ER Editor: We urge readers to go to the links for these stories. For copyright reasons, we cannot publish the Spectator piece (see below) in its entirety but it’s certainly worth checking out.
Readers may also get a little more information from this Post Millennial piece, titled WATCH: Tucker Carlson discusses Canada’s euthanasia laws that put down ‘poor people’.
Check out this eloquent and moving Canadian blog piece we ran earlier this week:
6 Million Canadians Detained In Largest Prison In the World
An April 30th, the UK’s Spectator published a piece by Yuan Yi Zhu asking Why is Canada euthanising the poor? Briefly, in 2020/2021, the Supreme Court of Canada passed Bill C-7, which amends the criminal code to permit ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID). This overturned the normal requirement (normal in Canada only since 2015) that a person seeking euthanasia should be terminally ill, where their death is foreseeable. Now, a person only needs to be suffering from an illness or disability that ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’.
The government had already prepared the ground for getting to this point, first by revoking Canada’s longstanding ban on assisted suicide, then subsequently by passing a bill permitting euthanasia for the terminally ill:
As with most slippery slopes, it all began with a strongly worded denial that it exists. In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada reversed 22 years of its own jurisprudence by striking down the country’s ban on assisted suicide as unconstitutional, blithely dismissing fears that the ruling would ‘initiate a descent down a slippery slope into homicide’ against the vulnerable as founded on ‘anecdotal examples’. The next year, Parliament duly enacted legislation allowing euthanasia, but only for those who suffer from a terminal illness whose natural death was ‘reasonably foreseeable’.
Its next move was enactment of this MAID provision (under Bill C-7 in 2020, revised in 2021) lowering the bar way way down for those with an illness or disability that, as we quoted above, ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’. (The word ‘acceptable’ chillingly invites the word ‘unacceptable’.) What does this look like? According to the Spectator piece:
A woman in Ontario was forced into euthanasia because her housing benefits did not allow her to get better housing which didn’t aggravate her crippling allergies. Another disabled woman applied to die because she ‘simply cannot afford to keep on living’. Another sought euthanasia because Covid-related debt left her unable to pay for the treatment which kept her chronic pain bearable – under the present government, disabled Canadians got $600 in additional financial assistance during Covid; university students got $5,000.
The three personal stories linked to above range from 2019 to just 2 months ago. All involve people (women in fact, so where are the feminists??) who are chronically ill in some way or disabled, and who need economic help for life to become simply functional and tolerable. They’ve more than likely run themselves into debt as far as they can go. The stories are worth checking out for how difficult life can be, how much suffering a person has to go through just to simply get through the day.
And it’s all about money, of course. Notes the Spectator article,
Even before Bill C-7 entered into force, the country’s Parliamentary Budget Officer published a report about the cost savings it would create: whereas the old MAID regime saved $86.9 million per year – a ‘net cost reduction’, in the sterile words of the report – Bill C-7 would create additional net savings of $62 million per year. Healthcare, particular for those suffering from chronic conditions, is expensive; but assisted suicide only costs the taxpayer $2,327 per ‘case’. And, of course, those who have to rely wholly on government-provided Medicare pose a far greater burden on the exchequer than those who have savings or private insurance.
And yet Canada’s lavishly subsidised media, with some honourable exceptions, has expressed remarkably little curiosity about the open social murder of citizens in one of the world’s wealthiest countries. …
How on earth did a country that prided itself on being civilized society in so many ways, where people could get affordable healthcare without going into debt (always a mark of distinction between Canada and the US), end up like this?
Here is Tucker Carlson speaking about this to Charles Camosy. Carlson rightly links it to the financialized, neoliberal economy most people have been suffering from for decades in the West.
‘Killing yourself is not liberation. It’s really sad. You shouldn’t be forced to do it. Why does nobody say that?’
It simply beggars belief.
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