Hotly Debated: 1240 Scientists Demand Seralini GMO Study be Republished, Will NOT Be Suppressed



Over 1240 scientist signatories have demanded that a study  previously published on the toxic effects of GMO maize and RoundUp that was  retracted by the journal Food and Chemical  Toxicology (FCT) be reinstated. This is a massive backlash  against an industry that has tried to silence well-qualified scientists from  publishing the truth about GMOs.

These scientists and others plan to boycott Elsevier -a ‘world-leading provider of scientific information – until the journal, FCT,  reinstates a study carried out by Gilles Eric Séralini et al., which was  been debated throughout scientific and non-scientific circles alike.

Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini is a biologist at the University of  Caen. He published a study on GMOs which clearly showed how  damaging they were to health, and pointing out that “Agricultural GMOs  do not exist independently of pesticides.” That study can be found  here.

One scientist said:

The suppression of scientific evidence for commercial gain  should be punishable by criminal charges. The tobacco companies got away with  this for nearly 30 years before the world woke up to the problem, and even then  the response was insufficient. The risks posed by the epigenetic  response of plant DNA to foreign genes is potentially catastrophic, and the  precautionary principle should apply. Censoring science is playing  with peoples lives.”

Read: Top  10 Worst GMO Foods

Following is part of the statement published by Elsevier referencing their retraction:

“The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology retracts  the article “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant  genetically modified maize,” which was published in this journal  in November 2012. This retraction comes after a thorough and  time-consuming analysis of the published article and the data it  reports, along with an investigation into the peer-review behind the article.   The Editor in-Chief deferred making any public statements regarding this  article until this investigation was complete, and the authors were notified of  the findings.”

Seralini has vowed he will republish his study. He believes the study was  only retracted due to lobbyist pressure and the symbolic effect the study would  have on the industry. With the retraction of this study (and despite others  indicating GMO dangers), companies like Monsanto, the makers of RoundUp  chemicals, can say, ‘there has never been a study proving GMOs pose a health  risk.’ That is quantifiably wrong.

You can see more comments about scientists being silenced on GMOs here. One of  the comments posted on the retraction and attempted  silencing of the scientists involved in the Seralini study sums up the  issue perfectly:

“Our American children have been the unwilling science experiments to GMOs  and their health issues have skyrocketed. 1 out of 2 of our children will have  Autism in 20 years if we keep going at the rate we are now. Diabetes expenses  will eat up all of our federal health care budget in 13 years. Failure to  conceive in the US is now at 30%. These and many more health conditions have  been linked to GMOs and Glyphosate. Moms Across America are seeing their  children get better when they get off GMOs, from autism, allergies, auto immune  and asthma.

Seralini’s study was a warning, Moms choose to heed it and be “Better safe  than sorry”. We chose raise awareness to fight to get GMOs labeled and eat GMO  free and organic or the future of our country and the world. And we will never  stop. We will not give up. Because the love for our children will never end. We  are supported by Seralini’s undauntable courage and applaud his  research.” – ZEN HONEYCUTT

Why did Monsanto want this study to disappear? You can find one reason in  this simple statement:

“They [GMOs] make animals seriously  ill.”

Monsanto cannot suppress us forever. Join the masses who are  telling Monsanto we know the truth about their poison crops, and we won’t be  suppressed any longer. Seralini’s study needs to be on the front of every major  news publication when it is republished. The biotech trolls should have a heyday  trying to shoot it down a second time.

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  1. You Don't Need Guns to Cull the Herd if You Have GMOs | The Liberty Beacon

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