KEN’S CORNER: Our Masters
Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
Mark Levin says a lot of things we want and need to hear. He talks about Civil Liberty given to us by God, and our Constitution given to us by God-inspired Founders, now ignored in the Beltway. I like what he says, but like everything else on that black box, the whole truth is withheld. Here is what Mark Levin does not tell us…
His God is one of wrath and vengeance, a jealous God as is found in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. It is not the teachings of Jesus Christ. He mentions constantly the Jewish Holocaust, but fails to mention, not once in the year I have watched him, the Zionist roll in world affairs. Indeed, they are fake Jews.
Zionists Jews out of New York City and Bolshevik Zionist Jews in Russia, conspired with the Zionist owned Rothschild banking system to create an effective, well financed and orchestrated coup to crush the Russian Monarchy. They were successful, and they killed more than 60 millions in the years that followed, crushing not only all Christians, but any person who did not adhere to the party line. Why isn’t that mentioned? Because Zionists own the media, about 95 percent of it. They own the mega corporations Levin says has too much power over the people. Never mentioned that Zionists wrote the footnotes in the King James Evangelical Bible, Cambridge, that their Rothschild central banks confiscated the Catholic Bank, and infiltrated into The Church to cause havoc, because Zionists are secular, and anyone in Russia caught assembling or worshiping, was put to death. But not here, an emphatic truth: Russia has thrown off the yoke of these by international scourge, and is now again a Christian nation, and all religions who want to live in peace are welcome there. Putin, just five years after he kicked out and arrested the Zionist Oligarchy that retained power from the Revolution, but held up a paper that said that Mother Russia now had Zero Debt. Just two Christmases ago, standing in front of his church on Christmas night, Putin declared that he was a reborn Christian, and that his Lord and Savior was Jesus Christ. Never reported in America. Secular Zionists hate Religion, and so hate Russia.
Levin is indeed right, the Constitution can save us, but what he never mentions is very disconcerting, and we will never win back America without this knowledge, this truth. Marxist Communism, The Progressive movement, ANTIFA, Neoconservatism, were all created by secular Zionists, and completely controlled by them to this very day. They own the Federal Reserve, which has put us in a debt that can never be paid, from 6 trillions to 28 Trillions since 2008. They have the most powerful lobby in the world, AIPAC, and control our AI computer, the CIA, The FBI, The international Monetary Fund, and is above our Constitution… We are missing 7.5 trillions, that we can see on the books, with wire transfers unaccountable to we the people. What is off the books?
Currently, we are fighting unprecedented tyranny, wave after wave, from a stolen election, to a fake Pandemic. Sure, something man made has escaped, and people are dying, but amazingly the total amount of deaths has dwindled from last year. What? A pandemic, by definition, is 7 percent of the population dying in the street. Lot of money has been made, and civil Liberty is the price we trustingly pay.
They control Fort Knox, and have not allowed an audit in over 55 years. Trucks go and come constantly, but we are not allowed to know why. I asked Ron Paul about this when he was speaking at a university here in Louisiana, and he said he had been on the Gold Commission for years, but was not allowed to know. Does all this sound like an easy task: Liberty from Tyranny? They have the ability to turn out the lights, and in one week 50 percent of us so called Patriots would kill each other in the dark, to save their families. Today, their Big Pharma, has us wearing masks, as their media creates unbridled fear, and trillions are being made in a vaccine… a vaccine that once took years to make, can now be done in months.
Kennedy pushed back, tried to print our own money again, but he got a bullet. They won’t allow President Trump to continue. Why? In 1871 America became a corporation. Did you Learn that in your Marxist Zionist owned university? It operates under Maritime law, operates internationally, and is above the Constitution. Mark is right. The Constitution is the only benign way to take back America without blood. The Pharmaceutical industry is Zionist owned, the military industries, is promoted by a banking system that has orchestrated every war in the the last 120 years. All wars are two banks fighting for power and control, and they control your mind as well. Did you know that when the media says that China is printing money like there is no tomorrow, that that bank is a Zionist Rothschild Central Bank? There are only three countries left that do not want to be enslaved. Can you name them? I’ll give you a hint… we hate their guts.
Volumes can be written about this, and the books who have are taboo. Here is one more gem: What were the people in Germany so scarred about as they watched the unbridled carnage right over their border? Their country was being infiltrated just as the Marxists are doing to us right now. Antifa became a paramilitary arm of the German Government, and a powerful Zionist media controlled truth with one hand and debt slavery with the other. Porn was created in the mist of a Catholic Country and their music, their literature, the media, dominated their culture, belittling their heritage, and opening their borders to North Africans who they put on the dole. Hitler was elected with 97 percent of the vote to fight Antifa, the strong arm of Marxist Communism. But wait… in the middle of this conflict Zionist Scientists fled to America, and with unlimited resources from the Rothschild Bank, created a nuclear bomb. I’m not saying it didn’t stop the Japanese, though their cities were already razed. No, what is important here is knowing who was the second to get the bomb? Marxist Communists Russia. Men saw this, and tried to push back, like Ford, Lindbergh, and McCarthy, but to no avail. Our Masters gave Marxist Communists the bomb.
Do you know where the word “media” comes from? It was a lovely Greek God, Media, the God of illusion, and Secular Zionists own and operate it. She was so enticing, so beautiful, so loved, but she stood for nothing but power and control. Truth meant nothing, and this is our masters… and so far, they do nothing but grow. Even as I have just put this on Zionist owned Face Book, it is already shadow banned. We have no free press.
There are many types of Jews, just like Christianity. These are the fake Jews that Jesus told us about: Beware of Jews who say they are jews but are not. For they lie. They belong to the Synagogue of Satan. This is found in the book of Revelations.
Hitler was a monster because he was fighting a monster, and wanted to win. I do not love monsters, but I do want to know why they became that… what would you do to save your religion, your culture, your country, and you family to win. Anything you say?
What I am is an investigative reporter. I seek truth, and a solution to our enslavement. What I have written above is not an original thought out of the air, but is well documented by paper trails, Court documents, financial records. Writers such as Edwin Black have been telling the truth for over forty years, and is well received as a true historian from Germany, Russia, Italy, to Israel. He has put an embarrassing black eye on secular Zionists that can not be denied no matter how they create taboo, or try to suppress it.
I want America back, and I will not stop. Give me Liberty, or give me death. Is President Trump going to win? He has to.
Parting Shot …
Read more great articles from KEN’S CORNER
From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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