KEN’S CORNER: America Betrayed Again & Again
Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
The picture: Freezing in the North Sea on the Ninnion Central. The largest man made movable structure till 1999. I was tired, bewildered, afraid, angry, and at a loss… I still am.
This is the day I woke up to two men waiting at the door to escort me to the Company Man. It was so strange, I thought something really bad had happened. I was right.
He asked me to sit down and if I had any family in New York City. I said no, and really started getting nervous. He turned on Sky News, and I watched the Twin Towers collapse. I told him that was a movie… and he said it happened five hours ago.
Building seven fell while I was having breakfast. Everyone on the rig, and I, the only American, said it all came down by designed demolition. And after I have studied it from every side, I know that Osama Ben Louden had nothing to do with it, and Israel knew.
Lots of people and corporations knew, known to me by the put options on United and American Airlines three days prior, 351 percent higher that normal activity. The lies still stand, with no independent investigation, and there have been plenty, from pilots to engineers, but none of this information has gone to court… saying it undermines national security. Now that is a thought to ponder.
The same people who did that, and got away with it, are making a last ditch effort to break America for their power and control. I look around at the fear and masks for eight months now, and the stealing of the election… and it looks like they are winning. We will see. I, for one, will not give up.
Lots of people on FB are saying this is the week… but I personally have been waiting for thirty years. Ever since I found out about the Tonkin Gulf incident, a false flag to get us involved in Vietnam. And the loss of 58,000 of my brothers, haunts me… and my voice is silenced on this platform, shadow banned. In the last 11 years I have published 1067 essays, trying, trying, trying,,, thinking the pen is mightier than the sword… I am beginning to wonder…
I think of the three thousand who died in the towers too, and the souls who had no alternative but to jump. Those images are embedded in my mind vividly.
I want justice and truth, because without it we are nothing but slaves. And I do not want revenge, or vengeance, I want my Constitution to take care of them.
Our Constitutional Republic based on law is the only thing we have for justice, and if that is crushed my Marxist Communism in our Congress, in our House, an oath I took in the Navy comes to mind… to protect the Constitution from all enemies both domestic and foreign… and another founding quote hits home too… that the tree of liberty must be replenished by the blood of tyrants and patriots. Yes, that is something I have come to accept as my own, that there are some things worth dying for… but I see few who would.
You see, American is an oligarchy, and the illusion of Liberty is manufactured by them to appease our spirit, and that manipulation continues. We must cut the head off of this snake without doing any harm to America. Due process, term limits, guts and volition, education of our founding principles… This is the strength we need. And I’m going to say it again… they do not love us, or America. They use us in every conceivable way, and it is lucrative.
Before they go down they will try to destroy us, burning us to the grown, playing us to kill each other, again, and again, unrelenting, one inspired anomaly of false flags after another to hide behind.
I love President Trump, he sees it. But without we the people, he is just one man. If Trump calls me, I will be there.
Parting Shot (from the movie Network):
Read more great articles by Ken LaRive
From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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