Houston, We Have a Problem – It’s a ‘Mell of a Hess’ Here!

Houston, we have a problem ‘cause it’s a ‘mell of a hess’ here.

By: Ned Cosby

Our Founding Fathers gave us an excellent and enlightened foundation for governance. Our form of government is sufficiently attractive that foreigners have always come here seeking American citizenship. The leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the architects of our Constitution in 1787, smart as they were, could not have anticipated the “mell of a hess” facing us in 2022.

Joe Biden cannot, will not, or doesn’t know how to lead as POTUS. His approval rating is 39%, and 71% of Americans believe this country is on the wrong track. Self-aware politicians would look at those statistics and attempt necessary corrections but Joe doubles down and blames everyone but himself for our current quicksand. Joe is not self-aware.

We have a dud in the White House. Republicans know it, Independents know it and now, after a nod from the New York Times, even Democrats admit that Joe Biden is non compos mentis.

Houston, we have a problem! Biden is 17 months into his 48-month term as POTUS. We cannot wait another 31 months for a leader. Chinese and Russian sharks already smell blood in the water and are circling. The good people in Taiwan and Ukraine are getting understandably nervous.

How about the 25th Amendment? Can’t the Cabinet quietly confer and give Joe an exit offer he can’t refuse? Not exactly. Biden’s Vice President, Kamala Harris, waiting anxiously in the wings and busy trying to keep her office staffed, is one of the few politicians in DC with lower approval than Biden.

Image: Biden falling down (edited). YouTube screen grab.

There are worthy and competent replacements nearby but our Constitution doesn’t really allow for a “no confidence” vote. As I said before, we are in a “mell of a hess.”

Some may look to our three-letter agencies as potential Dud-Busters. Given their recent performances, however, I don’t want to go there and give them any more power than they already have.

I also suspect that Joint Chief of Staff General Miley has already assured his Chinese counterparts that he is in control. That thought gives me no comfort.

Some in their desperation, point out that Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump are both technically eligible for another swing with the presidential bat. Others, hearing that, remind us that there were reasons that both men were benched.

We are sitting on oceans of fossil fuel but the Green Gang won’t let us use it. Our educators are grooming our young to hate our history and embrace their bizarre ideas of wokeness.

Our Father who art in Heaven, we should have come to You first. We ask You to guide us through this because we the people have a major leadership vacuum.


This article (Houston, we have a problem ‘cause it’s a ‘mell of a hess’ here.) is republished here on TLB under “Fair Use” (see the disclaimer below article) with attribution to the articles author Ned Cosby and americanthinker.com.

TLB recommends that you visit the American Thinker for more great articles and info.

About the Author: Ned Cosby’s new novel is OUTCRY, exposing the refusal of Christian leaders to discipline clergy who sexually abuse our young people. This work of fiction addresses crimes that are very real. More info @ www.nedcosby.com.

Image Credit: Featured image photo (top) – Screen shot via video Plugs, That Tragic Biden


Related Article: Kamala Harris: The ‘Grand Inquisitor’


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2 Comments on Houston, We Have a Problem – It’s a ‘Mell of a Hess’ Here!

  1. Would be nice if we had a Republican party with a ‘back-bone.’ Impeachment for starters!!!

  2. How about a little “conspiracy theory” that could well be more than a theory:
    An article within the past week suggests that Biden is not running the country. Barak Hussein Obama is from his D.C. mansion, a mile and a half down the road from the White House. Obama is the first American president to not leave D.C. after leaving office. Biden signs whatever Obama’s people place in front of him, as was hinted by Biden last week during his bike ride.

    During his eight years in the White House, Obama set this country up for the fall that we are now about to experience. Due to Obama placing loyal Democrats in key Cabinet positions, the executive branch is now in practically full control of all of us, via control of the State Department, DHS, DOC, CIA, FBI, and DOJ. Even the U.S. Marshals are no longer independent from the federal government. All we’ve got is ourselves.

    Interestingly, it appears that Obama’s real father may have been his mentor while growing up in Hawaii, Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist. If you do a search on Frank Marshall Davis and look at the videos, the following video is particularly interesting:
    HOW TO PROVE THAT OBAMA’S FATHER IS FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS, via Fair Use Act material — (remove the space for the link to work properly)
    youtu. be/o6gVc9GbtW8

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