Assimilation into the collective is not the death of tribalism
By TLB Contributing Author: Ken LaRive
Author’s thoughts:
“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Clinton, at a fundraiser, had this to say about Trump supporters, September 2016: “To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” Clinton said. “Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic… you name it.”
She added, “And unfortunately, there are people like that and he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.”
Clinton then said some of these people were “irredeemable” and “not America.”
Truth to Power is a Progressive Ideology. It is government explaining to everyone what truth is, in a believable way… The Liberty movement fights this mindset with every breath.
“In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot.” ― Czesław Miłosz
The following essay is my musing over the push for American collectivism, and the danger of giving up our heritage to achieve it. It is about confining social structures that inhibit one race or religion, while another takes control. It is about Liberty, truth, and the convolution and overt complications used to promote slavery of the spirit by well-hidden mendacity. It is about tribalism, well hidden in the folds of our social system promoting collectivism for power and control of the masses. It is about our slavery.
Assimilation into the collective is not the death of tribalism
Our dwindling attention span…
It is said that the number of people who can read are shrinking along with attention span. That small bits of information are all most people can assimilate these days, and few recognize this new trend, or even have the ability to reason why it is happening.
In the media, both speculation and truth are treated as one flash in the pan, as another fire is lit to grab attention from another, and because of this scientifically formulated method of media-message, a viable decision cannot be formulated by the average person. That is exactly the rationale; our subliminal enslavement complete… And what could be more horrible to the human spirit, but a slave who thinks he is liberated…
We have been taught a new human mindset, and now that we are almost completely acclimated, we move collectively from one meaningless bite to another, more pressing and sparkling… a directed meme, a one-liner quip, a punch line and intro in the same sentence… all manifesting in a dark plasma of bite-sized texts and 15 second spots.
Indeed, we sit on the knife’s-edge of the greatest information era in the recorded history of humankind, and yet we sink into the abyss as the most uninformed culture on earth. Uninformed, because truth does not belong to us… Truth belongs to the power elite.
We have developed what at first glance is insuperable ego, with no standard bigger than our immediate propinquity, but this is an illusion. What we have, well hidden, is the inducement of an inferiority complex, creating a dependency that goes to the very quick of reason. We fight, we struggle, we judge and divide, and our masters laugh, because we trust that a higher authority can draft us to war we cannot reason, feed us, clothe us, make us safe and secure, as their hot hidden hands pulls and pushes us from cradle to grave. Their fingerprints are found on every part of our bodies, inside and out, and as our minds are filled with their convolution from birth, we are their subjects to the day we die.
Yes, America is a melting pot…
Let us reflect for a moment where the American mindset originated. Though we may see a similarity in one culture or another, no place on earth is quite like us. We say that we are all Americans, that we have a defined and distinct nature, but this cannot be further from the truth. Indeed, our collective culture is unique in many ways, similar to some, and not others, familiar and yet at times completely alien, and unrecognizable. To get the ball rolling on this subject, I have six convoluted opinions from what I consider viable and authoritative sources… Sources that have influenced us collectively…
“But then I came to the conclusion that no, while there may be an immigration problem, it isn’t really a serious problem. The really serious problem is assimilation.” – Samuel P. Huntington
“We must insist on assimilation – immigration without assimilation is an invasion. We need to tell folks who want to come here, they need to come here legally. They need to learn English, adopt our values, roll up their sleeves and get to work.” – Bobby Jindal
“The good Jew is ritually observant and resists assimilation, in some sense living apart, never fitting comfortably into American or any other society.” – Elliott Abrams
“Secular thinkers have no more been able to work free of the centuries-old Judeo-Christian culture than Christian theologians were able to work free of their inheritance of classical and pagan thought. The process… has not been the deletion and replacement of religious ideas but rather the assimilation and reinterpretation of religious ideas.” – M. H. Abrams
“Miami is a melting pot in which none of the stones melt. They rattle around.” – Tom Wolfe
“On the outside, America looks like this great melting pot, but on the inside, there’s this segregation in American cinema. Why does a Latino film have to be for Latinos? Why is a black film just for black people? Why?“ -Gurinder Chadha
“Diversity is strength for a Republic based on law, and hated by tyrannical government…”
I said that in an essay around 1975, trying to impress my most formidable Conservative Teacher, Dr, Tungate.
