. So the science seems fairly clear that for the first year of life, probably, that the immunization is not stimulating the kind of response we expect it to stimulate.
A. True.
Q. So what’s the rationale for continuing to do that if it’s not doing what it’s supposed to be doing?
A. The vaccines are given at pediatric wellness visits, and the idea is that you are training the parent to bring their child in at all the pediatric wellness visits, and that it’s only the year visit that actually is truly important. But that for most parents you are not going to get them to bring their kid in if they don’t come in at two months, four months, and six months. And so it’s actually more of a training thing.
Please read the above comments again … and realize that if you correlate the above information with the comments/questions I made to open this article … it boils down to this:
ALL vaccines carry KNOWN risks especially to infants with developing blood to brain barriers and immune systems.
ALL vaccines have dangerous and possibly even DEADLY side effects.
ALL vaccines are sold to us as NECESSARY by our trusted doctors and care givers as scheduled.
So if vaccinations are not necessary, or even effective, yet still risky, dangerous, possibly even deadly, then we come to what can only be described as …
The Crime:
Infant lives are knowingly being sacrificed in America simply to support a deadly training program for parents to become reliant on the ‘for (massive) profit’ medical industrial complex owned and run by Big Pharma … FACT!
So, have you lost a child not long after birth (a vaccinated child), or had a child triggered into Autism, autoimmune dysfunctions, diabetes, deadly food allergies (all known side effects of vaccines), etc…, or know someone who has? If the USA has the highest infant mortality and Autism rates in the industrialized world … how many of our precious and vulnerable children’s lives are thrown away each year simply for “TRAINING PURPOSES?”
Are you angry enough right now to chew lead & spit bullets ???
Read additional information in an excerpt from:
Immunologist Admits Babies Only Vaccinated to ‘Train Parents’
The notion that babies are being injected with vaccines for the first year of their life simply in order to brainwash parents into feeding their children into the medical system is an extremely disturbing premise.
As Dave Mihalovic highlights, “Infants in their first year mostly depend on generalized, non-specific immunity, including (hopefully) immunoglobulins from breast milk, to protect their young bodies from infection. Vaccines are not only ineffective in the first year of life, but they can cause harm through synergistic toxicity and a state of immune overload.”
While there is little evidence that immunizing babies in the first year of their lives serves any positive purpose, the risk factor is well documented.
A shocking study published in a prestigious medical journal in 2011 found a direct statistical link between higher vaccine doses and infant mortality rates in the developed world, suggesting that the increasing number of inoculations being forced upon children by medical authorities, particularly in the United States which administers the highest number of vaccines and also has the highest number of infant deaths, is in fact having a detrimental impact on health.
The study, entitled Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?, was conducted by Neil Z. Miller and Gary S. Goldman. It was published in the reputable Human and Experimental Toxicology journal, which is indexed by the National Library of Medicine.
“Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates,” the study found, adding that the results demand an “essential” inquiry into the correlation between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and infant mortality rates.
Despite the fact that the United States administers the highest number of vaccine doses to children in the entire developed world, 26 before infants reach the age of one, its infant mortality rate is higher than 33 other nations, all of which administer less vaccines. The study clearly illustrates the fact that developed countries which administer less vaccines have lower infant mortality rates, suggesting a direct statistical link between vaccination side-effects and infant deaths.
For example, the two developed countries that require children be immunized with the least amount of vaccines, Japan and Sweden, also top the table for the lowest infant mortality rates.
Of the top ten developed countries with the lowest infant mortality rates, seven of the ten also appear in the top ten table of countries that administer the least vaccines.
When looked at in comparison, the table of countries ordered by which ones administer the least vaccines compared to the table which orders countries based on infant mortality rates is very similar.
Despite the fact that it administers the most vaccines, the United States has the highest infant mortality rate of all developed countries, with an average of 6.22 deaths per 1000 live births. The US has a far higher infant mortality rate than the likes of Cuba or Slovenia despite spending vastly more on health care.”
Read entire article By: Paul Joseph Watson HERE
Here is an excerpt from another article I wrote with information pertaining to this topic:
Mandatory/Forced Vaccinations a Blatant Violation of the Nuremberg Code
… So lets get blatant … Tell me how any of this training (tyranny) differs from handing a parent a six shot revolver and forcing them to point it at their infant child’s head and partake in a session of Russian roulette. Sure the one in six odds are high when considering the lesser risk of vaccines, but I dare anyone to explain how the principal is not Exactly the Same! Armed with the proper knowledge (in full), would you acquiesce your infant child readily or willingly to the vaccine schedule?
If one stops to consider the testimony of individuals such as Dr. Thompson and other learned CDC whistle-blowers, even the ethics question is a total and disastrous failure. If one also stops to consider the untold number of high level research scientists globally who have dedicated their lives and staked their professional reputations on proving the harm and danger of vaccines … proof gone unnoticed, ignored, or intentionally buried, by governments and health agencies, the morals question is also a catastrophic failure.
Read entire article by Roger Landry (TLB) HERE
Your infant children depend on you for safety … that is a hard mission to accomplish if you are ignorant of the facts, or indifferent to the subject, or blindly follow what your doctor tells you (that is a whole different story).
Stop being used (trained) to perpetuate Big Med and Big Pharma profits at the (known) risk of your infant children … or something even more sinister. Please check out the related links below for much more information on this topic.
Get informed … and protecting your loved ones will become a priority without doubt!
My Parting Shot …
Related articles:
Mandatory/Forced Vaccinations a Blatant Violation of the Nuremberg Code
Vaccines: Those We are Programmed to Trust Operate on Lies & Deceit
Vaccines: Bought – $100 Billion Buys a Lot of Corruption !!!
Deliberate & Known Vaccine Damage to Our Children By Scientists & Researchers On Behalf of The State
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than ten short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the The Liberty Beacon Project Flagship website
Stay tuned to …
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