ISIS Is Planning Major Offensive Against Multiple Targets Inside the United States
By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges
There can be no doubt that ISIS is planning numerous and simultaneous attacks (offensive) across the United States in the near future. The following cross-section of events clearly speak to the intent and also provides some clues about ISIS intended targets. I have sources that tell me of an impending ISIS campaign against the American people. Forget the deep cover sources. There is a suffiicent sample size of correlated data in order to justify that conclusion.
Judicial Watch Exposes the ISIS Invasion In April of 2015
Publicly, the United States and Mexico deny that there are ISIS terrorists operating near El Paso, TX. However, the rapid deployment of FBI personnel, following the release of a Judicial Watch disclosure which reported that ISIS maintains a base camp only a few miles from El Paso, TX., is noteworthy. The fact that the gathering of FBI brass at the border, and DHS was not invited, speaks to the deep division that is forming within the government on this issue.
The Judicial Watch report has come under intense criticism from Federal officials since it surfaced in April of 2015. However, the criticism is irrelevant and false. The presence of the ISIS camp is merely part of a bigger paramilitary force preparing to attack selected targets inside of the United States.
ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss. The implications are obvious.
According to documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the Juárez Cartel helps ISIS terrorists move through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. The report goes on to statedocuments that east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the unguarded border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. The Judicial Watch specifically state that these particular areas are targeted by ISIS because of “their understaffed municipal and county police forces as well as the already existing relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling”.
ISIS Targets Identified
According to Judicial Watch, “ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM”.
The ISIS Base Camp Is Part of a Much Bigger Terrorist Organization
The Common Sense Show has discovered that there is incontrovertible evidence that criminal drug cartels, like Los Zetas and the Sinaloa’s have not only used MS-13 gangsters as hit men and child sex traffickers, but so has the Juarez Cartel (partners with the ISIS leaders of the base camp near El Paso). Also participating in this terror network are members of the Barrio Azteca gang and the purpose is to enforce their will upon the border region between Mexico and the United States.
Los Zetas have also conducted training in parts of Central and South America, and have even allowed MS-13 gangsters to lead in operations as when “El Comandante Kilo” operated in San Fernando on behalf of Los Zetas. This training consists of two parts, military training and assassination. In plain corporate language, the Mexican drug cartels are outsourcing paramilitary activities such as assassinations and terrorism and their new friends, ISIS, has a base camp only a few miles from American soil. And as I covered in the Spring of 2014, ISIS is getting its weapons from the Sanchez Paredes drug cartel and and receiving training at a base camp outside of El Salvador.
Farooq Saeed, who is now known correctly as Syed Rizwan Farook, has been linked to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, according to several reports. Also, we now know he and his wife had 19 assault rifles and radio controlled explosives designed to take out first responders. Fortunately, they did not go off. It is now being reported that he had a large deposit made into his bank account. Where did the San Bernardino mass murder get his support, please reread the preceeding paragraph.
The San Bernardino attack was another in the long line of probing attacks designed to gather information about our response times and strategies of critical incident interventions.
Mexican/Middle Eastern Terrorists Are Equipped with Military Grade Weapons
Here is more detail about the likely that the San Bernardino terrorist had access to obtain.
A very disturbing and recent report from the International Assessment and Strategy Center stated that MS-13 is moving away from handguns to the use of AK-47’s, along with grenades, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and light anti-tank weapons! The same think tank also reported that MS-13 gang recently acquired multiple shoulder-fired SA-7 anti-aircraft missile launchers obtained from an open arms market in El Salvador from left over former civil war stockpiles. MS-13, and now ISIS, are equipping its forces with these weapons as they can easily knockout helicopters and airplanes from the skies and these weapons can be obtained for a mere $15,000. This is chump change for a gang associated with the drug cartels. The same report went on to state that MS-13 has begun to smuggle drugs, weapons and human beings for the Zetas. MS-13 members are being trained at Zetas camps outside San Salvador and the training includes high level military training being conducted by member of Hamas and Hezbollah.
