Eagle’s Eye Report: Flying the Friendly Sky’s … NOT! (Archived)
Host: Roger Landry (TLB) – Co-Host & Producer: Stephen Roberts
Brought to you by: TLBTalk.com – Where Freedom Roars
Live Broadcast platform: ShakeAndWake Radio Network
Also on PSN Radio, EPGN Radio Online and SoFloRadio live.
Listen to Show below intro article
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Intro by: Roger Landry (TLB)
Welcome again to Episode #38 of the Eagle’s Eye Report. This episode is Hosted by myself with Co-Host and Producer Stephen Roberts. The title of today’s show is … Flying the Friendly Sky’s … NOT! The intent of this weekly radio show is to be a mechanism for communicating the truth and facts in a country increasingly forbidding of these very concepts.
No, as I say weekly, this not a pleasant way to introduce a show … but today reality is blatant and not very pleasant in many aspects. Thus the reason, and intent behind the Eagle’s Eye Report.
Our mission is to keep you armed with the vital truth, as well as to present you with a social media platform where you can discuss these vital issues without fear of undue censorship or exclusion, that being the sponsor of this show … TLBTalk.com.
Now it’s down to business …
Show Introduction:
In the first half hour of today’s show I present information that should be available to all of us … especially those who are frequent flyers due to their profession … but is not. Once again we see an administrative deep state hard at work hiding critical information from those they are supposed to serve!
QUESTION: Just how many will die needlessly before we stop trusting our corrupt and complicit government agencies? How much is our government … you know those who work for us … knowingly hiding from us, that could at some point become very lethal to We The People? The Damn shots are NOT Safe & Effective as I have been shouting (literally) for two years now !!! … Let’s discuss one such scenario set to blow up in our proverbial faces, and I am quite sure the trolls and shills will now accuse me of fear-mongering !!!
Flying the Friendly Sky’s … NOT!
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires first-class airline pilots to receive an electrocardiogram (EKG) starting at age 35, and continuing annually after age 40. EKG’s record the heart’s electrical activity to provide a measure of heart health and certain parameters must be met in order for pilots to be deemed fit to fly.
October 24, 2022, the FAA changed the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to fly — but not to make them safer. With no public announcement or explanation, the agency expanded the allowable range for the PR interval, a measure of heart function.
Widening this parameter means those with potential heart damage, disease or injuries are now allowed to fly commercial aircraft, potentially putting passengers at risk, should they suffer a heart attack or other event while in the air. Why would the FAA make such a drastic and risky move without informing the public? Let’s discuss this …
In the second half hour we have a discussion with TLB Contributing Author and Writer Joseph M. Lenard about his two books – TERROR STRIKES and How to Write a Book and Get It Published.
Listen up as Joe and I discuss the need for a book like Terror strikes as both a fiction and a real world influencer. Then we saunter into the reality of actually writing a book, as in the why and how of it. All in all … this is a great segment, much more light of heart than the first half of the show.
See much more information about Joseph and links to his books below the show.
Listen Up …
Eagle’s Eye Report: Flying the Friendly Sky’s … NOT!
(Click on image below to listen to show)
Show Related Article:
Why Are EKGs Of Pilots No Longer Normal
About Joseph M. Lenard: Joseph was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
(Click on image to find out more)
Terror Strikes video Trailer:
(Click on image to find out more)
Additional articles of interest:
How COVID Patients Died for Profit
The Great Resignation In A Collapsing Health System
Major New Statement On Medical Freedom
The Cancer That Is Public Health
More Episodes of Eagle’s Eye Report (click on image below)
About the Articles Author Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about fifteen short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
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The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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Someone (elsewhere, actually over on the RETALK Social-Media platform) basically ACCUSED ME of dealing in FEAR PORN…. LMFAO…
I’ll just now, after replying, BLOCK him and get on with dealing with THINKING FOLKS.
FURTHER… about my posts, discussion topics I do interviews about, and my book…
Yes, OK, there is a difference between
if you want to dare death, go ahead (but I bet you don’t actually live life that way)…
Vs FEAR PORN (which I do NOT engage in, but #ENEMEdia has been daily with the overblown Wuhan Hysteria and whether the Jabs are more dangerous to the masses than the disease (or, fuck it all, just let every day be a crap shoot))!!
and at least BE ALERT to potentials and at least TRY to prevent BAD THINGS
My book is NOT A BOOK ABOUT DEATH, DESTRUCTION, PANIC, PARANOIA, FEAR PORN, BUT INSTEAD ONE OF “LIFE AND LIVING” just not being a complete fucking moron clueless and careless to “the Life, and bad things (even just threat of General Crime, a more dire threat with FASCICRATS letting Criminals back out onto the Streets on a daily basis vs a “direct Terror threat killing them specifically” also covered in the book)” around us all.
LIFE (including UnBorn) AND LIVING, and those both foreign (terrorists) and domestic (US FASCICRATS) trying to deprive folks of LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
Do you have a few can foods and/or other “supplies” to care for yourself (or do you not care about being able to care for anyone else either) if a STORM disrupts things around you for a few days OR just live minute to minute clueless and careless?!?!
DESPITE your rhetoric, I’d bet it’s the former and not the latter.
AND THAT is one of the many important messages in my book.
Good chatting with you.
And, yes, of course, we could all be ACCIDENTALLY BE HIT BY A BUS AND KILLED tomorrow – but a big difference between whether one has the thought capacity to pay attention and NOT WALK BLINDLY ONTO STREETS!
But, again, I bet you actually do “get it!”
Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author, blogger, cancer survivor, GoldAffiliate, podcaster, political activist, speaker, social-media influencer, writer
The only people normally oppose my book (and my CARE AND CONCERN FOR OTHERS’ SAFETY AND WELL-BEING) are LIB SNOWFLAKES cuz they know it is indeed NOT JUST ABOUT TERRORISM and FASCICRATS killing both Americans and America itself from within.
And this is NOT the only thing making the Airways above USA less safe… See the additional TLBtalk discussion (LAX attacked and ever more likely the entire closing of US Airspace (1st time since 9/11) was a Cyber-attack): https://tlbtalk.com/users/view/3550/activity_id:173745