The Transfer Agreement’s 25th Birthday … And It’s Still Suppressed
By TLB Contributing Author: Ken LaRive
“A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.” ― Oscar Wilde
The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black’s compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.
A hidden anomaly that changes everything…
Historical truth is sometimes very well hidden because the victor writes it. There is an overt danger in this because posterity has a real need for historical accuracy so that mistakes and oversight do not repeat themselves. Without historical truth, we cannot learn from it, and replicate our failings over and over again.
No matter how it is buried, or well hidden by lies or the mendacity of the time, a true investigator can, with both time and energy, unravel a trail to find it. There are many first-person accounts that can fill in the blanks about historical events, and men like Studs Turkel, and his book called “Hard Times” is an extraordinary sample of that. His interviews of real people, from many diverse occupations, showed an accurate representation of the effects of the Great Depression. But it is not the entire truth, as it displays only the aftermath. Truth should be able to accurately depict a wide spectrum of what actually led to it… Sure, a wide variety of people searched their minds, hearts, and souls to explain their experiences and opinions, from a Wall-Street trader to a Paper Boy hawker on the streets of New York, but the reason for their experiences were not revealed. It is like looking at a car wreck and not determining the reason it happened…
Although it may be considered truth from that person’s perspective, there is also bias and a predisposition that also inhibits truth. The age of the person interviewed, and the length of time from theincident, education and religion, and many other factors, can indeed have a profound influence on accuracy. Though it may be considered an historical record, it does not get to the core, the very root of the reality.
Though historians may argue on issues after the fact, most will agree that the most accurate documentation comes from a wide variety of paper trails that stem from long before. Notes and memo, independent news sources, and the many forms of libraries and depositories who store documents, can give a wealth of viable information. It takes a lot of effort to mine for truth, because it is not always easily accessible. The transfer of assets and the exchange of money, varieties of government mandates, and cultural upheaval as one religion try to displace another, are some of the many reasons records is destroyed, or hidden from view.
As it is said that all wars are banker wars, all paper trails lead there. Banking transfers both physical and wired, the wide varieties of letters of credit, cashier’s checks with its many conformations, show that even a bank draft on a numbered account can be traced, and most times without a court order. This takes time, tenacity, patience, and an understanding of the many systems at work… Edwin Black scaled those manywalls, pushed by his thirst for truth.
Goebbels has a special coin minted to celebrate Zionism
Indeed, money makes the world go round, and with time many new realities of history will surface around the numerous forms of exchanges, but it can be well hidden. Three days prior to 911, for instance, it was found that both individuals and corporations was betting on Wall Street with a method called “Put Options.” Investigators were quite happy to find this because it indicated who had prior knowledge of the event. The Mossad agents who set up their cameras across the bay a half hour before the first plane hit the tower was another amazing indication of prior knowledge, and yet, both of these events were suppressed by media. In fact, these put option transactions, i.e., betting that United and American Airline stocks would take a dive, are no longer available to view, and the men who were arrested, after being observed to hi-five, dance, and cheer as the building exploded into a fireball, were sent back to Israel without being charged for a crime.
But truth always has a way of floating to the surface, sooner or later. Though a power-elite. a deep-state, a shadow government, does exist, they coordinate to hide their tracks, as it insures their power and control is protected. They do not want to be held accountable, or responsible, and having control of the media is a powerful tool, along with the ability to print money out of thin air. Truth can be covered, yes, but not for long. Historical events are stamped into the psychic of a culture or country, and hard to dispel, but there is more to explain… When a country has been told a lie, as truth, it is repeated over and over to be accepted. This creates what might be called a barrier mindset. Never-the-less, Edwin Black’s in-your-face revelations of history do just that. War is the realistic horror of death and fear, and cultures that lived through those times tend to have a real need to justify, to find solace in some form of closure. There is also a human need, when historical circumstances seem too horrible to reconsider, as time heals by blunt dilutions, and comforting illusions are finally accepted as reality.
Fortunately, there are some who are stronger, and not shackled with fear, with a dogged determination to get to the bottom of a mystery, where truth is found. To some, nothing will stand in the way of bringing those orchestrators to justice.
Most all countries collectively want to believe that they are now, and have in the past, been on the righteous side of history. Though they know that the truth of the matter is hidden from view, they have a physiological need to believe that their leaders are and were virtuous, that the decisions they made were for the communal right, and that their sacrifices in treasure and blood was for a greater good. They want, and need to believe, that truth’s authenticity is found in the books taught to their children. But more and profoundly, they want to believe that their sacrifices was not just collateral damage, but that they gave up treasure and life’s blood for a greater and worthy cause.