Think TET offensive from the Viet Nam War. MS-13 and now, ISIS, are well-armed enough to take over cities by knocking out the headquarters of local police forces in a simultaneous series of attacks in which WMD’s are introduced on American soil. This belief is reinforced in the Judicial Watch report. However, if you still think this is far-fetched, please keep reading.
Texas Ranger Issues Warning About ISIS Attack In April of 2015
In late April of 2015, a Texas Ranger wrote to me and warned me that ISIS had enough manpower and equipment to launch a significant attack in Texas. Here is an excerpt to that communication:
“…The main reason that I am writing to you is to encourage you to keep writing on the growing threat of infiltration in Texas and I suspect other states as well. The infiltration I am writing about is not just Special Forces that are going to conducting covert drills in our state. that is concerning and I agree with you this involves martial law. For now I am talking about ISIS and the danger that they pose to all of us. Our intelligence indicates that they have enough manpower & firepower to subdue a small town…”
I am convinced, that on a predetermined signal similar to the Viet Cong Tet Offensive, a coordinated and massive attack will be launched against the United States. What we have been witnessing up to this point, are probing actions. ISIS and friends are testing our response times, the nature of our first response, etc. The following are a partial list of ISIS offensives against the people of the United States that Obama and the MSM refuses to recognize the events for what they are, a Fifth column invasion of the United States which will result in martial law followed by World War III.
ISIS Fires Upon Border Patrol Helicopter In June 2015
The Laredo Morning Times reported that a Border Patrol helicopter was shot at and was struck on Friday evening near La Bota Ranch, according to Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar. Sheriff Cuellar said that out of the five shots, two were confirmed to have hit the helicopter.
A Spokesperson for the Border Patrol, Sara Melendez, said the helicopter landed safely and no injuries were reported. It has not been confirmed if the shots were fired on the U.S. or Mexico side.
A later Border Patrol statement says the crew of the Office of Air and Marine helicopter was patrolling the US-Mexico border near the banks of the Rio Grande. According to the Border Patrol, bullets hit the rite side of the aircraft and the rotor blade, which could have produced catastrophic results, but the pilot was able to land safely with no injuries to Border Patrol personnel.
The MSM coverup instantly sprang into action as CNN reported that the shots came from inside of Mexico. Not so, according to my Border Patrol source. This was ISIS. The Border Patrol knew it and so did Obama.
F-16 Crash at the Mexican Border In June of 2015
Russian proxy forces, armed with Russian EMP technology are responsible for bringing down an F-16 piloted by an Iraqi general flying near the Mexican border. In this Beta test of new Russian technology. Russia fired the first shots of World War III.
An Iraqi pilot who had been training in the United States for four years was flying an F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft that crashed in southern Arizona, a spokesman for the Iraqi defense minister said last Thursday. Brigadier General Rasid Mohammed Sadiq Hasan was alone in the F-16 Fighting Falcon when it went down during a training mission on Wednesday. The crash occurred near the Mexican border.
I have two confidential sources, one who is on the inside, and another who has connections to those on the inside and they are both independently saying the same thing. “The crash of this F-16 plane was no accident”. The circumstantial evidence forms a “preponderance of the evidence” which supports the fact that Russia is ultimately responsible for the take down of this particular F-16. ISIS carried out the attack.
Now there are some who are falsely or incorrectly stating that the plane was shot down by a hand held stinger missile which was found in the desert near the crash site of Douglas, AZ. This claim is rubbish. The F-16 is armed with counter measures and it is not likely that a hand held missile stinger could have shot that plane down given the evasive maneuvers that could have been employed at 10,000 feet, the reported altitude that the plane was flying at when it began its fall from the sky. .
In actuality, what has happened and what those close to the investigation are saying, have shaken the U.S. military to the core. This F-16 was not shot down, it was brought down. My sources have stated that General Lloyd Austin, commander of US Central Command, along with key members of his staff have stated that they are investigating this crash not as an accident and not as a shoot down, but as a take down, a take down by a localized and focused EMP blast aimed at the plane.
The proliferation of EMP weapons has expanded beyond previously unimagined levels. There are how to manuals on how to make your own. However, the type of weaponry designed to take down an F-16 flying at about 10,000 feet would have to be amazingly sophisticated and would likely be guided by portable radar with the assistance of lasers.
