ER Editor: This is a strange and interesting interview, which Stew Peters was ‘selected’ for. It’s introduced by Maria Zack of Nations in Action, whose organization has been taking the lead in exploring Italian and other European countries’ involvement in the US election fraud.
French billionaire Philippe Argillier has chosen Peters to get a message out.
Historically, he purchased several large databases, starting with his first purchase in November 2001, just two months after 9/11. This information seems to be a major volume of compromising information against deep state players or what he calls the Shadow Government, including major banks, corporations and compromised governments. He was apparently ‘in the room’ in 2015 when the deal was made to create a Covid release as well as a Covid vaccine. He’s been offered 20 billion euros by the ‘shadow government’ to obtain these databases. He appears to be behind the release of the Panama Papers, Paradise Paper and latterly the Pandora Papers.
Argillier runs the website Human Rights Unity and lives on the Cote d’Azur on the southern French coast. He explains in the interview the general nature of his business activities and other activities which have put him in contact with lots of major players, governments and celebrities.
See also this report: Alleged Secret Databanks With Maria Zack and Philippe Argillier. In a Google search, Argillier comes up in what appears to be a hit piece on him from the website of LCI, a French television station. Argillier seems to have surfaced in France in December 2018, about 3 weeks after the Yellow Vests got started with their first Saturday demonstration, at one of their meetings in Nice. Apparently, he had presented documents to one of the Yellow Vest leaders, of information quite likely compromising to the French government according to this LCI report. This Le Parisien report from the same time is yet another hit piece on Argillier, with a video that can still be found on Youtube. Videos in the LCI report no longer work. On the surface, it seems that Argillier is doing now with Stew Peters what he was doing back in 2018 with the Yellow Vests on French soil, to convince people of the shenanigans of the so-called Shadow Government. But there may be another play here.
In the video, Argillier explains what the shadow government is and how it sets the agendas of all our governments. He then calls on Trump to join him in a parallel government of which he (Argillier) is president. This government is now, as of September 1 of this year, in possession of a full four databanks. In these databanks is the truth about all sorts of events, including Covid-19. (The first databank was acquired 2 months after 9/11.) 38 people are in the shadow government – he names Bill Gates and Warren Buffett as being connected to it. The goal of the parallel government is to ‘bring back humanity to the world’, to achieve transparency in government. To the shadow government, he says firmly
“Do not interfere. This is not a threat but advice from a consultant you’ve known for many years.”
Argillier speaks of a specific event. On Dec 18, 2018, Trump announced Trump withdrawal from Syria. Argillier learned this the next day. Then Argillier was informed that Trump would no longer be president beyond 2020 because military intervention provides the funding for the shadow government. So Trump’s actions would help to defund the shadow government. Peters asks: Did Covid 19 replace military interventions? Argillier confirms this. He also says directly to the shadow government that terrorism will no longer be used to justify military interventions around the world. These military interventions have really been for economic reasons, however, not terrorism.
Argillier purchased 3 additional databanks on September 1 of this year, in addition to the one already purchased after 9/11. The Pandora Papers came from these databanks. All four are owned by him, which protects him from assassination. They document corrupt actions of individuals and governments, which he has not divulged publicly. But he has shared information with those who wish to do good in the world, who have acted as whistleblowers. His goal isn’t to create conflict or to get governments to fall because that would create an opportunity for the bad actors. His goal is to raise awareness and to eradicate the shadow government.
He also mentions the upcoming French elections of 2022. He and his organization have been censored in French since around 2018. He also mentions the hit pieces done on him by the French MSM, referred to above.
For the next 36 months, France and the US will be positioned to have their hands on the databanks; many things will happen that link to the information in these databanks, and the public will see these changes. He is waiting to see if Donald Trump will answer the call. Trump won’t be president in 2024 if he doesn’t move forward with the parallel government.
Argillier will send Peters information that testifies to the veracity of the databanks.
Editorial comment: To us, who pay attention to interviews with people like Juan O Savin, it sounds as if this is a formal, public introduction to put Trump in the parallel government structure, when he probably already is. Argillier’s position has been to officially place Trump OUTSIDE of this structure in order to invite him in. Plus, it announces that there IS a parallel government structure.
We sincerely hope this will help to effect major change in France, which seems to be little more than the Shadow Government’s major residence.
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Bottom line: President Trump …
(1) never fully realized he was in a deadly non-violent political war with people, who never wanted him to win, while he tried to win them over by winning … and
(2) did not gain control of the military from the Cabal … and
(3) never used a surrogate and/or his rallies to create the “precinct-based nation-wide” MAGA Agenda (or better) organization that would have subsequently been his “boots on the ground” to transform the Republican Party into a MAGA Dominated Party (from the Precinct level to the RNC via present state law mandated precinct reorganization, state by state) … and otherwise help sustain Constitutional Freedom into the future of the U.S. and perhaps the world. 864-419-2797.
You need to see more of his videos, esp, his interview with a couple of retired US generals. He’s no clown, clearly.
For those of us who reject the plandemic hoax and the mandated “vaccines” it is annoying to see self-promoting hucksters like Philippe Argillier appearing on alt media claiming to belong to a resistance group opposing Big Pharma tyranny. So now he claims to be the “president” of the “parallel government ” opposed to the shadow government and has even been in conversations with his ”’holiness” the Dalia Lama. Perhaps he thinks that improves his credentials in the eyes of some people. Has he been with anyone else?- perhaps Mother Teresa? So, he wants the deep state oligarchs to join him in his quest for saving the world. Oh, they will change course if he asks them nicely. His so-called “data bases” that he says he’s purchased contain all the cabal’s key secrets that he can use as leverage (aka blackmail) against them . How encouraging. Where does he keep his data?- on usb sticks in his top drawer?. This clown is either a monetising narcissist, or a Pharma sponsored shill paid to spread false rumours to bait genuine folks who have valid concerns about the Great (fascist/commie) Reset. By spreading this BS, ‘”President” Argillier is ridiculing his viewers and giving ammunition to the MSM to scorn any of
the the vaccine-hesitant who swallow monsieur Philippe’s fairy-tale.
Wow this is really significant .. want to see more of this guy.