Can Lead Leftist To Facts, But Cannot Make Them Think (Part 2)
(See link to Part 1 below article)
By: Joseph M. Lenard
[Adapted from my RedState/Townhall piece (titled: “Dealing with our Frustration with the Politically Brain-dead”) from August 22, 2009 4:36 PM and continuation from last two-week TLB pieces from my series.]
As I concluded last week saying… I could go on and on, but folks either get it or don’t…
Having said that, we will continue going on and on this week – as it is up to those of us that “get it” to “get through” somehow to those that don’t. Access to information/truth (best persuasive arguments) is easier than ever before with all the links (here at RedState alone), and that was/is my overall point – we have to get it all in front of them and hopefully get them caring enough to be motivated to seek it for themselves.
I am in an ultra-left District, and therefore as I’ve already said, felt this frustration my entire life. It has taken decades to bring some along to the Light and while it sucks it is partly our jobs to help them OR (if not) we just concede to the other side that we know employs the time, energy, tactics, etc. (ACORN, the Union’s leaderships, etc.) to bamboozle them. It has to be countered, and we cannot be as bad/lazy as Liberals and just expect others to do it. We have to be involved, in at least some ways to reach those (we know to be otherwise) complete idiots. We also have the trouble of BLUE-ism expanding out into Red areas that we must keep our own side properly motivated and engaged in in order to make sure Red Districts/States don’t slip.
We must continually take our best evidence and/or arguments forward to them in covering how Liberal “intentions” always lead to worse conditions (not solving any “issue”) with the endless unintended consequences (Democrats always ignore) because they always fail to fully examine their Progressive legislation thoroughly. For some of those now awake, we can point them back to 2008 Election Issues recap [with links] (or some Recommended diaries) and how the truth was always right there in front of them of what Democrats/Liberals want to do TO America rather than FOR Americans had they paid attention (and should now review so they won’t be fooled again).
Those Brain-dead vote, and many of them are moving as this bad economy shifts where some jobs are (the Jobs creations are in Red States and people flee the Blue States to there to get the jobs)…
Exporting/Expanding BLUE-ism, shaping Elections to come.:
Trouble is other areas will eventually suffer too by these Liberal refugees bringing their Brainless voting patterns with them…
… and it is those folks that the SEIU and ACORN are loading onto buses and handing out Professionally printed signs, to that “supposedly spontaneous” crowd, to counter you at the Democrat Townhalls: More HC Townhall Hi-jinks.
For those who wish to review the context from which this Diary drew from, see the Joe Connor’s: Ten years after the terrorist clemencies: Hillary’s hypocrisy continues Diary and comments.
VIDEO (13m 25s): Dennis Prager: Liberalism vs Leftism
[Based upon this more proper definition a true Liberal (though getting harder to find, as there seems to be less and less of them to full-on SOCIALIST/LEFTISM is reachable, a Snowflake feelings first Leftist is not!]
PS: It is a shame this has to even be said and an example like this needs to be spelled out but… There is a Rep, and I’ll kindly just leave out his name to keep this a generic “lesson.” Despite many many many Townhalls already held in regard to the HR3200 (HC) Bill and weeks of Public debate, he “claims” that he doesn’t know whether or not he Supports/Opposes the Bill. That is, of course, a dodge to cover he is NOT WITH the overwhelming Public sentiment against the Bill. If he doesn’t know what is so offensive that the Bill must be defeated, if things are not unacceptable at this point, then it is obvious, he will be willing and is going to vote FOR the Bill, then it is clear he is just attempting to bamboozle yet more of the Brain-deads that abound. That there haven’t been sufficient examples already of these tactics for people to have yet figured this out is beyond me!
PSS: One-liner Political jabs using one liners to get people to think (one-liner quotes/jabs) are important, as it’s all about the Marketing and getting the messages out/through. The Demoncrats are good at Parroting slogans (often, involving out-right Lies), and sticking them in peoples Brains (especially Politically Brain-dead folks). We have to be better and more clever than them and keep coming up with new/fresh comments to stick in people’s craws.