Even when betrayal is revealed like a cold slap in the face, denial is a great wall befor truth’s revelations. Rejection is more akin to a panic attack, and an overwhelming denunciation of its authenticity helps some cope. As they push off from revelation’s pain, some ramifications are just too dire, too horrible to contemplate. Some truths in our lifetime, like the reality of a false flag, new evidence from an independent investigation of 911, the revelation of government experiments in mind control and disease, debt slavery, or the destruction of due process… sends the general population into a true Freudian denial. So profound can these revelations be, it is believed that there is absolutely nothing that can be done, that pursuing retribution will also damage them, or their country, and that it might just be better to let old dogs lie.
But then, there are a few who will bend the gates of hell itself to find truth…
Edwin Black did that…
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
AN INCREDIBLE JOB. A passionate book certain to be controversial…(an) incredible job. — Chicago Sun-Times
SPELLBINDING. A spellbinding, exciting book exploring new dramatic facets. Despite the voluminous literature on the Third Reich, Mandate Palestine, modern Zionism and the Holocaust,this subject had not been previously explored. It adds a significant new dimension to our understanding of this critical period.– Sybil Milton, Simon Wiesenthal Center
EXHAUSTIVE AND COMPELLING. Black has authored an exhaustive, compelling, well-written and edited work. It is historical journalism at it is historical journalism at its best. — Alexander Zvielli, Jerusalem Post
METICULOUS, ESSENTIAL. Black…has meticulously documented this obscure but important slice of world history…makes an essential contribution to an understanding of Israeli politics and the strife in the Middle East today. — Gladwyn Hill, Los Angeles Times
OVERWHELMING AND COHESIVE. Edwin Black’s research is striking in its dimension and scope. The vast uncovering of source material and its extensive use are almost overwhelming. He succeeds in crystallizing the various aspects of an almost worldwide problem into fluid and cohesive analysis. — Yoav Gelber, Yad Vashem Israel Holocaust Memorial
METICULOUS, ESSENTIAL. Black…has meticulously documented this obscure but important slice of world history…makes an essential contribution to an understanding of Israeli politics and the strife in the Middle East today. — Gladwyn Hill, Los Angeles Times
OVERWHELMING AND COHESIVE. Edwin Black’s research is striking in its dimension and scope. The vast uncovering of source material and its extensive use are almost overwhelming. He succeeds in crystallizing the various aspects of an almost worldwide problem into fluid and cohesive analysis. — Yoav Gelber, Yad Vashem Israel Holocaust Memorial
About the Author: Edwin Black
Edwin Black is the award-winning, New York Times and international investigative author of 80 bestselling editions in 14 languages in 61 countries, as well as scores of newspaper and magazine articles in the leading publications of the United States, Europe and Israel. With a million books in print, his work focuses on genocide and hate, corporate criminality and corruption, governmental misconduct, academic fraud, philanthropy abuse, oil addiction, alternative energy and historical investigation. Editors have submitted Black’s work nine times for Pulitzer Prize nomination, and in recent years he has been the recipient of a series of top editorial awards. He has also contributed to a number of anthologies worldwide. For his work, Black has been interviewed on hundreds of network broadcasts from Oprah, the Today Show, CNN Wolf Blitzer Reports and NBC Dateline in the US to the leading networks of Europe and Latin American. His works have been the subject of numerous documentaries, here and abroad. All of his books have been optioned by Hollywood for film, with three in active production. His latest film is the screen adaptation War Against the Weak, based on his book of the same name. Black’s speaking tours include hundreds of events in dozens of cities each year, appearing at prestigious venues from the Library of Congress in Washington to the Simon Wiesenthal Institute in Los Angeles in America, and in Europe from London’s British War Museum and Amsterdam’s Institute for War Documentation to Munich’s Carl Orff Hall. He is the editor of The Cutting Edge News, which receives more than 1.5 million visits monthly. Black’s ten award-winning bestselling books are IBM and the Holocaust (2001), British Petroleum and the Redline Agreement (2011), The Farhud (2010), Nazi Nexus (2009), The Plan (2008), Internal Combustion (2006), Banking on Baghdad (2004), War Against the Weak (2003), The Transfer Agreement (1984), and a 1999 novel, Format C:. His enterprise and investigative writings have appeared in scores of newspapers from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to the Sunday Times of London, Frankfurter Zeitung and the Jerusalem Post, as well as scores of magazines as diverse as Playboy, Sports Illustrated, Reform Judaism, Der Spiegel, L’Express, BusinessWeek and American Bar Association Journal. Black’s articles are syndicated worldwide.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” ― Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 2, 1926-29
Edwin Black: 25th Anniversary of Transfer Agreement Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Ken LaRive – Facets: It’s a simple but beautiful metaphor. Our soul is likened to an uncut diamond, pure, perfect, and unrealized. Each learned experience cleaves a facet on its face, and leaves it changed forever. Through this facet, this clear window, new light, new questions and ideas take shape and form. This process is our reason for being …
More information about Ken LaRive.
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