George Soros: Defining an American Traitor
Commentary by: Roger Landry (TLB)
As we quickly approach another presidential election, we need to talk about the declining health of this Republic and the status of our rights and freedoms as put fourth by the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of independence. Some serious questions need to be answered such as …
Why is it that most Americans are so apathetic that only a severe national crisis will drag them off their couch and into any sort of meaningful action?
Why is it that far too many Americans can see the deep state (shadow government) tyranny and even recognize it for what it is … yet maintain the mindset that as long as it is happening to others and not me, I won’t rock the boat?
Why is it that so many Americans will sit and watch their sister cities being torched or destroyed by Marxists, with little to no reaction … as long as it is not happening here?
… and just what the hell is American Exceptionalism …
Exceptionalism is the perception that a country, society, institution, movement, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary) in some way and thus does not need to conform to normal rules or general principles.
Why do we as Americans claim to be exceptional … above the fray of the remaining more than ninety five percent of the world’s population? Yet as I stated, most allow blatantly obvious corruption and tyranny to pass right in front of their eyes with little to no reaction either out of ignorance, apathy, complacency or … dare I say, complicity! Will somebody … anybody … please explain to me just what the hell can possibly be so damn exceptional about that?
The absolute and inescapable truth is … Due to the COVID-19 Scamdemic and anti-racism destruction charade (Antifa and Black Lives Matter), We The People are quickly approaching a Constitutional Crisis in this country, and if this is not dealt with head on … may release the death cry for this almost two and a half century experiment in liberty and individual freedom.
In this time of turmoil … what is having an immediate and massive damaging impact on We The People?
One would have to say it is the huge struggle now taking place within the Oligarchical realm, and presently the most in our face of all of these elitists is unquestionably George Soros! This is a man whose organizations and influence have been banned from five nations so far (Turkey being the latest) … and growing! With his global NGOs and support (direct or indirect) of radical progressive organizations such as the Open Society Foundation, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and Move On .Org, etc… the damage he is intentionally forcing down We The People’s throats (as well as people across the globe) is massive and growing at an accelerating pace as the globalist oligarchs freak out at the prospects of an awakening America and world. There is no doubt remaining that Soros has Trump squarely in his cross-hairs as the main instrument of this awakening!
Do you remember this example of just how wrong this seditious elitist can be …
I was recently asked why I am spending so much time writing and talking about George Soros with so much else going on in this mad world today (Deep State Tyranny, COVID-19 Scamdemic, choreographed Racial Violence, and “Trump must NOT be reelected” Hysteria)? My answer is, this is the most dangerous person alive on the planet today with respect to the future of America … and in fact the world. To ignore Soros is akin to ignoring a cancerous tumor … It may not kill you today but if left unchecked, it will slowly and purposefully spread via your life giving blood until your entire body succumbs … and he is deeply involved in most stated above!
The tragic point I am trying to make here is that …
… far too many Americans are doing just that … Ignoring the tumor (Soros), or (knowingly or via ignorance) playing a complicit role in their own choreographed (inevitable) destruction!
Here is an excerpt from one of my many articles on this topic …
Today America sits at a very dangerous crossroad … Make America great Again … or Violent Revolution in our streets!
How can this government tolerate, stand back and do next to nothing, as we suffer violent riots across the country, the severe physical abuse of citizens just for not agreeing with someone’s position, the wanton destruction of private property, the blatant enticement of violent revolution, or the constant open calls for the assassination of a sitting president?
How can these paid thugs or Antifa call us … We The People … Fascist when it is in fact them who openly display all the signs and actions of what we define as Fascism … Where is the sanity in this?
What is the definition of Domestic Terrorism? How about we define it as the enforcement of one’s political views via the mechanism of violence! If this is the case, then America is under attack via Domestic Terrorist organizations called “Antifa” and Black Lives Matter (BLM). These are (at least in part) Soros funded gangs of thugs hell bent on bringing America to its knees regardless of what We The People wish or have voted for.
People ARE waking up to this domestic tyranny, but is it fast enough? If we in our apathy, or wish to be politically correct, allow Antifa and associated organizations such as BLB their way … then we will get Tyranny in spades.
For all who have not done their homework and will state that Soros is not American, and thus our laws on treason and sedition do not apply … Google or Bing this … Billionaire, George Soros became an American (naturalized) citizen in 1961. He was born in Hungary in 1930, and as a youngster (a Jew pretending to be a Christian) helped the Nazis to confiscate Jewish property as his fellow Jews were herded off to concentration camps.
So with this in mind, and all that is stated above (facts, many Soros readily admits to), the following conclusions are inevitable …
Soros is an enemy of the state … an American citizen inciting, fomenting, and funding, sedition through violent revolution, and should be treated as such!
Soros is guilty of no less than attempting to overthrow a legitimately elected government. … This is Blatant Treason!
The next move is ours … We already know what to expect from our non-representing … representatives … the question is now, what can we expect from … We The People ???
It is time for We The People to speak up and take this country back!
Click HERE for ‘MANY’ additional related articles.
My Parting Shot: Unrivaled arrogance …
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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