We know they are NOT going to listen to our giving them the FACTS, so we have to have the cute, quick, brief, pithy, comments that despite themselves might stick in their Dead-Brain-matter and fester. Enough of those using one liners to get people to think (one-liner quotes/jabs) can add up over time and help to awaken some (Optimism and Faith in, at least, several of the Brain-deads who didn’t bother to vote to wake up at least). Seeing more and more one-liner quotes in Sig-lines warms my heart, but we need to be using them out in the streets and/or on our TEApeats signs (Congress – Here’s Your Sign) we are making headway and a difference!!!
The one-liner jab gets through where a longer argument is never going to be entertained. They have to have their self-awakening and discovery, then they’ll come back to us (mostly via RedState) to tune into what they hadn’t been paying attention to and continue that Road To Recovery from their DENIAL. We cannot (unfortunately) force them, they have to come willingly!!
Last weeks and this week’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist TM Politics shows (BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Videos, of the Audio only all Podcast Platforms shows) below. CTP-S1E33 deals with the related part-1 and continuation pieces as does CTP-S1E34 of “Cannot Make Leftists Think” TLB pieces, while part-1/CTP-S1E33 deals in the topic less than E34 as E33/part-1 also contains discussion with Peter Serefine (Author forthcoming “Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal” book)…
VIDEO (43m 28s): CTP S1E33 “Dealing with Politically Brain-Dead (part 1)”
VIDEO (52m 42s):CTP S1E34 “Dealing with Politically Brain-Dead (part 2)”:
Think Chess, as an admitted somewhat bad metaphor (though as I always Joke: “I am too clever for metaphors, I use meta-sixes!”) or analogy but will work – do you lead with your King? Now, of course, that’s not how Chess works and you can’t do that let-alone would want to. However, that makes the point, you have to lead with lessor pieces, less bold moves, and work your way up to a broader and more complex strategy and moves. Maybe I should have lead with that “example” in the “Red-Pill Strategy” piece from a couple weeks ago and how that kind of ties this and the last two week’s (Red-Pill and part-1 of this) articles together – strategic building to deliver to the end-game.
I know one such nut locally that must always go off-the-deep-end and to the most extreme right-off-the-bat, absolutely everything in Life is a Conspiracy, everything “RIGGED,” including “The NFL Season was/is fixed, the Ford Family has prearranged done-deal/feta-compli, and the Lions assured to Win SuperBowl 23/24 NFL Season.” Yep, sure, HEY RON (loon, kook, nut) how’d that work out (but, yes, sure glad as a Detroit area guy they Won a couple Playoff games)?!?! And he’ll just keep making more bold moronic statements, proven wrong over and over, but has NO CLUE of his lack of any credibility (before now even, let-alone going forward) in anything and everything he says (oh sure, he’ll have more new-layers and levels of Conspiracy-nuttiness to demonstrate what went wrong and his other insisted Conspiracy fell-through). Everything Conspiracy, he is the only one with Secret-Knowledge regarding anything/everything, being like that just evokes eye-rolls from most (IMO, deservedly). LOL If you aren’t being seen as a CREDIBLE SOURCE, you’re just the butt of the Jokes.

[As you can see, originally was using improper term of “Liberal” (yes, I can, do, admit when I have erred over time, just like the proper term for CINOs/RINOs/FASCICRATS comprise #DeepState not #UniParty misrepresentation) vs more proper term of “Leftist” as there is indeed a difference between “Classical-Liberal” we can turn and an ideological committed Emotionally Hysterical only Snowflake WOKE “Leftist.”
Series Part1:
Can Lead Leftist To Facts, But Cannot Make Them Think (Part 1)
Also by this Author:
Some Still “Reachable” To RED-PILL, But One Must Be “STRATEGIC” About It…
Constitutional Rights vs Commie Privilege
Expect Another Push For ‘Net Neutrality’
Can One “Generalize” About Women Voters…
Year (2023) In Review…
Year (2023) In Review (Part 2)…
Image Credit: Graphic (cropped) in Featured Image (top) – Pixabay License
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
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Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
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