A localized and very crude EMP weapon is demonstrated here in this video.
We also know that Russia exported EMP weapons to North Korea in 2014, and this leads us into a very novel way to look at the recent crash of the F-16 at the Mexican Border. After reading the following paragraphs which exposes the interconnections between Russia, the known terrorist groups, the Mexican drug cartels and ISIS, it is easy to conclude that Russia is providing localized EMP weapons to more than just North Korea.
On December 6, 2015, the TNT TV show, Agent X, portrayed a scene in which the Vice-President’s helicopter was brought down by a localized EMP gun.
Russia’s Terrorist Connections Connected to the F-16 Takedown
We have case of the knee bone being connected to the thigh bone…It has been admitted to in the main stream media, since 2007, that the Mexican drug cartels are openly involved in Middle Eastern terrorist groups. My DEA source has implicated the Peruvian drug cartel, the Sanchez-Peredes cartel as the arms and drug supplier to the Sinoloa cartel. The Sanchez-Peredes get their arms from Hamas and are also tied into the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah (i.e. the CIA-created ISIS as exposed in detail by ARSOF’s Scott Bennett). And it is well-known that Russia and Hamas are closely aligned as Russia has supplied the government of Syria with Russian weapons and used Hamas to deliver the weapons. This is where the shooting down of the F-16 gets very interesting. All of these groups are tied to ISIS.
The Chattanooga Assassin In July of 2015
By now most Americans, in one way or another, have heard of the tragic event in Chattanooga, TN., in which Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez attacked two separate military facilities which resulted in the death of four American servicemen. The local papers in Chattanooga have portrayed the assassin as a normal member of a normal family who was a productive member of the community. Already, the mainstream media is spinning this event as a deranged gunman gone crazy and when the smoke clears, President Obama will renew his cries for removing guns from the hands of American citizens.
There were warnings that this Jihadist murder was going to carry out his heinous crime from excerpts of the two following posts made less than three days before the attack.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah (SWT), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Here is a telling excerpt from a web post made by the assassin less than thrON sENSEee days before his horrible act, as published in “Understanding Islam: The Story of the Three Blind Men”.
“…Take your study guide, the Quran and Sunnah, with strength and faith, and be firm as you live your short life in this prison called Dunya. Allah (SWT) says live for this life and the hereafter according to their length. Rasulullah says the life on this world compared to the hereafter is like a drop compared to an ocean”.
(Editor’s Note: Nineteen times in the Quran, the teachings call for the murder of nonbelievers. How did the NSA miss these website posts by this soon-to-be murderer?)
“…Brothers and sisters don’t be fooled by your desires, this life is short and bitter and the opportunity to submit to allah may pass you by. Take his word as your light and code and do not let other prisoners, whether they are so called “Scholars” or even your family members, divert you from the truth. If you make the intention to follow allahs way 100 % and put your desires to the side, allah will guide you to what is right…”
This was an attack by ISIS and it was an intelligence gathering attack.
Abdulazeez drew authorities away from his intended target with a fake attack. It is very likely that this was another Beta test to draw law enforcement into an ambush, while carrying out the primary and intended attack miles away. This is classic Sun Tzu strategy.
I could go on, but the readers should grasp the main idea. American are being probed by an increasingly sophisticated enemy who is well-armed and very well financed. They are preparing to unleash holy hell upon the United States. Their targets will include, airliners, schools, malls and anywhere in which soft kill targets (i.e. gun free zones) exist. The only answer to this threat for as many Americans as possible to arm themselves and carry weapons everywhere they go.
TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.
See featured article HERE
Bring the truth to the forefront and say the U.S. Inc. Shadow Government is planning it with it’s bumbling spoiled rich CIA children attempts to sell it with blessings from the Zionist family worldwide. These repetitive, glorified, sensationalized fear mongering scenarios again are laughable. Makes the Rothschilds nervous as hell as they are throwing out everything and anything but nothing sticks like it used to. C’mon guys, we’re not buying this any longer from you or MSM.