ER Editor: UPDATE – we’ve just learned from a short video put out by deputy Nicolas Dupont-Aignan that the ‘health pass’ so-called was voted FOR late last night.
We’re putting out an RT France article for context, with further reporting via Lockdown Sceptics below that. Notice that there are 577 deputies who could vote. So the numbers of votes they’re quoting here (211 in total) are small, meaning that there was an abstention rate of 63%.
This is what Patriot Party founder and former Marine Le Pen deputy Florian Philippot had to say this morning about the composition of the vote, knowing that the government’s bill had finally been passed:
Translation: For the voting of the Health Pass: less than 1 LFI (ER: left wing) deputy out of 2 present in the chamber of the National Assembly, less than one socialist out of 3. And 0 Rassemblement National (ER: Marine Le Pen’s party) present!
‘Opposition’ in cardboard only! It is for the French people to take back control. The Citizen-Initiated Referendum would be very useful for this!
Notice that Philippot is calling for the referendum device promoted by the Gilets Jaunes.
From this total abstention by Marine Le Pen’s party, one can see why she isn’t always trusted.
The articles below show the state of play after the first vote and the insistance of the government in wanting to get this measure passed at all costs. Which alas was accomplished late last night.
The French Senate still has to have its say, fortunately.
Despite its rejection in the National Assembly, Castex maintains the introduction of a health pass
To everyone’s surprise, a majority of deputies (108 against 103) voted against the article of the bill which includes the introduction of the much disputed health pass. After this rejection, PM Jean Castex announced another deliberation.
The National Assembly voted on May 11 to the surprise of all against the key article of the bill of gradual exit from the state of health emergency that includes the controversial health pass, the MoDem party having dropped LREM (ER: Macron’s party) to protest against the vagueness of the text.
The deputies rejected Article 1 by 108 votes to 103. “There was no dialogue and listening [on] the red lines [of the text],” explained Philippe Latombe (MoDem), emphasizing the unanimity of his group against the article. The government can still ask for a second deliberation. The day before, the MoDem, which had asked for a number of clarifications on this controversial issue, had said it was “bitter” and had left doubt about its final support for the text, according to Philippe Latombe.
Invited to the 8pm news of France 2 channel, Jean Castex announced that a new deliberation would be held in the evening at the National Assembly. “We will find an agreement with the majority, we will solve this problem,” assured the Prime Minister. This flagship measure of the text introduced by the government in the law commission was the subject of a barrage of opposition with the key to long discussions and many amendments to delete or clarify during the first day of review in the Assembly, May 10. All were rejected.
The text defended tooth and nail by the government provides for the use of this tool for events gathering more than 1,000 people, such as concerts and sports meetings, where it will be necessary to present a negative Covid test or a vaccination certificate.
French Parliament Votes Against Vaccine Passports – but it’s Not Over Yet for the Scheme
The French Parliament has voted against the introduction of domestic Covid vaccine passports, but officials seem determined to find a way to pass them into law regardless. 20minutes has the story (translated from French by Google Translate).
Against all odds, the National Assembly voted on Tuesday against the key article of the bill on the way out of the Covid health crisis. This is the article including the controversial “health pass”.
The scales tilted against the bill after the Democratic Movement (MoDem) party split from members of La République En Marche! (LREM) to protest against the vagueness of the text. The Deputies rejected Article One by 108 votes against 103. “There was no dialogue” on “the red lines” of the text… explained Philippe Latombe of MoDem, stressing the unanimity of his group against the article.
After this surprise rejection, French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on France 2 that the Deputies were going to deliberate again on Tuesday evening in order to “find an agreement with the majority” and “to settle this problem”.
The bill on “management of the exit from the health crisis” sets a transition period from June 2nd to October 31st during which the Government can continue to exercise powers deemed exorbitant by the opposition and some defenders of public freedoms. (ER: Which probably means it would just be renewed in October when another seasonal wave would be manufactured and we’d be back to being propagandized all over again with masks and distancing.)
Article One, rejected by the deputies… provided for a health pass which would make access to large gatherings or certain places subject to the presentation of a negative test result, or a proof of vaccination, or a certificate of recovery.
It sparked heated debate on Monday night. For large gatherings requiring the “pass”, a limit of 1,000 people has been promised by the Government but without setting it in stone in the law.
Stanislas Guerini, the Executive Officer of LREM, said in response to this vote:
“I regret it because I am resolutely in favour of the introduction of the health pass: it will allow us to regain our freedoms more quickly… There may be a second reading in the National Assembly. We will have to find a way to introduce this tool.”
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