By: Jeff Berwick
For millions it is already too late.
They won’t realize the geopolitical winds which are now blowing. Off in their own lala land, the average American will be focused on sports, celebrities, what the right amount of stealing (taxes) in society is, gay rights, which foreign countries “we” should bomb next, the first woman president, and so on and so forth, while their livelihoods are sacrificed in the name of the US government.
They will wake up one morning, and their prospects will be gloomier than they are now. Don’t think such a thing happens? This exact thing just happened in the Ukraine. Devastation. People wake up one morning and suddenly everything they had worked so hard for is gone. “Oh, but that’s Ukraine!” you might say. “Not here in the US.”
Well, when you realize that a lot of the policies now being instituted in Ukraine were supported by the US government and the International Monetary Fund, which is largely funded by the US government, then maybe, just maybe you will start to see things differently. If not, I understand. Public schools are not kind institutions to reason. If that’s not reason enough just consider the growing police state.
Jim Rogers recently discussed with Yahoo! Finance how all Western governments are bankrupt, which we cover regularly, stating “There is no sound currency anymore…There’s no paper money in 2014 and 2015 that’s going to be worth much of anything.”
Bloomberg recently reported that the US dollar reached a two-year low, its weakest level since November 2011. Furthermore, the US dollar has lost 38.5% of its value since 2002. Rogers predicted the US will soon abandon the dollar for another currency!
“For the first time in recorded history we have all major banks and central governments around the world printing huge amounts of money,” Rogers said. “This has never happened in world history and so the world is floating on an artificial ocean… of lots and lots of printed money,” said Rogers.
“The debt is going higher and higher. The money printing is going higher and higher. We’ve had 50 or 60 years of success in America,” he said. “You’ve got to pay the price someday whether you like it or not. The longer you delay the day of reckoning, the worse the day of reckoning is going to be. This is not going to be fun.”
“Abolish the Federal Reserve,” Rogers stated. “The world has gotten along quite famously and well without central banks for most of world history.”
“America has had three central banks in our history, the first two disappeared,” he said. “This one’s going to disappear too because they keep taking on huge amounts of debt… they keep leveraging up the balance sheet… they keep making mistake after mistake… they’re printing money, it’s going to self-destruct before it’s over…We’d be better off with no central bank than this central bank.”
It’s no wonder why the IRS, Social Security and Treasury are going after hardworking ordinary Americans. The government is flat-out broke! They must simply get their hands on as much cash as possible, as quickly as possible, to delay the inevitable – US dollar abandonment and inevitable collapse.
We reported last week how the Bureau of Land Management invaded Nevada in order to ready the land to be passed onto the Chinese. As you see, the US government is in so much debt, it is selling off parcels of land to creditors. But before it does that, it will have to go to war with the American people… Many government officials have confirmed the standoff there is not over and Ron Paul has warned against a WACO-style siege.
Then, just yesterday, we reported how Social Security and Treasury are stealing tax refunds to satisfy decade-old debts…oftentimes parents’ debts. (it turns out this recently was ceased until further investigation, a testament to how getting the word out can change things for the better) The feds are so desperate they are pondering taxing employee perks like free food at lavish cafeterias, laundry and even yoga.
We here at The Dollar Vigilante know this information can be overwhelming. The sad thing is, we are not being hyperbolic. We cannot underscore in a daily blog the severity of the situation in which we find ourselves.
Something big is going on behind the scenes. Bankers are committing suicide or being murdered, and the finance minister of Canada just died. We are turning a corner and all of the debts and money printing is going to have a massive effect possibly as soon as this year, as Jim Rogers notes. Precious metals have been in a consolidation period for years now, and TDV anticipated this and told our premium readers to go long cash, but now I personally am turning hyperbullish on precious metals, precious metals stocks and aggressive on shorting the overall stock market and I will write more about this in the April issue of TDV. (For more information on our subscriber area, click here.)
Capital controls have been ratcheted up across the entire world. We’ve been covering the slow progression here, and with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act coming into full effect July 1st, 2014, we believe we are in the final months when Americans can easily get their money outside of the US. If you have assets in the US, you’re on the precipice of being too late! You should be running, not walking, to the lifeboats. Remember, even the US government will be forced to abandon the dollar.
At the TDV Wealth Management Crisis Conference the experts at TDV Wealth Management will set you on the right footing to survive The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It. (TEOTMSAWKI) If you are unsure if the conference meets your needs feel free to email or call us for a free consultation on your affairs. You can email us at [email protected] or call +1-646-568-5518 Ext. 516.
Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.
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