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Episode #22: Fighting Back
Hosted by Steve Cook, who is a talk show host for TLB Radio, a writer, and the Sr. Editor of TLB UK.
By: Steve Cook
I am pleased to welcome for another show the former martial arts champion Pete Dwan, whose 11-year Drug Free Kids campaign is revolutionizing drug education and opening up a way forward to a drug free future.
Today Pete gives us another report on the progress of his Drug Free Kids campaign.
We go over the fact that the drugs epidemic is not something accidental that “just happened” but is part of an attack on Western culture and is a deliberate effort to debilitate it and weaken it through drugs.
This is an attack that so often sees our young people targeted because they are the adults of tomorrow. Western civilisation is not the only culture targeted for this attack but Islamic and other cultures are under the same attack too.
Pete covers how an effective drug education campaign can arm our children with knowledge and helps fireproof them against efforts to booby trap their lives with drug experimentation. It enables parents to fight back and protect their children.
He describes how it took a great many years of hard work to evolve his highly effective approach to bringing young children vital knowledge about drugs and what are the key features that make this program so successful.
He finishes off by reading out a few of the thousands of success stories and positive feedback he has received from children AND their parents.
He explains also his three-pronged approach to bringing children a workable truth about drugs:
1. His personal talks in schools
2. Videos of his talks to be played in schools, more info at
3. A new platform, where parents can download video lessons that enable parents and children to virtually have Pete talk to them in their living room. More info is available at www.beating the or
The years of toil Pete has devoted to perfecting a highly effective way of communicating the difficult subject of drugs to children and youth have yielded powerful tools that enable parents, teachers, youth and community workers to help their children.
I am honoured to present Pete’s tireless and ground-breaking work. He is truly one of the world’s great pioneers in the field of drug education.
Click the “on air” icon below to listen in and remember: if you have any questions for me or Pete, any observations, suggestions or feedback, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
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