DiGenova, Fitton, Jarrett On Exploding Exposure Of Obama and His Corrupt DOJ, FBI
by Rick Wells
DiGenova, Fitton and Jarrett lay out the situation with the noose tightening by the day around the criminals Clinton and Obama and the cover up conducted under a sham criminal…
In an Obama regime-Democratic Party corruption information feast, Sean Hannity welcomes former US Attorney Joe diGenova, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton and attorney Gregg Jarrett for a discussion.
DiGenova starts things off by saying, “This is now piling on in a very big way…McCabe is gone because Wray knows what’s in the other emails and the other texts. McCabe was sent packing as a result of Christopher Wray being briefed by a number of people who have access to the investigation that’s underway, which is going to lead to criminal charges against a number of people.”
DiGenova says, “What you are seeing coming out now in the text messages is just the minimum of what is available now to DOJ officials. He says that several high FBI officials will be charged criminally as well as possibly some DOJ people as well.
He points out that a group of FBI leadership decided they were going to protect Hillary Clinton, change witness testimony, and frame Donald Trump.
Hannity asks Jarrett about the FISA judges, who he says must be livid at being lied to. Jarrett has a copy of a letter sent by Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes to the presiding judge of the FISA court, requesting “four different hearings and any transcripts to determine to determine the false misrepresentations of fact that were made, allegedly, by the Department of Justice and the FBI during those hearings.”
Jarrett points to the stupid comments of Leon Panetta in defending the criminal conduct of his fellow Democrats, but informs him that they do have, as evidenced by the letter, the power to look at the transcripts of the FISA hearings. [[VIDEO BELOW]]
Hannity asks Tom Fitton about the effort to keep Hussein Obama informed about what was going on, new evidence contained in one of the Strzok-Page texts. Fitton addresses the conflicting lies of the Democrats attempting to cover for Obama, saying, “Well, you pick. It’s either about the email investigation or the Russia investigation.”
He says, “Either way you see ‘president’ Obama being intensely involved in wanting to know everything about either the Clinton email investigation or the Russia investigation. Pick your poison in terms of ‘presidential’ involvement in these sensitive criminal investigations.” Fitton goes on to lay out some serious and potentially damaging questions he has about Obama’s involvement in the criminality.
DiGenova notes that the information the FBI used to fabricate the attacks on President Trump were being circulated from one part of their scheming organization to another, so that nothing was verifiable. He also blisters Leon Panetta for his despicable comments on television, “condemning Chairman Nunes for politicizing intelligence, what a disgraceful comment by a former CIA Director. Leon Panetta should be ashamed of himself. He’s obviously not reading the papers.”
He also says, “He obviously has not read the April 26th, 2017 opinion of the FISA court in which they accuse the FBI of purposely and illegally and unconstitutionally leaking FISA 702 information to private contractors, which is a felony. You’ve never heard Mr. Panetta say anything about that.”
He notes, “You’ve never heard Mr. Panetta say anything about any of the conduct of John Brennan, the single most political CIA Director in history. And Brennan’s comments this weekend about all of the stuff that Nunes is doing rank among the most disgusting political comments by any CIA, former CIA Director in history.”
TLB published this video report from Rick Wells.US
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