I also wrote:
“A tyrannical government has to be domineering, powerful, and controlling, with a manageable populous. They except this domineering power with the thought it is needed for their very survival… It is fear, and it chokes the life out of Liberty. Collectivity is pushed down the throats of every American, and from a very young age…”
I got to this summery by reading a book called “Process and Effects of Mass Communications,” and it is still sitting in my library. It is also still ringing true in my mind.
The white man’s guilt…
We have been shamed into thinking that our traditions, our language, our race, our cultural ethics are to be forgotten as unimportant. We are pushed and pulled to further coexist, integrate no matter how dangerous is the opposing culture. The white man has bent over backwards to assimilate with every culture to the point of intellectual suicide, and yet few other cultures have reciprocated. Of course, not every race or religion weighs integration the same. Some have developed a duality, maintaining culture with family and friends, while developing what might be considered a typical American mindset separately. They speak the language, and live the culture at home, even in a separate community of like mind, while incorporating typical Western values in business and universal associations outside of that realm. The white man is not allowed this idea in his head, and is ostracized if he even mentions it.
Hispanics, Indians, and Orientals have developed a complex system to both incorporate into society, and yet still try to retain their original culture. Though many people of every civilization seem more and more indistinct with each passing generation, some are resigned to keep both heritage and traditions intact. Some even hide religious dogma that oppose collectivism, and help what they consider their tribe to advance within the American framework. Nothing can be more dangerous for our Democratic Republic based on Constitutional Law, and no person representative of our American Government should be allowed to have dual citizenship.
Of course, there are no absolutes when studying these systems. Some will try harder to assimilate to the host culture than others, depending on a positive or negative memory of their parent culture, perhaps. Others however, for reasons only history will and can furnish, have come to America for one reason only, to conquer it for their tribe.
Culture struggling to coexist, and the ties that bind…
1.) Of the three generalized cultures above, Hispanics, Indians, and Orientals, two powerful generalizations are of note. All of them help each other in several ways, monetarily and emotionally, but the reason is a powerful one, all have strong family and cultural ties. Without that, cultural ethnicity will quickly disintegrate.
2.) Of all of the countries I have visited, India assimilation stands out from all the rest. Generally, Christians, Muslims, Hindis, and Buddhists, coexist, and yet, each of these religions, and their wide variety of associating cultures, strive to retain their edifying traditions, and to keep them intact in the minds and hearts of their children. We cannot understand, or judge an entire culture, by studying just a few.
But what they are, as a collective coexistence, seems worthy of study.
3.) Of all of the cultures vying for a place in the American sun, most would agree that the black man has had the most problem finding viability in our collective mindset, and the difficulties they have encountered was not always their fault. Still, they are responsible for what they do, and yet, without a doubt, have been at times, set up to fail. But then, every culture has been attacked by an immoral mindset that promotes violence, hatred and wrath, instead of love and tolerance, and unless that culture has the strength to resist it, to withstand the opposing force, they will be controlled and dominated. There are many ways to enslave a culture, and slavery of the spirit by voluntary servitude is the most powerful. Again, we cannot understand, or judge an entire culture, by studying just a few.
4.) Just as there have been abject cultural failures, so too have there been phenomenal successes. No culture, race, or religion, has accomplished as much in the American collective then the Jew.
Arriving mostly from Europe in the last 150 years, they found our civil liberties and a Republic based on Constitutional Law to be futile ground. By the beginning of the twenty century, they had already displaced many of the typically gentile corporations with powerful Jewish influence.
An attempt to explain who we are collectively…
The Jewish owned banking system displacement by the Federal Reserve, and the takeover of our Money supply by Jewish owned Central Banks from Europe, catapulted Jews to dominate the media, including Hollywood, newspapers, and magazines. They influenced and then owned the building of armaments for war, a banking cartel that now spans the entire world, and mega conglomerate corporations from oil and gas, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, land and infrastructure, and much more, defines us all to the last man.
Though the complexity of failure takes study, so too does the complexity of success. We cannot understand, or judge an entire culture, by studying just a few. But without a doubt, government, and those institutions who control it, play a large part in what mindset a culture accepts as normal, and standard. and no other culture has influenced the American mindset more than the European Jew, from advertising, secular marketing, publicity and government lobbying, even the footnotes of the Oxford bible carried by Evangelicals in covered wagons, was influenced by the Jew.
