KEN’S CORNER: Till my dying day… Pops
Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
It had started to rain, as I remember, and we were all trapped inside. I was sitting on my sofa taking a break from playing with stuffed animals and dress-up, reading my newspaper. From the side of my eye I saw a little dimpled hand reach out and touch my forehead. “Why are you frowning Pops? What’s wrong?”
I looked up to see her blue eyes squinting at me with four-year-old concern… And with a flash of wonder realized that her tiny fingers had touched my frown, and so I immediately gave her a big smile.
“Oh, it’s nothing darling!” I said. “Pops is just trying to study his newspaper. I’m trying to learn what it says.” And to me, this seemed to console her, as she gave me a big smile too. She turned and again sat down on the carpet with her big brother to play Legos… but turned to look at me again, and with something like an afterthought she said: “You’re learning about sad things Pops?”
But she didn’t want an answer for that. All she wanted was to build a red wall with her Lego set, and hoped that I would sit with them and help. And as I searched the shoe box for another red cube to snap together, I felt a rush of fear sweep through me, a chill to the very bone, and I struggled with everything I had to hide it.
I saw their world unfolding, and mine unraveling, and I thought of the possibility that no matter how much I tried, I could not stop it. It was too big. A new world was being created on the ashes of the old, a dismantling of the country I thought my own.
I saw them in debt, a debt that could never be paid. I saw that they would never have a moment of complete solitude, or privacy, or liberty, or ever know truth. I saw that they would be slaves to a system that would attempt to project itself in their minds as an original thought, with a scientifically propagandized methodology long proven to coerce and control. I saw God displaced by technology without bounds, science without ethics, and a collective ego without imagination, or free expression. I saw a system designed to manage their thoughts, attempting to intimately own their very souls. And I saw, from my own eyes, bleary with tears held in check, and a lump in my throat from dread, that I was the only thing standing in the way. Me, Pops.
As I look back over my life, and what by the grace of God I have created, I find myself responsible for this world. Just as I have taken responsibility for my own action, so too do I take responsibility for my inaction. I should have stood up long ago. I should have studied more, tried harder, and got involved. And from deep inside of my heart, from a place that holds all of the dusty regrets shelved and tightly sealed, to keep my sanity, I can only say, I’m so very sorry. I’m so sorry my little ones. And I know that most likely by the time you realize this world for what it is, I’ll be long gone.
I hope you live in a world of enlightenment, illuminated by truth, and your hearts are full of love and joy. If you have found this around you, I could rest easy in eternity, because I know by my study that the liberty that creates this is not free, and that someone bled to give it to you… you see, I have a confession my Love… Liberty, once lost will never be returned, and I have let it slip through my fingers.
So know this. I love you more than anything in this world, and I’ll keep trying until my dying day, just as I know you will for your own grand kids, by the grace of God.
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From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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“Ken (retired oil-field hand and now, antique dealer) will “touch your spirit” with this one – b/c ALL of us, “ARE HERE” in our hearts!” Ken, this is how I shared with several friends (about half are Scott HS classmates, etc. in your area). BIEN MERCI, KEN – you “nailed-down” how so many are feeling! Keep writing & sharing, please!