ER Editor: UPDATE – thanks to reader Fred Mc. for pointing this out to us. Italian reporters have identified the serial number on the missile as belonging to Ukrainian stocks. See this at Veterans Today –
US/Biden Lied: Tochka that hit Train Station Has Serial Number Tied to Ukraine Only
1) the serial number of the Tochka-U that hit Kramatorsk yesterday: Ш91579
2) serial number of a UKR Tochka-U that was used in 2015: Ш91566 (https://t.co/3BC1ULyKmA)
3) serial number of another UKR Tochka from 2015: Ш91565 pic.twitter.com/Ds7G5eRjyZ
— Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast) April 9, 2022
The alleged Bucha massacre (near Kiev) by the Russians last week died a death pretty quickly in terms of plausibility. See
The Bucha Ukraine ‘Massacre’ Looks More Like A False Flag
Now, within just 6 days, another attack allegedly perpetrated by the Russians has happened, this time against Ukrainians most likely of Russian ethnicity attempting to leave the city of Kramatorsk (in the Donbass) by train(see map below).
A missile (Tochka-U, not Iskander) landed, killing around 30 people (although this figure may have gone up to 50). This is not the first time a Ukrainian missile has been lobbed into a crowded civilian area within the Donbass region. One on March 14, 2022 happened right in the middle of Donetsk city centre (Kramatorsk is in the Donetsk area) with horrible results. See (very graphic video warning) —
Three Important Missile Strikes (UPDATED!) – VIDEO
Why is Zelensky’s Advisor falsely claiming that it was an Iskander missile that hit Kramatorsk Railway Station today, when Zelensky has correctly stated it was a Tochka missile?
Could it be because Russia doesn’t use Tochka-U missiles anymore? https://t.co/KJnsgiswCb
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) April 9, 2022
1. The trajectory of the missile. A missile’s tail falls before the head, therefore it is possible to project the trajectory of the missile, which I illustrate below. The rocket approached #Kramatorsk from slightly south of west. That area is under full control of the UAF. pic.twitter.com/I90BRTtnF2
— Serge (@SergeRousskikh) April 8, 2022
The first minutes after the shelling of the railway station in #Kramatorsk. pic.twitter.com/cqFdaxKewH
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 8, 2022
Fighting in Ukraine is entering the second phase where Russian forces are concentrating on securing the Donbass region and eliminating the neo-Nazi forces that have been ‘cauldroned’ there. Fighting in Mariupol on the Azov Sea is part and parcel of that. That the Russians are allegedly trying to eliminate the very people they are fighting to secure, of course, makes no sense whatever.
We remind readers that the Donbass region has undergone many atrocities perpetrated against ethnic Russians since the Maidan coup of 2014 at the hands of Ukrainian forces. 10,000 of an estimated 14,000 casualties were ethnic Russians during this time.
Readers may also be interested in this Moon of Alabama piece, which considers the evidence for the Kramatorsk attack to date. In summary,
As Russia has already interrupted the train lines west of Kramatorsk, and thereby stopped resupplies to it, it has no need to attack Kramatorsk station at all.
It is therefore almost assured that it was a Ukrainian missile that today hit Kramatorsk station. It was either aimed badly, went off course or was intentionally aimed at it for propaganda purposes. (The ‘for the children’ marking in Russian on the booster section may point to the later cause.)
“The Russians” commit yet another “atrocity”
The big news today is that those evil Russkies have fired a Tochka-U missile with a cluster warhead at the city of Kramatorsk, killing scores of innocent civilians. The “entire civilized world” is disgusted and immediately announced even MORE sanctions, MORE condemnation and MORE anti-Russian virtue signalling.
Minor problem: Russia does not have Tochka-U missiles, which are 30 year old Soviet missiles that have been far surpassed by modern Russian missiles (of which Russia has plenty enough). How do we know that it was Tochka-U which was used?
Because of the tail section which separates from the warhеad during the flight. Here it is:
There is no Russian tactical missile in service with such a tail section, and only the Ukrainian Tochka-U’s have them.
Tochka-U tail and control surfaces
How much of a problem is that for the Empire of Hate and Lies?
Very minor, really. Remember that their PSYOPS are directed at two kinds of people:
- Those with low intelligence
- Those who don’t care about the truth
Russia did not have the old-model Buk which allegedly shot down MH-17 either, which did not stop the Empire of Hate and Lies from instantly blaming the shooting down on Russia. And Russia has long liquidated her chemical weapons stores, unlike the US or the UK, by the way.
But who cares about that when hating Russia and Russians is all which really matters?
In fact, this is straight out of the western PSYOPs book:
- Execute a false flag, then
- INSTANTLY blame Russia and lean on all your colonies to do the same in the name of western “solidarity”
- Thereby make absolutely certain that no real investigation can take place or, if it does, it will be so far down the road that nobody will care.
So we have a major false flag in Bucha, and now we have that Tochka-U in Kramatorsk. What will come next?
God only knows, but the goal is to associate “Russians” with “atrocities” in what is left of the mind of the eagerly scatophaging serfs in Zone A.