If Christian values, like forgiving you enemy, for instance, is not displayed in a secular media whose religious mindset is revenge and vengeance, those Christian traits will diminish. If irresponsibility is manifest by government intrusion and incursion of cultural and moral norms to be secular or amoral, that culture will diminish, becoming more vacant, confused, weaker, violent, and thus, more reliant…
Christianity has been destroyed in Europe, and grand cathedrals are being auctioned off for high-end condominiums. What could be destroying the Christian faith, if not another, more powerful tribe?
A description of a white man is complex. In the American frame of reference, a typical description of a white man is one of European decent, and is of the same race as the European Jew. They were converts, and became the Kashors. In this context, however, the white man, as referred to, were overwhelmingly Christian, and until recently, within the last fifty years, could be said to have held the same attributes collectively. In just two generations, since ww2, what might be described as a typically white culture, has dramatically declined, along with the Christian Faith. Only one country has been nurturing and home-growing Christianity this decade, Russia… They ousted the oligarchs, business and banker Jews set into power during the secular Bolshevik Revolution, the same mindset at odds with Germany, Europe, and America, at that time, and the cause of both World Wars. They now control us, own us, lock, stock and barrel. Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Maoism, Leninism, and yes Collectivism, was not a part of our founding father ideal… and yet, look around at what we are becoming, slow, and incrementally.
White straight Christian men have been attacked and shamed into thinking they are narcissistic, egocentric, with an overt attempt at humiliation, for a variety of reasons, especially from the Progressive Left. Typically, the traditional white man was family oriented; manifestly moral and ethical from the teaching of Jesus Christ. They universally accepted responsibility for self, accountable for their actions by cultural ideals formulated for thousands of years, called morals and ethics. Honor comes from selflessness and a cultural self-sacrifice mindset for family, and altruistic agape’ love as taught by the New Testament and the writings of Paul. Principles based on love, were ascribed by cohesive tribalism of character and reputation, both philanthropic and altruistic. These characteristics have declined dramatically, and again: We cannot understand, or judge an entire culture, by studying just a few. We can however, see the decline in the broader spectrum, collectively, and it is subjectively evident that we are systematically being displaced.
Love yourself, and your tribe too!
It seems that no matter how many people die to prove a point, we keep pushing the envelope of collectivity, even if it means extinction. Our manipulators know this well, and use it to control both sides, as the further we are divided, the more control they have on us all. For thousands of years the European peoples developed a culture advanced and of high quality, as did most all cultures in every country. I propose here that indeed, a collective society is strong, but only if the leaders are not using our natural differences to advance their own agenda, as is quite evident today. Of course, many people came to America, but it was Christian Europeans who designed and dreamed this country into existence, and since that time every culture, tribal in nature, has attempted to change it to their image, or to entirely displace it. Some of these cultures have even used our own morals and ethics to dominate us, as were turn the other cheek in trust, while their ancient texts give them cart blanch moral authority to annihilate us, by any means necessary. I am not talking about the displacement of one government with another, or a new law or amendment, but the veritable obliteration of any culture not their own, the death of their enemy is nothing more but a slaughter of an animals. Read Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and the Koran.
7:1-2 |
When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them. |
20:10-17 | When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee. Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations. But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. |
Stand up to anything who wants to assimilate you into the collective. You have a reason for being, and are of value, and your culture can teach and edify, nourish and nurture, and should be cherished. Let no culture dominate and dismantle your heritage. It is there, in the folds of what you are as a person… Listen to the words of your ancestor’s, our founding fathers, where you will find the truth and courage to forge ahead, by your own volition. Be proud of whom you are, no matter what color, no matter what religion, or society, and let no one judge you. You have a beauty in you, a truth in you that came from mother’s knee. Do not let anything take that away. Look at yourself in the mirror. There is no one like you on the planet, and though you may try to adjust collectively, never give up who you are in that process. Revel in that, and never betray who you are, or your people, and yet, and as you may try to accept the differences in others with grace, never allow one to put their boot on you.
The following is, more than likely, some form of cartoon, but there seems to be a lot of truth there… especially when it comes to the dangers of dogma.
Ken LaRive – Facets: It’s a simple but beautiful metaphor. Our soul is likened to an uncut diamond, pure, perfect, and unrealized. Each learned experience cleaves a facet on its face, and leaves it changed forever. Through this facet, this clear window, new light, new questions and ideas take shape and form. This process is our reason for being …
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