Eagle’s Eye Report: Tyranny & the Fourth Estate
Host: Roger Landry (TLB) – Co-Host & Producer: Stephen Roberts
Brought to you by: TLBTalk.com – Where Freedom Roars
Live Broadcast platform: ShakeAndWake Radio Network
Also on PSN Radio and SoFloRadio live.
Listen to Archived Show below intro article
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Intro by: Roger Landry (TLB)
Welcome again to Episode #10 of the Eagle’s Eye Report. This episode is Hosted by Co-Host and Producer Stephen Roberts. The title of today’s show is … Tyranny & the Fourth Estate. The mission of this show is to be a mechanism for communicating the truth and facts in a country increasingly forbidding of these very concepts.
No, as I say weekly, this not a pleasant way to introduce a show … but today reality is blatant and not very pleasant in many aspects. Thus the reason, and intent behind the Eagle’s Eye Report.
Our mission is to keep you armed with the vital truth, as well as to present you with a platform where you can discuss these vital issues without fear of censorship or exclusion, that being the sponsor of this show … TLBTalk.com.
As stated above, this weeks episode is Hosted by Stephen Roberts as I am tied up rescuing the TLB Projects websites from the biggest and most concentrated attack we have ever experienced in well over a decade … Obviously we are saying something right! Suffice it to say this show is in outstanding hands with a seasoned patriot at the wheel.
Now it’s down to business …
By: Stephen Roberts – Co-Host & Producer of “Eagle’s Eye Report”
The two following articles (analysis and presentation) are presented in episode #10.
Whatever Happened to ‘Don’t Be Evil’
Original article by: Michael Senge
Presentation & analysis by Stephen Roberts
The article by the same name, ‘What Happened to Don’t Be Evil’ by Michael Senger first delves into the trials and tribulations the first patriotic people in America’s past dealt with, with the mainstream media in America in the middle of the 18th century and the mainstream media of today and the seemingly timeless rhetorical devises used then are still being used today.
The patriotic people of the past were chastised and called “terrorists” “seditious individuals” “treasonous” and “dangerous” today patriots are referred to with many of the same descriptive rhetoric, such as “treasonous” “Deplorable’s” ”dangerous” and “seditious individuals’, patriots today are being branded as ones who will cause harm in your communities, racists, fascists and a danger to progress. These are all simple forms of manipulation that try to squelch dissenting views from the collectivists “norm” witch is basically out of the Marxist indoctrination manual.
Patriots are called, “crazy conspiracy theorists” who “falsely claim” government is behind many “false flag terror attacks” to keep the American public down. The “strawman attack” is the main weapon drawn upon by government and mainstream media when challenged by anyone outside their very little clique of highly paid “Prestitutes” or “whore teleprompter readers”.
There may have been a time when one could ask themselves, “Whatever happened to Don’t Be evil”? But that answer is not as simple as it used to be, when the mainstream media, government, Non-governmental agencies, big pharmaceutical companies have to control they do.
How Mainstream Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA
Original article by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Presentation & analysis by Stephen Roberts.
Operation Mockingbird in the corporate structure of the mainstream media only modernizes the propaganda used in the 20th century, but it is as old as humanity itself, the modern version of it can be traced back to 1948, when the CIA’s Office of Special Projects launched Operation Mockingbird, a clandestine CIA media infiltration campaign that involved bribing hundreds of journalists to publish fake stories at the CIA’s request.
The CIA reportedly spent $1 billion a year (about one-third of its entire budget) on this enterprise. CIA-recruited journalists worked in most major news organizations, including CBS News, Time, Life, Newsweek and The New York Times, just to name a few. Later on, the campaign expanded to include foreign media as well. As reported by the Free Press:
“In 1976, Senator Frank Church’s investigation into the CIA exposed their corruption of the media … The tactic was straightforward. False news reports or propaganda would be provided by CIA writers to knowing and unknowing reporters who would simply repeat the falsehoods over and over again.”
During the Cold War, CIA propaganda disparaged communist ideologies. Today, it promotes radical ideas that bring us closer to “The Great Reset” which is based on a technocratic economic system instead.
Eagle’s Eye Report: Tyranny & the Fourth Estate (Archived)
(Click on image below to listen to show)
Show Talking Points from the following articles:
Whatever Happened to ‘Don’t Be Evil’
How Mainstream Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA
More Episodes of Eagle’s Eye Report (click on image below)
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The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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