In the meantime, inside Russia a scandal is brewing with the latest statements of Dmitry Peskov who said a lot of very dumb things in his latest interviews. Frankly, the day Putin fires Peskov I will personally feel an immense sense of relief. During peacetimes having folks like Medinski and Peskov is painful enough, but during war times, folks with their mindset are a real DANGER for Russia as they are directly injecting fear, uncertainty and doubt in the mind the the Russian public. The only good news, but it is very good, is that more and more Russians are getting really upset with these characters: they support Putin and the military operation, and they are really getting fed up with the Atlantic Integrationists and their way to patronize 5th columnists (which is what Peskov did).
I very much hope for the day when the likes of Peskov and Medinski are given their retirement packages and are replaced by a completely different kind of person.
[Sidebar: I wonder if those who emphatically denied even the existence of Atlantic Integrationists will how have the honestly to admit that they were wrong. Probably not :-)]
Now let’s take a look at the recent vote to suspend Russian from the UN Human Rights Council:
ER: Here’s some brief information on this story via AlethoNews from RT:
The United Nations’ General Assembly voted on Thursday to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. The US-proposed resolution received 93 votes, with 24 countries opposed and 58 abstaining.
China, a fellow permanent Security Council member, was a prominent “no” vote. Among the abstentions, the most prominent were India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield had called for Russia to be expelled from the 47-nation body on Monday, calling its participation a “farce,” after videos and photos from the town near Kiev (ER: Bucha) showed dead bodies of what appeared to be civilians. Ukraine and the US accused Russia of a massacre, which Moscow has vehemently denied.
“We believe that the members of the Russian forces committed war crimes in Ukraine, and we believe that Russia needs to be held accountable,” Thomas-Greenfield said Monday.
When Moscow called for an emergency Security Council session on the investigation of the alleged atrocities, the UK – currently presiding – refused. The US and its allies instead chose to ratchet up sanctions against Russia, based entirely on Ukrainian allegations as the presumption of Russian guilt. …
First, notice that neither Hungary nor Serbia had the courage and decency to abstain (never mind oppose).
ER: Check out this RT story via AlethoNews (Serbia says it was blackmailed over UN vote):
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that his country has been pressured under the threat of sanctions to back Russia’s suspension from the UN Human Rights Council.
Belgrade has close historical ties with Moscow but joined other Western nations this week in a vote against Russia in response to its ongoing military campaign in Ukraine. “Our initial decision was to abstain, but then we were subjected to countless and difficult pressure,” Vucic told RTS TV on Thursday.
“They said – do you know that a decision is being made whether Serbia will be exempted from the package of sanctions on [Russian] oil, and whether it will be able to import oil after May 15?” the president said. He compared the possible effect of sanctions on Serbia to “a nuclear strike.”
Second, while this map does not accurately reflect how the actual people in these countries feel about this war, this map does a superb job showing us the list of pure comprador colonial ruling classes. So here is the score for our planet: the Empire, while already dead, still rules, by momentum, over 151 governments and only 24 countries have what it takes to openly oppose the voting directives from the Empire of Hate and Lies. The 58 countries which, like Pilate, have washed their hands from this vote are particularly pathetic, just like those who did not have the courage to even show up for the vote.
As for those who “voted green”, I wish I could send them each a small bag with 30 silver coins inside.
Radovka posted an interesting map showing how the world is split:
Legend: from L to R: pro Ukraine, sympathetic to the Ukraine, neutral, sympathetic to Russia, pro Russian
And here is a sanctions map I came across recently:
Of course, this is just a still-shot of an evolving situation. But the real value of these maps is that it shows three different groups:
- The real modern Nazis (CA+US+EU+AUS+NZ+JP).
- The comprador regimes who vote “correctly” but many of which do not want to put their money where their mouth is and who also want to get good and services from Russia (I think of them as countries with huge stomachs but tiny balls).
- The 25 countries which dared to defy the Empire of Hate and Lies and openly voted “no”.
Since the beginning of this war, the Russians have suffered many casualties trying hard NOT to harm civilians or the civilian infrastructure. The Ukronazis did the polar opposite: not only have they kidnapped thousands of people who have been “disappeared,” they have openly attacked civilians in the LDNR (Donbass), and since the SMO (special military operation), they have unleashed their hatred against almost every town they had to evacuate (to make the local “separs” pay) and to blame it all on “Russian atrocities”.
And the West noticed absolutely *nothing*.
At least officially. In reality, of course, this is directly the result of the kind of “instruction” the Ukronazis have received from their Anglo masters.
Here is the ugly truth nobody wants to openly admit: the West wants to genocide Russia and the West is ALREADY genociding the people of the Ukraine. If the Empire of Hate and Lies has its way, this war will last as long as possible, and include as many horrible atrocities as possible as well as a total destruction of the civilian infrastructure of the Ukraine.
As for Russia and the Russian people, there is only one thing I have not heard from our wonderful western neighbors yet: the screams “crucify them! crucify them! crucify them!”. Of course, that is not how the modern Crusaders express their feelings, they just want to “cancel Russia” – different words, same meaning.
If all this sounds demonic, it is because it is. Literally. And Russian history is filled with such genocidal invasions, and today, in conclusion, rather that use words I want to use a few paintings by the Russian artist Il’ia Glazunov. I don’t want to “explain” them, just look at them and you will maybe understand the Russian people and their history a little better than before, at least that is my hope.
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